The Soul Eater Mouse King has already fought with the Fat Dog Three Monsters and found that something is wrong. First, Qingyu Eldest Miss's tricks left him with lingering fears. Then she had to try to control her first and then send it out safely. Her backstage could guess at a glance, and Mouse King didn't want to provoke her.

At this time, the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on Chi Yanju's body reminded him of another person, plus Yi Tian's fanfare on the side, Mouse King now has a hundred regrets in his heart, how could he meet? After going to such a few enemies, I have no strength but dare not use all of them.

Take Chi Yanju to activate all the fangs on his chest, and Soul Eater Mouse King’s face becomes extremely ugly. This formidable power will definitely not admit wrong, it should be the full strength of the Golden Retriever King. attack.

At the moment, I dared not carelessly recalled the Avatars and overlapped them. The imposing manner on his body rose rapidly and was almost the same as Chi Yanju. Then the soft hair began to grow rapidly, and after three breaths, it became thick and stiff like steel bristles covering the whole body.

Suddenly, the red flame horse moved, and after the fangs were sacrificed in his hand, it turned into a golden light afterglow across the air, directly hitting the Soul Eater Mouse King. A thunder of "hong" sounded, and then I saw the Soul Eater Mouse King all around spiritual power forming several violent tumbling motions moved towards all directions.

The power of this move is no less than that of Yi Tian's previous sword technique to clean up Gu Hui, but after all, this is not Chi Yanju's own power, and only one blow.

After a short while Acquired, the spiritual pressure fluctuations in the air slowly calmed down, Yi Tian glanced at the center of the fluctuations and a spiked ball surrounded by white bristles appeared.

The mane on the Soul Eater Mouse King body obviously stretched a few feet to fully protect it, and after three breaths, the mane slowly retracted to reveal the embarrassed Mouse King. Suddenly his silhouette flashed past Chi Yanju's back, and a hand knife looked at Chi Yanju's back neck and knocked him out. Then he threw Chi Yanju to Yi Tian and said: "This is also out."

Yi Tian shook his head to catch Chi Yanju, took out a medicine pill, opened his mouth and sent it to the entrance. , And then help it turn on medicinal power. After ten breaths, Chi Yanju slowly opened his eyes and woke up, but at this time, he looked at Soul Eater Mouse King on his face with awe, not as arrogant as before.

"Mouse King, you have four tricks left, figure it out," Yi Tian reminded.

Soul Eater Mouse King complexion changed and replied: "I see, the old man speaks one word worth nine sacred tripods. Three tricks against this fox should be enough."

"I don't think it's necessarily," Fat Dog said, seeing the defeat of Qin Yu and Chi Yanju aroused his desire for victory. Although the Soul Eater Mouse King's strength is not trivial, he is not a fat dog, but for some reason, even after reaching the late stage of the sixth level, he cannot refining the Human Transformation.

Yi Tian also hurt his brain for this before, so today he will make the next move to let the Soul Eater Mouse King be the whetstone for the fat dog. Want to come to Fat Dog has also realized this, so the next four tricks only he can bear with strength of oneself. When the next blue Ice Flame ignited from his abdomen, he jumped out directly, and then another red Mysterious Yang True Fire flashed out of the red hair in the middle of his forehead for a few times and then flew out.

At the same time, the two true flames, one red and one blue, are perfectly combined to form a balanced ice and fire true flame sacrifice on the four claws of the fat dog.

Then the silhouette moved, it turned out that the fat dog took the lead to open the deadlock. This movement directly moved the Soul Eater Mouse King, and this double flame of ice and fire was obviously a strange image after the mutation of the is innate talent.

Needless to say, it must be Yi Tian’s masterpiece, because in these two true flames, Mouse King can feel the orthodox cultivation technique of Lihuo, although compared to the Southern Bright Trigram Fire held by Yi Tian It's not as good, but Mysterious Yang True Fire formidable power is more flexible than Gu Hui's Heaven and Earth by three points.

The Soul Eater Mouse King has never faced such a younger generation. The bone age of a fat dog is only about 500 years, but it has been cultivated to the strength of the sixth stage. Compared with the experience of facing the enemy Chi Yanju is even stronger.

Just now, the two of them fought a Soul Eater Mouse King, and they felt it was difficult to deal with, so they reduced its wings and left it for the last deal. Imagine that the seventh level should be ten to the sixth level, but facing the fat dog number soul Mouse King who is living in the mutant innate talent, for the first time, a feeling of uneasiness has sprouted in his heart.

