In the root crypt of Divine Tree Jianmu in the depths of Northern Plains, Yi Tian not only left the hibiscus branches, but also put the purple golden bottle gourd and a pruned white jade lotus root. Give it to the Soul Eater Mouse King.

According to his eyesight, only these two distinct things can enter his eyes, and the Soul Eater Mouse King also patted his chest to ensure that as long as these two distinct things are handed over to him to cultivate, he can not only be on time In addition to the divine wood core required for the construction of the ascent platform, mature Purple Gold Red Gourd and the whole white jade lotus root can be cultivated, including lotus root, lotus, lotus leaf, lotus seed and so on.

Speaking of this Purple Gold Red Gourd, it is an essential container for storing high-end medicine pills. I also read the medicine pill above the sixth rank from the sect alchemy. Do not use ordinary jade bottle containers for storage.

Now there is no other high-end storage item in hand except the pure spirit bottle, so I think we need a mature Purple Gold Red Gourd again and again.

As for the white jade lotus root, the effect is even greater. The lotus stems can be used to refine high-level Spiritual Qi, and the lotus seeds can be used to cultivate more white jade lotus roots. The most valuable thing is white jade. Lotus root itself. In addition to living human skin, it can also be used as the main medicine for refining pure spiritual liquid.

Speaking of this pure spiritual liquid, Yi Tian is yearning for it. According to the alchemy of Sect, this pure spiritual liquid is also divided into three or six classes. One drop of top grade pure spiritual liquid in Spirit Realm can restore all spiritual power in an instant.

It can be said that it is a peerless spiritual medicine that is the decisive factor at a critical moment. Unfortunately, the process of refining is more complicated and it takes less trouble to complete the materials.

As for the medium-pure spiritual liquid, it is not a treasure that you can peek at now. Only the most inferior pure spiritual liquid can be applied to Spirit Transformation cultivator, or those powerful Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator.

Moreover, if you want to prepare a low-level pure spiritual liquid, you need a seven-level spirit plant as the main medicine, and dozens of rare medicine ingredients.

Looking at this world, except for the white jade lotus root, the rest of the materials are not difficult to collect, but the pure spiritual liquid that comes out can only be regarded as the last level, but fortunately there is a Jingling bottle in hand . Yi Tian had long planned in mind that as long as the concentration function of the Jingling bottle was used to purify these spiritual liquids, low-order pure spiritual liquids would be obtained.

Although the process is a bit wasted, the result is still very impressive. If you bring a bottle of pure spiritual liquid on your body, it will definitely alleviate many crises, and it will not be necessary to use the cultivation technique in the future to be terrified. and over-cautious for fear that spiritual power will be difficult to follow.

After leaving Northern Plains, there is no Transmission Formation that Yi Tian can directly use all the way.

Along the way, Yi Tian sat in the main control room of the assault boat and controlled the takeoff boat to fly in the air at high speed. Quietly let go of the divine sense along the way to explore the situation all around five hundred miles.

Three days later, when Feizhou was rushing in the air, he suddenly realized that there was someone in front of him in front of him, and it seemed that the number of people was quite a lot. There were as many as four, and it turned out to be four. A cultivator of Nascent Soul's early stage.

Looking at this kind of battle, most of them are to block people, and the person they have to deal with must be a powerful expert. The so-called mundane affairs Yi Tian doesn't have time to drip the muddy water, but if he wants to change his way, he seems to be afraid of the other party.

I didn't want to stop thinking about it and continued to move towards that direction. When he was three hundred miles away from the opponent after a while, the dead man also found his whereabouts.

After that, they didn't evade, and they moved towards the direction of the flying boat and surrounded them as if they were going to chase and intercept them.

Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth after discovering such a situation. People in today's world who dare to block their way don't even know how to write dead words.

After a while, the four people went straight up and surrounded Yi Tian's assault boats within three miles.

The four Shaoqing teamed up and directly placed the Formation to stop the assault boat, and then only listened to the leader shouted: "The cultivator in the flying boat will come out soon. We have been waiting for a long time."

Immediately, an azure light flew out from the assault boat, revealing the silhouette of Yi Tian, ​​and asked the leader faintly: "I pass by here for no reason, but I haven't offended anyone. I want to come. I have to wait."

The three people around also looked up and down. At this time, Yi Tian was just converging the cultivation base to the Nascent Soul Early Stage, but his face was calm and calm. It makes the four of them look out of reach.

The leader of Shaoqing once again opened the mouth and said: "This seat Nie Xing, in collaboration with my brothers Nie Yu and Jishan Brother, are here exclusively for that slut. You guys are out of luck. there's a road to Heaven yet you don't walk it, hell is doorless yet you charged to it. Now that you are here, don’t go."

After that, Nie Xing took out a gray rod Spiritual umbrella will do it.

Suddenly a golden light flashed from the sky as if someone was approaching here quickly. Then Nie Yu hurriedly shouted: "The big brother is the righteous master here. Don't let her run away this time."

But Nie Xing swept the Yi Tian frowned in front of him, and then greeted Brother Xiajishan and said: "You do it quickly with this kid, and come to help afterwards. That slut is so powerful and tight. , My brother can barely suppress her, but four people have to join hands to take her life."

The brothers of Jishan are both dressed as bandits. Look at the spiritual power attribute on them. Yin must be accumulated through the perennial cultivation demonic path or corpse path cultivation technique.

After listening to Nie Xing's words, the two winked at each other, and then outflanked each other, while Nie Xing and Nie Yu and the two brothers hurriedly turned around and moved towards the golden escape. .

Yi Tian is quite interested in the people they chase and intercept. If you know that four Nascent Soul Cultivators can set up ambush and suppress, then the strength of this person should be not simple.

Although I don't know what the holidays are between them, Yi Tian is unwilling to reveal his identity directly, but takes out a glass lamp to cover himself. This magic weapon is an imitation of the sect Supreme Treasure in the great hall of Prajna Temple. A lot of Buddha power was incorporated during the refining, so it couldn't be better to deal with these demonic cultivator corpses.

Sure enough, the ghost knife and crescent shovel that the Jishan brother took out are all Yin Qi entanglement, but all the hits on the glazed cup are rebounded, and the Spiritual Artifact is Under the erosion of the power of Buddhist Sect, the filthy air has been purified.

But at this time Yi Tian's mind is not here at all, but a Divine Consciousness is separated to control the Liulizhan and Jishan brother in a state of stalemate.

And my main energies are focused on the Nie Family brother besieging the cultivator in the distance.

After ten breaths, I saw the Nie Family brother holding the Spirit Sword and attacking the person. Yi Tian's divine sense scanned the person and found that the tulle on his face seemed to block his divine sense exploration. But judging from its moves, it seems a bit recognizable.

Maybe I have seen it a long time ago, but I can't remember who it is for a while.

After a while, I just listen to Nie Xing yelled: "Yan Zhaoxue is obediently surrender, today our brother specially set ambush here is absolutely impossible for you to escape again."

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