Yi Tian frowned slightly, and it seemed that even if the fat dog hardened the 3rd Thunder Tribulation, he could survive only five to five. I wanted to stop and patted the biggest imperial beast bag summon on his waist, and a golden light flew in front of him.

When the golden light faded away, Meng Xin, who showed a sleepy face, came, yawned and looked at Yi Tian in front of him and said dissatisfied: "Why haven't you come to Spirit Realm yet, you called me out? , There’s something I’m not sure about to ask my Senior to take action."

Before Yi Tian speaks, the Soul Eater Mouse King standing in the distance, a shivered flew forward and moved towards Meng Xin. Li hurriedly shouted: "It turns out that you are always here, Soul Eater pay respects to Master Mengxin."

Mengxin twitched his lips and cried out after sweeping his eyes: "You are the mouse, here. I don’t have the right to speak."

Turning around and moving towards Yi Tian said: "Let’s talk, what is the trouble?"

This is the first time for Yi Tian Seeing the soft look of the Soul Eater Mouse King, he immediately gestured to the fat dog in the distant Transcending Tribulation and said: "Can you help?"

Listen to Meng Xin. Looking at the fat dog, he looked at the robbery cloud in the sky, panting with rage and said: "You don't want to pull this thing on my head again."

" I don’t want to ask you who you are looking for about Monster Race. Could you tell me to ask those three people?" After Yi Tian finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the void not far behind and clicked three times, and suddenly appeared in the void. Three ripples, and then three silhouettes appeared.

Soul Devourer Mouse King saw his face, eyes and pupils condensed cry out in surprise: "When did the three arrive, my brother is polite."

The person who came is not someone else. The three Great Demon Kings of the trembling continent, but at this time they heard the call of the Mouse King but only slightly nodded in response.

The leading Wanying King took the Monster King and the Golden Retriever King straight to move towards Yi Tian and Mengxin saluted: "pay respects to Yi Sect Master and Mengxin Master. "

The three Monster Kings arrived early in the morning, just hiding aside and letting the Soul Eater Mouse King play casually.

Yi Tian discovered that the situation was different when he fought with Gu Hui. At that time, he had already made up his mind to let the three demons fight the Soul Eater Mouse King. After all, Jin Mao and Qingtian were involved. The two Monster Kings must be Soul Eater. If Mouse King did something unusual, someone could stop him in time.

Meng Xin has seen the Four Demon Empresses with a full face and doesn’t care at all. They just turned to Yi Tian and said: "Your cultivation base is growing very fast, this In less than a hundred years, you will advance at the later stage. If you continue to see that your bone age is less than a thousand years, you can advance to Spirit Transformation. Then I will return to Spirit Realm. It will be just around the corner." A satisfied smile came.

Forgive me for not preventing Yi Tian opened the mouth and said: "You see if you can help the fat dog to survive this catastrophe, after the event is over, I owe you personal love."

Meng Xin laughed on her small face, then stretched out her little hand to squeeze three drops of spiritual blood out of her fingertips. The three drops of blood gathered into three bean-sized blood beads against the wind and then moved towards Fat Dog and shot away.

At this time, the ice halo on the fat dog opened and formed a spherical frozen Formation within all around three feet, and inside it was the Mysterious Yang obtained from Yi Tian after its innate talent mutation. True Fire is mixed in.

In this situation, the fat dog coped with the posture of the last Heavenly Tribulation, but the blood beads formed from the three drops of spirit blood seemed to hit the paper barrier, and then they met some resistance. Penetrate into it, and then submerge into the fat dog.

As a result, the imposing manner on the fat dog has more than tripled, and the formation of the ice halo and the mixture of ice and fire has instantly expanded to more than six feet.

At this moment, Four-Great Demon Kings's face becomes strangely wonderful. Just now Mengxin's behavior was seen by their eyelids, and they were just refining Mengxin. A drop of spiritual blood can break through to the seventh level.

But this time Fat Dog accepted three drops of Mengxin’s spiritual blood, and the height he can reach in the future is bound to be higher than Four-Great Demon Kings. The three Monster Kings looked at the Soul Eater Mouse King with sympathy, and what they meant right now was'Next it's up to you.' '

The most embarrassing Mouse King also had a twitch on his face at this time. Seeing that the fat dog accepted the three drops of spiritual blood from Lord Mengxin, after a while, he will surely bring it after he has passed the Heavenly Tribulation. up a level. Moreover, there are three Great Demon Kings and Meng Xin, and it seems impossible to fight like this.

The tribulation thunder in the sky is condensed and formed and moved towards the ice formation where the fat dog is located smoothly. At this time, more and more red true flames flash in the blue ice formation. The ice halo has completely turned into an ice and fire true flame Formation.