Rather than waiting for the fat dog to attack the soul, Mouse King first attacked. The silhouette disappeared from a distance, and then suddenly a shadow on the top of the fat dog was highlighted and his paws fiercely struck down.

Fat Dog seemed to have noticed the attack method of the Soul Eater Mouse King early in the morning, and immediately after the spirit fire flashed on his body, his four feet slammed slightly and the whole body rushed out like the Fire Escape technique used by Yi Tian. .

Soul Devourer Mouse King's face suddenly became very unsightly with a single blow. Obviously, the fat dog had clearly understood his attack method, and it also relied on its own speed advantage to dodge it. This movement is not much slower than Yi Tian.

The four tricks have gone to one of them. The Soul Eater Mouse King couldn't help but complexion changed. Knowing that going this way will only make a fool of others, and it will not look good in front of the younger generation. After turning around and gazing across Yi Tian, ​​his eyes suddenly rose up as the whole person's imposing manner turned, and the gang mane on his body stood upside down in an instant, and then a white illusory shadow slowly appeared behind him.

All around Nascent Soul Cultivator looked at the illusory shadow with horror at the sight of what it seemed to be saying. Yi Tian also immediately noticed something was wrong. This Mouse King even displayed Heaven and Earth dharma idol. Come, there is a huge mouse in the illusory shadow, which should look like its body.

The breath of the same Mouse King body is also one of them. The next three tricks fat dog can be in trouble.

When the Soul Eater Mouse King is full, the whole person suddenly showed two Avatars, and then one after the other slowly flew out and caught the fat dog in between.

The fat dog has already opened his eyes with the trick just now. At this time, the Soul Eater Mouse King in front of him is its main body. If you want to catch this trick safely, you have to think about it.

Yi Tian in the heart made a comparison. If he faced the Avatar attack of the Mouse King, there would be no less than three or four ways to deal with it, but I don’t know if the fat dog has come up with a good way.

At this time, the fat dog looked stern and looked at the two identical Soul Eater Mouse Kings. The four legs suddenly exerted force and the whole body showed an afterimage.

Suddenly a red and blue Fireball appeared in the air, covering the fat dog's body. After ten breaths, I saw the flames on his body gathered to the eyebrows, and opened his big mouth to face later. The Avatars of the two Mouse Kings respectively spit out a red and blue flame of ice and fire.

The flame left an illusory shadow directly in the air after passing through the void, but Yi Tian was frowned and stared at the flame for a meeting before revealing a little smile. Liu Piaopiao, who was behind him, stepped forward and asked without knowing it: "Did Husband see something."

Yi Tian slightly nodded stretched out his hand and pointed: "Look carefully at the flame passing by. The trajectory of will be understood."

Liu Piaopiao glanced at the flame path in a blink of an eye and saw that a vacuum zone was formed in the void where the flame passed and formed a protective layer.

The two Soul Eater Mouse King silhouettes flashed as if they wanted to teleport behind the fat dog, but after the flashes of two auras, they were directly forced to stop at the outer edge of the protective layer. After he showed his silhouette, the fat dog's protruding flame ball also followed him behind him.

"Peng peng", two spells accurately hit Mouse King and exploded two bright fireworks in the air at the same time.

The air waves generated by these two spells instantly dissipated in all directions, and shook all around the cultivator three-four zhang away.

When the fireworks dissipated, the silhouette of the Soul Eater Mouse King was revealed. At this time, he was in a mess. Although the body protection with white bristles did not suffer fatal damage, the clothes on his body had become tattered, and his face was slightly reddish like a spiritual power overdraft backlash. It was obvious that he suffered a dark loss.

I saw that his face showed a sneer at this time, pointing to the fat dog shouted loudly: "Didn't expect you are the first Monster Race that can hurt me in so many years. There is a burning pain in this body. It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced it, kid, I’m telling you I’m serious."

After talking about Mouse King’s imposing manner, it more than doubled, and the silhouette flashed past the two Avatars and merged again. Directly moved towards the fat dog for the first time.

This time the Mouse King relied entirely on instinct to attack, but Yi Tian knew that this was the strength of the demonic beast. The two steel claws in the air slid through the air like two sharp knives and directly moved towards the left and right sides of the fat dog.

"ka-cha" Mouse King's two hands directly hit the fat dog's shoulders, the flames on his body removed most of its strength, but the remaining power of the hand knife still broke the fat dog's defense , Knocked him directly away to thirty zhang to stabilize his figure.

