Western Wilderness is a remote area. The strength of Cultivation World is more than that of Zhong Prefecture. Originally, the Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator was only the old Divine Sword from Divine Sword Sect.

But I don’t know why Heavenly Demon Sect's Dugu Tian Feng went to Zhong Prefecture more than two hundred years ago and got a great opportunity. After returning to the sect, secluded bitter cultivation broke through Nascent Soul Late Stage's moat.

And the old man of Divine Sword Sect of Divine Sword Sect, after Primordial Yang ran out more than a hundred years ago, originally thought that Divine Sword Sect would fall. It’s Nascent Soul Late Stage.

As a result, the original balance of Western Wilderness was broken again. In addition, Yan Bing Yanbing of Maiden Faction has broken into reincarnation, and now Sect Master Yan Fanxin cannot support it alone. It was originally Divine Sword Sect 5, Heavenly Demon Sect 3, and Maiden Faction's stalemate situation can no longer be maintained.

On the one hand, Heavenly Demon Sect glare like a tiger watching his prey is eager to expand its power, on the other hand, the veteran powerhouse Divine Sword Sect takes a hold on. The two sides struggled with each other but suffered from Maiden Faction. Heavenly Demon Sect's expanded sphere of influence was mostly taken from the original territory of Maiden Faction.

The area that Maiden Faction can actually control now is only a thousand miles away from sect. In addition, there was no effective deterrent, coupled with Heavenly Demon Sect's constant provocations in private, Yan Fanxin decisively and directly gave up many external power strongholds.

But even with the overbearing of Heavenly Demon Sect and Divine Sword Sect, Yan Fanxin is still struggling to cope with a situation where he can only maintain a compromise.

In Western Wilderness, there is also a neutral area sanctuary. Three sects will choose this place for all matters to be discussed.

This time, the three sects alliance provoked by Heavenly Demon Sect happens to be hanging here, and its intention is obviously to re-divide the sphere of influence of Western Wilderness.

In the past few years, with the deliberate support of Heavenly Demon Sect, some small Subordinate Sects in the surrounding area have grown and become neutral or large forces.

This time Heavenly Demon Sect brought them all in, just to confuse the forces of Western Wilderness so as to profit from it.

When Divine Sword Sect discovered that his opponent had such a plan, he began to cultivate vassal forces, seeking a new balance in the general situation.

As for Maiden Faction, it is overwhelmingly more impossible to cultivate vassals. As a result, the party who was originally the weakest now appears to be even weaker.

It was the Japanese Divine Sword Sect flying boat that arrived directly above the Holy City, and then a large sect cultivator, led by two Nascent Soul Cultivators, moved directly into the Divine Sword Sect in the city.

It didn't take long for another flying boat to sail from the horizon, and the flag on it was all Heavenly Demon Sect. Needless to say, it was the Heavenly Demon, the flagship of its sect.

Shaoqing dropped hundreds of cultivators from the sky above the flying boat. The two Nascent Soul Cultivators who took the lead were almost the same as Divine Sword Sect. It seems that the senior leaders of both sides of the three sects conference have passed the air early in the morning, and the cultivators that everyone has come out are similar.

The news soon spread to Maiden Faction's resident, and a transmission talisman flashed by in the depths of the backyard of the inner courtyard, and it did not fall into a ban.

The three people sitting in the inner courtyard are Yan Fanxin, Yan Zhaoxue and Yi Tian who have come all the way to help.

Since the encounter with Yan Zhaoxue in Northern Plains six months ago, he was directly dragged by him to have endured the hardships of a long journey and rushed back to Western Wilderness. Because of the tight time, even the Maiden Faction was too late. After that, I came directly to the meeting place of three sects.

Fortunately, Yan Zhaoxue sent Maiden Faction Sect Master Yan Fanxin in advance to inform her to come to the Maiden Faction in Holy City to meet.

At this time, Yan Fanxin held the sent message jade talisman with divine sense and scanned the content and then passed it directly to Yi Tian.