It's just a thick white mist in the Formation that hides the silhouette of the fat dog. Even with the divine sense, God can't invade to see what happened.

After the white tribulation thunder fell, the sound of a "hong long" thunder followed the arc hitting the ice and fire formation and retreated into the sky.

The electric energy wrapped the ice-fire true flame protective cover, compressed it to the size of ten feet, and then directly broke through a hole directly above and filed in.

The four kinds of people who looked at it this way also had lingering fears because the fat dog squeezed sweat, only Yi Tian flashed a trace of azure glow in his eyes, and his face was calm and lightly saying: "It seems that your spiritual blood has risen. It works. I really don’t know what kind of demonic beast you were originally. How could Ji Xuanyuan be willing to bring you to the lower realms."

Meng Xin's face looked as if it had touched his adult past, and his mouth was sighed. Said: "This is when you will naturally know when you fly up to Spirit Realm, maybe I have taken advantage of you."

Yi Tian suddenly felt anxious after hearing this. in the mind, I looked at Meng Xin, who looked human and animal innocent, and had hundreds of questions in his heart, but I don't know where to start.

It's really brewing, suddenly Mengxin opened the mouth and said: "Almost, it should be refining the crossbones. I don't know what the fat dog will look like after being transformed."

While listening, Yi Tian found that the ice halo not far in front of him had been coefficient removed. The dense fog in the inside became thinner when the wind blew, and soon a faint silhouette of a human figure could be seen.

The Jieyun in the sky has also completed its mission at this time, and began to shrink quickly, and in a short while, the void Thunder Tribulation gap is removed, and after the clouds have cleared, a bright sun will appear again. Highly illuminated.

Under the direct sunlight, the white mist rose rapidly and revealed a seven-foot-tall human figure. The four claws have evolved into hands and feet, and a piece of white skin on the body, full of head The blue hair is just a bunch of fiery-red hair growing in the middle of the forehead.

When everyone saw the transformed fat dog, there was a look of surprise on their faces. Liu Piaopiao, who was connected to the side, took a close look and pulled Yi Tian's clothes whispered: "It was carved out of the same mold as you. It would be really difficult to tell the two of you if it wasn't for the Monster Qi on your body."

Yi Tian replied with a helpless look: "I was only in my twenties when the fat dog signed a contract with me to become a Spirit Pet. I have been by my side for 500 years, so I Every move is imitated perfectly. Even the temperament is very similar."

To be honest, I never thought that after the fat dog was transformed into a fat dog, it would change according to his own appearance. At first glance, it really looks so similar to me.

Except for Monster Qi and blue-red hair, everything else is basically the same. People who don’t know themselves can easily admit mistakes.

Immediately stretched out a storage ring and directly took out a set of Spirit Armor and threw it to the fat dog. "Since you have transformed, you still have to learn from human beings. You can't be naked. This Spirit Armor I have finished refining it a long time ago and now you can only be used after your transformation is completed."

When the fat dog reached out to catch Spirit Armor, he spit out a trace of spiritual blood on it, and then quickly removed Spirit Armor. After a blood sacrifice, he directly manipulated it into a golden light and fell on him.

After the halo faded, he turned and moved towards the Soul Eater Mouse King and shouted: "There is one last thing I can stand here now, and I don’t have to flash the hard connection, which is the Mouse King. Please draw down. "

Soul Eater Mouse King listened, stared at the fat dog and looked at it for a while, and then his eyelids trembled a few times, but he said politely: "Gong joyfully said Friends refining Henggu achieves level 7 realm, and then There is another Monster King on top of the Tianlan continent, which can be regarded as the blessing of my Trigram Fire Sect. The old man is convinced of the wise leadership of Sect Master. In the future, all matters in the sect will be shown by Sect Master. My Soul Eater will never be sloppy.”

Yi Tian clicked nodded with satisfaction after hearing this. The Soul Eater Mouse King in front of him is also interesting, he just merged with a drop of Mengxin’s spiritual blood. Can evolve into a seventh-level Monster King. And now the fat dog got three drops of spiritual blood at once. Although it has not yet fully integrated into its own spiritual power, it is only a matter of time.

If he waits for some time to merge his spiritual blood, there will be a leap in his strength. Don't look at the fat dog now, but he has just passed the calamity, but his strength has risen to the seventh level.

In the future, his fat dog's strength will definitely surpass the Four-Great Demon Kings present, so now the Soul Eater Mouse King will directly recognize it. While the other three Great Demon Kings are all around, it's hard to find a step down, looking towards the new Sect Master to show loyalty is really a multi-tasking thing.

I saw the Soul Eater Mouse King looked embarrassed and moved towards Fat Dog said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist will definitely be blue in the near future. The old man won’t be the last move, just Give up. Please also Fellow Daoist to see and treat the Northern Plains disciple of grand disciples well on the thin face of the old man."

