Listening to the meaning of Soul Eater Mouse King, this spirit wood core can't be taken out like this. If you want to get it, you must give it first. The spirit wood core is the core part of the essence of the Divine Tree that has been condensed for thousands of years. If you take it away by yourself, it may directly lead to the spiritual power of the entire Divine Tree.

What's more terrible is that the entire Northern Plains is centered on this built timber Divine Tree. If something goes wrong here, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yi Tian thought it over and over again, then sighed and turned towards Mouse King and asked for advice: "I don't know how the old man from Lihuo filled this vacancy after taking the spirit wood core?"


The Soul Eater Mouse King didn’t answer directly, but walked forward and stared at the part of the main rhizome that gave birth to the core of the spirit wood before replied: “Sect Master knows what level the Divine Tree is. The heavenly materials and earthly treasures?"

Yi Tian extend the hand and gently stroked these branch-shaped rhizomes and found that the spiritual power contained in them does not have to be much worse than the high grade Spirit Stone. And after looking around in the tree hole, he started to care about it. After three breaths, he turned to the Soul Eater Mouse King and said: "It's estimated that it will also look like level 8. How can I make up the vacancy?"

The Soul Eater Mouse King extend the hand pointed to the top of his head and said with a smile: "Of course it should be repaired with the same level of spirit plant treasures, or else What do you think you should do."

Yi Tian was speechless immediately after a word. To tell the truth, the old man from Lihuo is a great power descended from the Spirit Realm, and what high-level he carries on his body The spirit plant is nothing difficult.

In the blink of an eye, see how you can have such an advanced spirit plant on your body. I want to shook the head spread out both hands and signaled that I was out of stock.

Who knows that the Soul Eater Mouse King walked forward with squinting eyes and circled around him and sniffed with his nose from time to time. After ten breaths, he said, "I realized that you should There is a high-level spirit plant, let’s take it out and take a look."

Yi Tian felt a secretly thought in his heart: "I forgot that the body of the Soul Eater Mouse King is the treasure hunter, since he In this way, I should have found those high-end goods in my storage ring spirit plant bag.

To be honest, these spirit plants on my body can also be regarded as covering most of the high-end spirit plants on Tianlan continent. , Even Yu Yuan has a collection of spirit plant in ten thousand li sea.

I thought about it and said with ease: "Since Mouse King has spoken like this, then I will be ugly. Mouse King's help is the spirit plant, some of which I have not been able to find out. "

"Sect Master, don’t worry, if I want to talk about other abilities, I may not be better than the three brothers, but when it comes to the treasure, almost no one in the world can beat me." Soul Mouse King replied proudly.

Yi Tian didn’t say much after listening, and took out the spirit plant bag directly, and then transplanted the many treasures inside the spirit plant basin one after another. .

Fortunately, this tree hole is also quite spacious. The spirit plant pots here are about a hundred large and small. I took them out and placed them on the ground. They looked like a small spirit plant garden. That way.

In addition to transplanting the planted spirits, there are some that are placed in the jade box and sealed with talisman. The Soul Eater Mouse King just stands there and constantly sweeps the ground with his eyes on the spirit plant These treasures in the shed, but there is always no excitement on the face, as if these things are like unscrupulous eyes.

After one hour, Yi Tian took out almost everything. , Looking at this big movie, the spirit plant's face also showed a slight complacency, and then said: "Mouse King, please identify these spirit plants and select the ones that can be used. "

Hearing this is indeed sighed and shook his head: "Sect Master's collection can be regarded as a wide variety. There are dozens of seven-level spirit plants, but I couldn't find an eighth-level spirit plant. Can fill the spirit wood core that is about to be dug out. "

Suddenly Soul Eater Mouse King's nose can't help but smells, staring at Yi Tian and looking at it: "Sect Master is there in private possession, I found that spirit plant is still there for you It is probably a spirit plant that you have never recognized. "

Yi Tian's face was stunned, he looked at the spirit plant basin in front of him, and he had already taken out all the spirit plant treasures. You can see that the look of the Soul Eater Mouse King does not seem to be fake.

Then divine sense went into the spirit plant bag again and searched for it. After three breaths, it was frowned, but at the deepest point, I found a one-foot-sized spirit plant pot with a black paint on it. It seems that a red and black leaf grows at the end of the branch.

This Spirit Mushroom is not just a section of hibiscus with roots I found back then. It has always been like Spirit plant basins have been pouring spiritual spring water from time to time. This thing has been in the spirit plant basin for four to five hundred years, but only one leaf has grown. To be honest, I ignored it early in the morning.

Now listening to the words of Mouse King, it's not that this thing is still useful. After taking out the hibiscus tree with the palm of your hand, you will directly give it to the Soul Eater Mouse King and said: "Mouse King, let's see this is the last thing. "

Soul Eater Mouse King took over and held the spirit plant in both hands, staring at the half of the hibiscus branch with narrowed eyes, staring at the easy-to-handle mouth, and didn’t move it.

ten After the breaths, he shivered and said, "This is the hibiscus root and branch in Spirit Realm. Sect Master is sure that someone with Great Destiny can collect such treasure. "

Yi Tian asked with a puzzled look: "Mouse King recognizes its origins and might as well tell me in detail." "

After clicking nodded, Soul Eater cautiously placed the hibiscus tree on the ground, and then rationally thought: "Does Sect Master know the value of this hibiscus tree in the Spirit Realm?" "

"Mouse King, please solve your doubts," Yi Tian said sincerely.

"Hibiscus was originally the habitat of the three-legged Golden Crow, and its branches contain a lot of Fire spiritual force is so pleased by those who learned of the demonic beast," Soul Eater Mouse King explained: "The last time the old man Lihuo used the dry branches of hibiscus to fill the vacant part of the spiritual beast. When he descended this world, With two seedlings, and the one in your hand should be the half that was left out after the fall of Old Ancestor. "

so that's how it is Yi Tian's heart. Saying so, now this matter can be resolved. In a blink of an eye, Soul Eater's face showed a moment of regret and said: "It's a pity that Sect Master holds this strain It was broken a few years earlier, and it is still a bit worse than the pruning held by Old Ancestor. "

Yi Tian complexion changed, looked at the bare hibiscus tree trunk and sighed and said: "I had obtained two pieces back then, and there was a section of hibiscus tree branches that I refined into the hilt of the Flame Dragon sword." Up. "

The Soul Eater Mouse King shook his head and said: "The hibiscus Wood Spirit plant should have been broken in two, even if the other half is found, it cannot be grafted back. "

"So what should I do at this time?" "Yi Tian asked, seeing that everything was found, but he couldn't use it, but he was very anxious.

Turning his head to look at the Soul Eater Mouse King seemed to be in his chest, he turned and smiled and replied: "Sect Master can rest assured that at this time Yi'er, as long as this hibiscus tree is left here for me to take care of, it will be cultivated into an eight-level spirit plant in a thousand years. At that time, I will directly replace the parts needed by the spirit wood core, Sect Master only needs to wait patiently. "

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