The land of Northern Plains is covered with snow and ice all year round, but there is a paradise in this land of ice and snow.

In the depths of the Northern Plains, there is a vast primitive forest that is unknown to everyone. After Yi Tian bid farewell to the Wanying King and the others, he alone moved towards this paradise.

Before leaving, King Wanying gave a map of Northern Plains, so Yi Tian went straight to the edge of Soul Eater Mouse King’s sphere of influence along the way as shown on the map.

In the high altitude, after slowly infiltrating the primordial jungle ahead with divine sense, Yi Tian discovered that there are hundreds of Low Rank Monster Beasts living together within a hundred miles ahead. In demonic beast, rodents account for about 30%.

Continuing to fly for thousands of miles, there is only Level 4 demonic beast, and Yi Tian can see a towering giant tree towering far away in the air.

I stopped in the air and estimated the distance and found that the distance was at least ten thousand li apart, and in Northern Plains, there was no high mountain blocking the way. There was a primitive forest with lush and green all the way up.

After flying for a while, it was discovered in the divine sense that Fifth Level demonic beast was on the road for the first time. Most of these demonic beasts have transferred the area of ​​Baili or so as their own territory.

There will be several dozen li buffer areas between each Fifth Level demonic beast. There are also other kinds of demonic beasts here, but most of them are rodents.

After flying over the territory of Fifth Level demonic beast, I came to the range controlled by High Rank Monster Beast. The six demonic beasts here are mostly descendants of the Soul Eater Mouse King, but their strength Compared with the Eagle Clan, it is a lot worse.

Yi Tian's rough divine sense, you can know the reason for this. The treasure hunter's reproductive ability is not bad, but the battle strength is not satisfactory. It is estimated that only the existence of the Soul Eater Mouse King can still be It's on the countertop.

Like the sixth-level rat poison here, as long as you are slightly aware of your own breath, you will retract into your lair and dare not come out. I remember that I don't have a treasure hunter's animal bag on my waist. This is the Spirit Pet left over by He Weiming.

Yi Tian patted the Yu Beast's bag and summoned it out. In an instant, a white ball of light flew out and stopped on the palm of his hand. Yi Tian drove lightly, and found that this treasure hunter looked at all around the situation blankly, and then danced on his palm with excitement.

Needless to say, this appearance must be happy to return to my hometown.

If you want to find the spirit wood core, you must first find the Soul Eater Mouse King. Yi Tian gently urges the treasure mouse in his hand, and gently informs this little thing of his own thoughts, and finally She also tempted: "As long as you help me find the Soul Eater Mouse King, I can let you go free."

The little thing looked excited, then the front half of the body lifted and the little head moved towards himself Nodded ceaselessly signaled.

Seeing that he cooperates with Yi Tian in this way, I feel relieved. To be honest, these treasure hunters normally hide in the mouse hole, and sometimes the divine sense can't fully detect it.

With the help of the treasure hunter, you can save yourself a lot of effort.

Flying all the way to the treasure hunter, he stretched out his hand and corrected the direction of his advancement. Everywhere Yi Tian went, he could find a nest of mice and snails living underground.

Moreover, the cultivation base of these leading rats is mostly at level 6, and they have encountered seven or eight rat dens after flying thousands of miles.

After moving towards that Jianmu Divine Tree, Yi Tian divine sense moved and found that the demonic beasts suddenly disappeared in the following range. From here, there are thousands of li or so from the Divine Tree. Needless to say, the works are all within the private domain of the Soul Eater Mouse King from here on.

The treasure mouse in his hand stretched out his small hand and pointed to the front eagerly at this time. Yi Tian carefully looked at the lower position and the position of Jianmu Divine Tree was a bit deviated.

secretly said in one's heart: "Isn’t it said that the Soul Eater Mouse King made the closed-door cultivation of the mouse hole under the Divine Tree? Why the direction the treasure mouse pointed is still deviated."

I want to stop in the air and lower my head moved towards Little Brat and said: "Is it wrong, isn't the Soul Eater Mouse King under the Divine Tree?"

That little thing I can't speak my mouth, but I still have a spirituality. After listening to Yi Tian's words, I know the meaning inside. Later, I stretched out my little finger to move towards the previous direction, still showing the airport anxious look on his face.

Yi Tian thought about it and followed the guidance of the treasure hunter to continue flying forward. After one hour, he found that there was a valley a hundred miles ahead, and a house was built in the valley. .

This is clearly a place where people live, Yi Tian's heart moved, this must be the residence of Soul Eater Mouse King. But didn't expect that he would actually learn to live in a house like Human Race, instead of maintaining the demonic beast habit like building nests like the others.

After flying beyond that valley, Yi Tian didn’t want to break into it. After all, he had lost the face of Mouse King before in Dongao, but Senior Wang, the demon of reasonable in every circumstance, can’t neglect. Up.

Luo Yuntou stood on the muddy ground outside the valley. Yi Tian picked up True Qi and shouted: "Trigram Fire Sect Yi Tian is here. Please also Mouse King to come out and meet."

When a voice reached within the valley, I heard the Soul Eater Mouse King replied in a deep voice: "It turns out that Sect Master is coming, old man excuse me for not going out to meet you, please rush into the valley for a while. "

After finishing talking about the all around spiritual power ripples in the valley, a transparent prohibition Formation broke open a hole, and Yi Tian flashed in from that hole when he saw it.

After I came to the valley, I all around looked at the environment and found that this place is no better than the outside world with an ice field climate. Here, the temperature is good, and it is full of spring. There are many exotic flowers and rare herbs on both sides of the road, which are all the spirit plants unique to Northern Plains.

After half a moment, the all around environment came into view, and it was a little later that I sighed secretly thought: "The Soul Eater Mouse King is indeed a treasure of the spirit plant with a corner of land on the left and right. There are not less than dozens of six-level treasures here, and all of them are at least a thousand years old."

Just thinking about it, suddenly the door of the house within the valley opens, and the Soul Eater Mouse King silhouette flashes out. Now outside the door moved towards Yi Tian, ​​he yelled: "The unknown Sect Master suddenly came to visit Soul Eater and it is polite."

"Mouse King is serious," Yi Tian didn't dare to put on the Sect Master's hurriedly. replied: "This time I rushed all the way to Northern Plains for the purpose of looking for Mouse King."

Soul Eater clicked the nodded, and then stretched out the raised hand on one side and made a gesture of please:" Please also Sect Master to enter first, you can talk about things later."

Yi Tian clicked on nodded and walked straight into the house. When I came into the room and looked at this place, it was rudimentary. There was nothing else on the ground except a few futons.

There is also a mural hanging on the wall. In the middle of the portrait is the old Lihuo Ji Xuanyuan, and the Four-Great Demon Kings all appear in the form of the body. The Wanying King is standing on the right of Old Ancestor. On the shoulders, Qingtian and Golden Retriever followed each other from left to right. As for the Number Soul Mouse King, they hid in the arms of Old Ancestor.

On this point, we can tell that Mouse King was the favorite of Old Ancestor among the four Monster Kings.

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