This time, Yan Zhaoxue is also determined to compete with Heavenly Demon Sect and Divine Sword Sect. In her words, if you retreat again and again, I am afraid that Western Wilderness will not be in less than a hundred years. Someone will remember Maiden Faction again.

Although Yan Fanxin has ideas in his heart, he can’t do it, no matter how hard he struggles in front of absolute strength, it’s futile. Fortunately, three sects are finally equal in strength, and you can sit down and carry out the real meaning. Negotiations on.

Yi Tian took the message and placed it in his hand, and glanced over to see that it was the emblem of Heavenly Demon Sect. It was the kid Dugu Ao who sent the call, but the content of the call was a retelling of the proud words of Ximen Kuang.

The content is also interesting. He said that Heavenly Demon Sect is still thinking about the agreement with Maiden Faction Yan Bingyan many years ago, and he is willing to marry Yan Zhaoxue in. As a result, the two merged into one to deal with Divine Sword Sect together.

Yan Zhaoxue leaned over and came to Yi Tian’s divine sense and swept through the face turned cold and said: "Dugu Ao, the lazy toad wants to eat swan's meat, he never entered this Miss’s magic eye even back then. More how is now."

Yi Tian smiled and said: "Dugu virtuous brother is also a man of temperament. I have seen early on that he is obsessed with path of cultivation. As for this idea of ​​marriage Mostly Old Ghost Ximen did it."

Didn't expect Yan Zhaoxue pursed her lips after hearing this: "The Yilang family is coming to marry your wife, how come you seem to be at all Don't worry."

Yan Zhaoxue thinks carefully about this. Yi Tian knows it well, she just wants to use her reputation to deter Heavenly Demon Sect and Divine Sword Sect.

It's just that the two Nascent Soul Cultivators here are just following orders, and the real solution is to find the person behind the scenes.

Immediately, Yi Tian just reached out and returned the transmission jade talisman to Yan Fanxin, and then said disdainfully: "Since the transmission of Heavenly Demon Sect has passed, it must be that Divine Sword Sect will not be late. Go. You guys and yours first, let me repair a book and return them to the Two Great Sects separately."

Yan Zhaoxue hearing this hurriedly asked: "Is Yi Lang going to give Two Great Sects to Two Great Sects? Are you war books?"

"War books, you can count them with your understanding," Yi Tian blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "My two handwritten books can't be read by ordinary people. Give them to They are just to attract the person behind the scenes to show up that's all."

"The concubine has thanked Yi Lang for his help. Maiden Faction will still maintain its previous influence in the future. If you want to come to your mother, you can also look down on it. "Yan Zhaoxue stepped forward and said to Yi Tian, ​​said with a smile.

On one side, Yan Fanxin also turned from worries to joy. The cultivation base and strength of the people in front of him have long been heard, and it is hard to tell the depth at first sight today. And since Yan Zhaoxue has promised to lead the Maiden Faction, I think the next thing is where water flows, a canal is formed.

I saw that Yi Tian took out two jade slips and wrote letters in them respectively, and then put the jade slips away and put a unique mark on the seal.

Then once again took out a Western Wilderness map and drew a few strokes on it and handed it to Yan Fanxin, saying: "From now on, the division of the sphere of influence of Western Wilderness three sects will be based on this."

Yan Zhaoxue glanced at the map and exclaimed: "Is Yi Lang painted wrong? How come Maiden Faction's sphere of influence has become the largest?"

Yan Fanxin also stepped forward and scanned the map and said, "Yes, Sect Master. This is to let Heavenly Demon Sect and Divine Sword Sect separate many areas that they actually control. I'm afraid they won't. And the huge Maiden Faction is too powerful to be fully controlled."

Yi Tian just laughed replied: "They will agree, and you don’t need to worry about my own arrangements in these areas. , Keep Maiden Faction and keep these areas firmly in your hands. You just take the two jade slips and the map and send them there. I will take care of the rest."

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