The banquet of King Wanying ended in a amicable manner. Fortunately, the two clans spoke in time to avoid the subsequent dispute.

Of course, as the winner of the gambling battle, Lei Yan Crown Prince still publicly apologized to Fat Dog and Lan Yuer in front of everyone under tremendous pressure, but as for his belongings, he didn't take out any of his belongings.

Fat Dog had to come forward to mention the matter several times, but was stopped by King Wanying, and King Thunder Dragon simply shrank behind and ignored it.

In the end, the Flood Dragon King shot everyone's mouth at the expense of a set of dragon scales. As the biggest beneficiary, the fat dog is naturally happy. I took the dragon scales and put it directly on my feet and then performed the descent technique. It felt very relaxed. Finally, I did not forget to teased: "didn't expect Dragon Race and this Waiting for Supreme Treasure, in the future, you can be more friendly when you have time."

These Dragon Race descendants hearing this all have a look of contempt on their faces. Who wants to be with an ice-glazed fox? In connection with the relationship, even if the King Wanying said that instead of calling him a brother, it would not change the view of Dragon Race and the others.

Even the Thunder Dragon king is coldly snorted again and again, and deliberately staggers to meet the fat dog.

On the contrary, the Flood Dragon King smiled and said from time to time: "The fat dog virtuous brother is a good martial artist. It seems that he has a long history of learning. I am afraid that this will happen in the next three to five thousand years. You are the head of the Monster King of the continent."

This remark of the Flood Dragon King is also from the bottom of the heart, and I also knew the origin of the fat dog in front of him during a private chat with the Wanying King. The Master Mengxin was also related to him, and knew the secrets in it. Even the King of Eagles is willing to put down his worth, let alone his Flood Dragon Race.

After these matters are resolved, King Wanying ordered his ministers to reopen a banquet to entertain the Dragon Race guests. Of course, it is indispensable to comfort the depressed Thunder Dragon King and the others.

After squeezing through the third tour, King Wanying took the opportunity to escape, but when he just walked to the inner hall and wanted to leave, there was a sound transmission in his ear: "Why did the King Eagle leave? In a hurry, wait for the fool."

Needless to say, this voice must be from the Flood Dragon King, he is also an insider. Early in the morning during the banquet, he noticed the King Wanying's every move, and just discovered that he was urinating out of the court, and he hurried to catch up.

King Wanying knew what he was thinking in his heart, so he had to sighed and said: "Since Little Brother Wang knows about this, please follow me to meet the adult."

After finishing talking, he pointed his finger at his bedroom, and then the silhouette flashed and flew straight into the thicker passage. The Flood Dragon king didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly pulled out and followed behind him.

The two Monster Kings came to the mountainside of Tianni Mountain without ten breaths. At this moment, Yi Tian and Meng Xin were sitting opposite each other in the Eagle King’s bedroom. Yi Tian went there. He stood up and said with a smile: "The previous thing still depends on the two Monster Kings to deal with each other so that it will not cause chaos. This matter is guided by the heart."

The King Wanying replied: "Sect Master is polite. , The fat dog brother is the next king of monsters appointed by Master Mengxin, and his subordinates also do their best that's all."

Flood Dragon Wang turned around after hearing that his face changed a few times. Moved towards Yi Tian Ji's first salute said: "It turns out that it was Yi Sect Master in person. Don't be surprised when things were negligent and hopeless back then."

Yi Tian just waved his hand to indicate, meaning it's all right. Standing on his shoulders, Mengxin was staring at the Flood Dragon. "You Little Mud Fish who has been cultivating for thousands of years is also considered diligent. Compared with your younger brother, it is much better."

The Flood Dragon King hurriedly bowed his hands and bowed towards Meng Xin and said: "Master unknown reappears in the world, Junior is polite."

Lian's Flood Dragon King called himself Junior in front of Meng Xin, Yi Tian just glanced at Mengxin sound transmission and said: "How many things are you hiding from me? You and Flood Dragon Race have known each other a long time ago."

Mengxin is arrogant. Lifts the head without returning to Yi Tian, ​​but just opened his mouth to the Flood Dragon King said: "I have signed a blood contract with Yi Tian now as his Spirit Pet. Now we have something to do and we need to find a lot of high-level treasures. The two of you are still a little family property, even if this matter is solved by you."

Flood Dragon Wang listened to the surprise on his face, that Meng Xin actually signed a contract with Yi Tian in front of him. Qi, but the heartache is that since Meng Xin has spoken, he can't avoid it, but he doesn't know how many treasures he needs.

The King Wanying is an insider, and it is of great benefit to him when this matter is done. He immediately expressed his opinion: "Since it is sect, I need my eagle clan for help. I also invite Sect Master. List the required materials one after another so that I can wait for it to be collected."

Seeing that King Wanying actually wrinkled his brows, he accepted it, and King Flood Dragon was also stunned on the spot. It was just after three breaths that a sound transmission came from my ear, and suddenly the light flashed in my eyes and hurriedly said: "I have a lot of Sea Dragon Race family property. If the Trigram Fire Sect master needs to speak up, as long as there is a treasure, I can use it. Go, if the number is not enough, I can still mobilize the Donghai Sea to find it."

Seeing that the Flood Dragon King is so acquainted, Meng Xin also whispered a few words in Yi Tian's ear, which is basically nothing more than Introduced his Dragon Race soaring problem.

At this point, Yi Tian knew that the Flood Dragon King in front of him also had the opportunity to use the Monster King who got the Ascended Platform. He is already five thousand years old like him, but the cultivation base has been maintained in the middle of the seventh level for nearly a thousand years without breakthrough.

The reason is nothing more than to delay the advent of the soaring Heavenly Tribulation to deliberately suppress the growth of the cultivation base. Moreover, the split open space soars without the ascending platform, and there is little hope of reaching the Demon Spirit Realm safely.

Now the road to the Trigram Fire Sect is naturally much safer. It is roughly estimated that there are five to five, which is better than going hard.

So under the notice of King Wanying, he was extremely respectful to the two, and the road to longevity in the future fell on Yi Tian.

Yi Tian's eyes lit up after hearing this. If two Monster Kings assisted him, then he could save a lot of collecting effort for his own preparatory work. I flipped through them and took out two jade slips and handed them to the two enchanted Dao: "The treasures I need have been engraved on the top, and you can see what marks can be supplied directly. If you can’t get me together Think of another way."

The King Wanying and King Flood Dragon took the jade slip and directly inserted the divine sense into it to investigate and found that there are indeed many types and quantities of treasures recorded in it. The two of them also put together the marks in the jade slip and handed them back.

As a result, the jade slip Yi Tian inspected his face for a long time and showed a hint of joy. More than 70% of the materials on this have been settled, and there are some rare things in the world, thinking If you want to find it, you have to rely on chance and coincidence.

Then he said: "Two Monster Kings can send the treasure to Zhong Prefecture Trigram Fire Sect, and Young Sect Master will collect it on my behalf." After thinking about it, he asked again. "I don’t know where to find this spirit wood core?"

The King Wanying hurriedly said: "After reporting to Sect Master, you can find it in the four Divine Trees of Tianlan continent. According to my research, Knowing that the place where the Fourth Soul Eater of Northern Plains lives is a Divine Tree, it is better to ask him to get some spirit wood cores to use."

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