The fat dog was also taken aback after hearing it. Finally, Human Transformation just lacked an opponent. Trying to move, but Mouse King retreats before the battle. It's really irritating, but the Four-Great Demon Kings can't overbearing anymore.

After sighed, he showed a bit of unwilling face and said: "I won, right, I will find a chance to compete next time."

Soul Eater Mouse King just clicked nodded , And then turned to the other three Monster Kings, only to see a little admiration on their faces.

Yi Tian knows that today this is the only way to stop. Fortunately, the Four-Great Demon Kings gathered together, and at the same time it shocked Dongao's other three sects cultivator.

I think they will become more peaceful from now on. As for the order to Mysterious Yang Sect, it will not be violated.

After the matter was resolved, Yi Tian sent Mengxin back to the Royal Beast's bag again, and then brought Four-Great Demon Kings, Fat Dog and a group of Dongao’s Nascent Soul Cultivator slowly Fall down to the great hall of Iron Sword Sect.

Xuan Jianxin, who is guarding here, opened the Mountain Protecting Great Array early in the morning, and then arranged for a group of Golden Core dísciple to entertain the guests, and he himself brought Yi Lingfeng and The others hurriedly entered the hall and reopened the banquet.

This time, Sect Master and Four-Great Demon Kings are coming at the same time. Mo Wentian, who is the iron Sword Sect, is not there. Naturally, Xuan Jianxin, as the host, dare not neglect the distinguished guests.

The entire banquet lasted for most of the day, during which Yi Tian personally presided over the experience exchange of Nascent Soul Cultivator. Obviously, the cultivator of Dongao three sects was sitting on pins and needles. In front of the Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator, they dare not make it again, but they feel that they live like years.

Even if Yi Tian condensed his spiritual pressure fluctuations and pretended to be a Foundation Establishment cultivator, Ke Manzi and the others clearly showed a deep look of dreading on their faces, and they also spoke with Yi Tian Try to flatter yourself.

After the entire exchange meeting, these people hurriedly retired and returned to sect with Direct Disciple.

Two days later, the dísciple of the Xuan Ling and Xuan Yang veins arrived at Sect safely under the escort of Yi Tian.

Four-Great Demon Kings and Fat Dog were also traveling with him. Yi Tian knew that they must have something to discuss with him, but there was no chance to talk privately along the way so that they could directly send the sound transmission to the meeting.

After returning to the Red Flame Hills sect possession, Yi Tian directly asked Liu Piaopiao to come forward to settle the Lower Sect things, so that the Golden Core dísciples were all in place to re-operate the sect.

After that, I took the Four-Great Demon Kings to the sect forbidden area in Lava Valley, where I would never be disturbed anymore.

Along the way, the fat dog did not directly return to the Yu Beast Bag under the deliberate arrangement of Yi Tian, ​​but participated in the meeting as a participant.

Half a day later in the Xuanyang Forbidden Land, Yi Tian listened to the advice of Four-Great Demon Kings, and his face browsed frowned and fell into contemplation. The things they proposed were all about rebuilding sect and Ascending to the platform.

It's just that Yi Tian knows that today is different from the past, and Tianlan continent is no longer the dominant situation of Trigram Fire Sect. There are two difficulties in front of us. One is to revitalize the Trigram Fire Sect, which involves restarting the three Secret Realms in Zhong Prefecture.

The second issue is the location of the ascending platform. There is no doubt that after the ascent platform is rebuilt, it will definitely become a target of public criticism. Now Yi Tian feels that ascending to the platform is definitely a big trouble, and it's okay if he is still in this world.

But once the ascent is over, it is unknown whether these junior dísciples can hold onto this foundation, maybe an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a criminal. Once the sect descendants fail to have an outstanding dísciple, a fault will inevitably occur, which will inevitably be another potential crisis in the future.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian glanced at the fat dog, and then his eyes lit up and suddenly felt that he had the advantage of being blessed by heaven at this time, and he was a unique and unmatched agent candidate.

However, the face did not show directly. Instead, Qingyu and Chiyanju were summoned out, and then Qingyu was returned to Qingtian Monster King. However, Chi Yanju was forced to give the Golden Retriever King, and he said that he still had important tasks to do afterwards, so he asked him to take care of it first.

This time, Chi Yanju suffered a big loss in the Soul Eater Mouse King. He would stop and think about how to go in the future. The Golden Retriever King still looked back respectfully. After speaking, he took Chi Yanju by his side and replied to Yi Tian: "Chi Yan is my son, I will take good care of him, Sect Master, don't worry."

As for Qingtian Monster King From time to time, he turned his eyes to the fat dog, as if the mother-in-law was looking at the son-in-law, the fat dog was getting goose bumps all over.

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