In the high altitude, an assault boat is speeding fast, and in the main control room of the assault boat, Yi Tian and Yan Zhaoxue are sitting face to face at this time.

Yan Zhaoxue, who has not been seen for nearly four hundred years, is already a Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivator, and Yi Tian has clearly discovered that when she sits next to her, the True Fire in her body will be inexplicable. Restlessness.

This feeling is the same as when I met Yan Bingyan back then. After thinking about it, it should be the special feature of Kuiyin's lineage cultivation technique, which will make me feel strangely close.

Along the way, Yi Tian spent most of the time listening to Yan Zhaoxue's endless explanations of the major events that have occurred in Western Wilderness over the years. First of all, her mother Yan Bingyan has already exhausted her life essence and escaped into reincarnation.

Yi Tian is also sighed at this point, thinking that he once promised to find Heaven Mending Pill in the sword Divine Realm to extend his life. Thinking of this, I sighed and said: "I also blame me for not keeping the promise at this time. If I can find the Heaven Mending Pill, maybe the Kuiyin Sect Founder will be able to live for 500 years and witness the revival of Lihuo."

Yan Zhaoxue shook her head and replied: "Yi Lang, don't blame yourself. In fact, my mother is very old, and she is older than Chi Yangzi senior. Moreover, all these years of wasteful time have exhausted thousands of miles, even if It is Shouyan Wubai who can't have a breakthrough on the cultivation base."

"Junior sister, what is your name?" Yi Tian asked urgently in his heart for no reason.

"hmph you said just now that you will keep your promises back then, do you want to regret it now?" Yan Zhaoxue's little mouth changed even her tone of voice.

This time it's Yi Tian's turn to be undefeated. The first condition to welcome Kuiyin Lineage's return was to marry Yan Zhaoxue as his wife. Looking at her now, Yi Tian knows that Yan Bingyan must have talked to her.

In this way, the mouth also whispered in a low voice, but in Yan Zhaoxue's ears, he thought that Yi Tian had other thoughts and thoughts to play tricks. Immediately, Yan Zhaoxue's eyes were red and a drop of tears fell, but her mouth was very annoyed: "Mother is right, you men all have motives. Once your goal is achieved, you will always give up."

This time It was Yi Tian's turn to get his head big, and he spoke well about how he seemed to have become a heartless man. Seeing the faint cry of Yan Zhaoxue's sleeves covering her face, she clenched the teeth opened the mouth and said: "Junior sister, don’t worry, when did I say that I didn’t keep my promise."

"Really, Then did you agree to marry me?" Yan Zhaoxue immediately turned from anger to happily and said: "Then what are you hesitating?"

Yi Tian was speechless after seeing her, didn't expect her emotions The transformation can be so fast. Then he said: "It's just that I already have two Dao Companions, so I just wanted to explain to you again, so as not to be embarrassed when meeting everyone."

"Men's three wives and four concubines are also considered as such. Normally, not to mention that you are now the Great Cultivator of Nascent Soul Late Stage, and three Dao Companions around you are also normal. Are you afraid that others will make irresponsible remarks behind your back?" Yan Zhaoxue said with disdain.

At this point, Yi Tian can only recognize it. Besides, he and Yan Zhaoxue were quite destined back then. Everyone knows the roots.

Later, I turned to a topic and asked: "Do you know a lot about my news?"

"The Trigram Fire Sect, the number one Sect gate in the world, is back, although Those who believe in the mysterious and secretive of the Lihuo old clan rarely appear in front of the world. But I knew it was you as soon as I guessed it. If you were able to marry me decisively back then, it would save you so much trouble." Yan Zhaoxue did. Said with a grimace.

This obviously has hidden meaning. I'm afraid that Maiden Faction has been in a bad situation in Western Wilderness these years. Since Yan Bingyan's death, Maiden Faction's sphere of influence is probably due to Heavenly Demon Sect and Divine. Sword Sect join forces to suppress it.

Yi Tian then slowly said what he had guessed in his heart. After Yan Zhaoxue stopped, she was out of anger and said in anger: "Two hundred years ago, the Dugu Tian wind of Heavenly Demon Sect was gone. After Zhong Prefecture, and then secluded bitter cultivation after returning to the clan, he finally achieved the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Late Stage 40 years ago."

"I can guess that when the wind of Dugu Tian came to Zhong Prefecture, I happened to meet me, and I went to Trigram Fire Sect Pill Pavilion to explore it. I found the Barrier Breaking Pill, so he entered The late stage is also expected." Yi Tian replied.

Yan Zhaoxue opened her eyes wide and stretched out her hand and pointed out: "Let me be controlled by Maiden Faction everywhere, this matter must be one of the accomplices."

Yi Tian, ​​laughed in a hurry, embarrassed Divine Sword Sect is also impossible. Seeing that Heavenly Demon Sect becomes bigger, they will definitely respond. Have you united with your Maiden Faction?"

Yan Zhaoxue shook her head. "Of course not, they can't take care of themselves. Did you know that the original Divine Sword Sect old man had exhausted his life essence a hundred years ago, but didn't expect that Beiming Kongjing had been to Zhong Prefecture Heavenly Fate Sect to find someone to calculate him? The road to advancement. As a result, I don’t know how he hid somewhere secluded cultivation, until the breakthrough to Nascent Soul Late Stage 30 years ago, he rushed back to Divine Sword Sect."

Yi Tian looked at Yan Zhaoxue's grimace in the eyes knew that Maiden Faction had not been easy over the years. Surviving in the cracks of Two Great Sects was bound to be affected in many ways.

I saw Yan Zhaoxue leaning forward with his eyes slightly red at this time, and suddenly fell into her arms and said in a crying tone: "Yi Lang, you have to stand up for me, Heavenly Demon Sect and Divine Sword Sect competed between the two powers. On the surface, people were constantly sent to Maiden Faction to propose marriages to win us, but secretly, the Sect forces were suppressed everywhere. Now the area that Maiden Faction can control is less than half of the original. In the next 100 years, Maiden Faction will be completely marginalized. The most likely thing is to become their Subordinate Sect."

Seeing that Yan Zhaoxue has said so, Yi Tian is also embarrassed by it, to be honest. Since I am ready to accept Yan Zhaoxue, the entanglement between Western Wilderness sect is incomparable.

I have to give Yan Zhaoxue the first time for Maiden Faction. The three-legged Western Wilderness balance will only be broken once it is broken. It will definitely be a situation where the two powers are fighting. For Cultivation World, this is possible. Not a good thing.

Whoever provokes a dispute will quickly expand and evolve into a continuous battle of Two Great Sects. This should have nothing to do with me, but Maiden Faction, which cannot hold Yan Zhaoxue, must be the first to be involved in Western Wilderness.

I opened the mouth and said if I wanted to: "Well, I can talk to Dugu Tian Feng and Bei Ming Kong Jing on behalf of Maiden Faction. It would be best if you don’t have to do it."

"Can Yi Lang be able to deal with these two old monsters with certainty?" Yan Zhaoxue asked.

"Things are man-made, don't deify me too much, everything is the most precious of harmony, hands-on is the last resort to use." Yi Tian smiled and replied.

"Then you and I will go to the three sects meeting together, as long as you talk about these two old ghosts at the meeting, Western Wilderness can still maintain its original appearance in the future," Yan Zhaoxue A trace of bright light flashed in his eyes.

"Do your best." Yi Tian replied helplessly.

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