But before the fat dog can stand firm, a black whip fell from the sky and hit him directly on the head. Fortunately, the red hair on his forehead seemed to have been warned in advance. From there, a Mysterious Yang True Fire flew out to meet the long whip.

After a spark flashed in the air, the fat dog was shaken a few feet away by the whip of the long whip, but it was obviously less battered and exhausted than before.

At the same time, the silhouette of the Soul Eater Mouse King reappeared in the air not far away. Behind him, it looked like a fire was spotted. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that there was Mysterious Yang True Fire on his tail. Constantly burning.

The long whip just now was formed by its rat tail, but at this time, after being roasted by Mysterious Yang Fire, it clearly revealed a burnt smell.

Mouse King stretched his hand moved towards the tail section and cut off the end part directly with a stroke, but later it was jié jié’s said with a smile: "Puppy, you have used up all your tricks. It's not your own strength, it should be the last body protection symbol Yi Tian left in your body. Unfortunately, your cards are all used up. You can't take the last move anyway, so give up."

In the distance, Yi Tian also shook his head. It was supposed to be a dark hand left by him that could resist the fat dog's blow from the Soul Eater Mouse King, but didn't expect it to be so soon Was automatically inspired. The red hair on the fat dog's forehead was originally his extra care for him, and he could automatically protect him in the most critical moment.

Nowadays, the fat dog's own strength alone cannot take the last move anyway. Just when Yi Tian thought that the victory was timed, suddenly dark clouds in the sky gathered quickly, bringing the sun to the sun. The day turned into dusk in an instant.

Turning his head and looking at the fat dog, the spiritual power burst up, and then I saw an illusory shadow of a Dharma body rising from behind him. In the dark cloud above the head, a gap in the void seemed to be broken, as if receiving the induction of the Fat Dog Dharma body. The tribulation thunder inside was constantly accumulating energy as if it could fall anytime, anywhere.

Soul Eater Mouse King snorted after seeing it, "Transcending Heavenly Tribulation, you choose at this time Transcending Tribulation, is this your strategy?"

After the fat dog looked at the cloud of heavenly robbery, a gloomy and uncertain face appeared on his face and said: "I have been suppressing the cultivation base, but I don't want to face this robbery, because the innate talent mutated into Heavenly Tribulation. Formidable power will increase several steps, but my bone age is still young and I can increase cultivation base through the accumulation of strength."

The Soul Eater Mouse King said disdainfully: "Your idea is not wrong. Monster Race uses this method to avoid risks, but why have you changed your mind now?"

Fat Dog turned his head and looked at Yi Tian and said: "In fact, we all committed a fatal Wrong, the faster the cultivation progress, the farther you can go on the road to longevity. It is absolutely unwise to blindly avoid risks and think of pushing Heavenly Tribulation back."

Pause and look again After getting off the Mouse King, the fat dog continued: "Like a senior you, I don't think you can break through Level 7 without a big chance in this life, but I am different. In the same cultivation base Monster Race, I must be the youngest. Yes, but the strength is definitely in the Peak and his ilk, just like my master Yi Tian. Only with the faith to move forward can you go farther on the road of longevity, right?"

Regardless of other things, he rushed forward to an unmanned space to unreservedly display his own cultivation base strength.

In an instant, a spiral of red and blue spiritual power was stirred up around him to envelop him. The tribulation thunder in the sky also seemed to trigger a blue lightning to drop vertically after finding the target.

The sound of "ping" directly hit the fat dog's all around spiritual power shield and shook him down by more than a foot.

Then another red thundercloud aroused and fell without the slightest hesitation moved towards the position where the fat dog was located, lasing away, and at the same time a trace of red in the red and blue spiritual power shield After the flame flashed, it formed a flaming top on the head.

The red lightning hit the top and the fire suddenly moved towards the surroundings. After the splashing spark slashed in front of him and was picked up, Yi Tian lowered his head and swept it, only to feel a tingling feeling in the palm of his hand, but when he opened his palm, there was a line of arc leaking from it.

The rest of the people ran far and avoided as much as possible, even the Soul Eater Mouse King had to dodge aside.

After the two borrowings of thunder, Yi Tian found that the fat dog in the spiritual power regiment seemed to be depressed. The spiritual power shields all around were also removed to reveal the true body, and the heavenly tribulation The thunder doesn't seem to be over yet, it looks like it won't take long.

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