Drive the assault boat alone to fly over the Demon Domain sea. Since Wuye Sect Founder broke through and soared, Yi Tian has searched for the mysterious turtle that was originally waiting near the sea eye vortex.

After letting go of the divine sense, I found that my divine sense can cover a radius of thousands of miles. But after scanning it, there was no trace of the mysterious tortoise. As a result, there was no free mount and I had to drive the assault boat by myself.

Fortunately, since Wuye Sect Founder soared, the dark clouds over the sea eye vortex have dispersed, and the golden sun shines directly from in the sky and shines on the surface of the sea, all around thousands of miles. The fog inside has been dispersed.

In this way, Yi Tian directly takes out the corona Luogeng, and can easily set his own position according to the trajectory of the sun. After that, he took out the chart to distinguish the direction of the return journey according to the above gestures, and then he set up the assault boat and drove back.

From the sea eye vortex to the deserted island where Yahai Pavilion is located, there is also ten thousand li away. Fortunately, the road is peaceful, and there is no high-level Sea Beast. During the period, there were a few deep-sea tiger-tooth sharks of level 6 that once appeared on the edge of divine sense, and Yi Tian didn't want to cause trouble and directly released the spiritual pressure on his body.

Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator's spiritual pressure fluctuations spread thousands of miles away and stunned those Sea Beasts directly, and then they directly turned to swim away.

The journey after that can be said to be smooth sailing, but Yi Tian can't get effective supplies after driving the flying boat for a long time, and the middle High-Grade Spirit Stone in the storage bag is basically used up. There are only a lot of low grade Spirit Stones and a few super grade Spirit Stones left.

These super-grade Spirit Stones can naturally be reserved for other uses, so Yi Tian had no choice but to show the Asura Dharma figure along the way, freeing up five hands to continuously absorb the spiritual power in the low grade Spirit Stone.

Although the supply of spiritual power is not much, it lasted for a while, and successfully reached the deserted island of Tianya Haige.

When setting foot on this island again, Yi Tian first revisited the stone pavilion on the cliff, thinking about three people coming back alone, sighing in his mouth.

It’s only to blame He Weiming’s bad background, but Qianlingzi’s cultivation technique has been manipulated by Qianlingzi, so that he squeezed the spiritual power of his body with no difficulty. Moreover, the cultivation technique left a deadly weak spot in He Weiming Divine Soul, and there was no resistance to Qianlingzi’s Divine Soul invasion.

Looking back and looking for the cave where the Super Long Range Transmission Array is located, I went in and explored. The Transmission Formation here has not been activated again, indicating that Qianlingyuan has not found the cave in Kunwu Cave. secret.

Although it is good news, Yi Tian has not seen Lihuo Sect Founder have left any clues to return to Zhongzhou continent at this time.

Thinking of this, I was speechless. In desperation, I had to lay a mist array outside the Transmission Formation cave to hide the entire island.

After finishing this, Yi Tian flew up again to take out the chart and locate it with the sundial Luogeng, then chose the opposite direction and flew away.

After several months of flying, a white mist appeared in front of my eyes, and it was soon difficult to tell the direction after going deep into it. But at this time Yi Tian's heart was hot. It seemed that he had been here before, and in his mind he couldn't help but think that this was the border zone of the Demon Domain Sea in the Ten Thousand Dao Sea Area.

I also found the sect hinterland of Yunxiao Pavilion at that time, so I was no longer confused and flew towards the depths of the mist.

I remember that there was a Sea Beast in Yunxiao Pavilion, but I haven't seen it for many years, I don't know if this guy recognizes himself. Fortunately, Qi Shanyun once left a jade token to control the beast. After turning it out from the storage ring, Yi Tian tried to motivate the jade token summon Sea Beast.

It's a pity that things are counterproductive. After a full quarter of an hour, there is no sign of Sea Beast all around. Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly at the corner of his mouth. There are only a few possibilities for this. Either this Sea Beast is far away from itself and it is beyond the scope of the jade token message, or it is dead but the probability is extremely small, or it is hunted by the Human Race cultivator. go with.

After putting away the jade token, Yi Tian had to embark on the journey again. After a long flight, there were very few Spirit Stones in the storage ring, and all the medicine pill that could be used was used up. I can swallow the treasures of the spirit plant directly.

Yi Tian has been flying for a long time since the sea eye vortex, and finally found that the place he was once familiar with now converges on the spiritual pressure, fluctuates and gallops away in the sky. .

After flying in the thick white fog for a few days, a hundred miles in front of the divine sense probe, seemed to be isolated by a transparent barrier.

Secretly thought after my heart was overjoyed: "That’s right, there should be Lihuo Lao Clan and Wu Xian Zi Lao Dao who have laid array Formation. As long as the breakthrough is there, you should be able to pass through the Demon Domain sea and return soon. In the most chaotic area of ​​the endless sea, although there are forces like the Loose Cultivator Alliance, it is now easily destroyed in my own eyes."

Not long after I came to the edge of the transparent Formation, Yi Tian divine sense one Some smiles appeared on the face after the scan. Most of the Formation was clothed deep in the seabed. As long as you dive down to find the formation, you can open the gap and go in.

I want to stop Zhou Shen's azure aura, after more than doubling the protective cover, Yi Tian's silhouette fell vertically from the sky, and not long afterwards, an inverted plant dived directly into the sea.

The water depth of this sea area is as much as 30 miles. After diving in the hundred zhang, there will be no light all around. Fortunately, I have experienced naval battles in the depths of the South China Sea back then, so I will not find it strange at all. He stretched out his hand and took out a few Ye Mingzhu and moved towards the water below with a light flick.

Several bright lights across the deep sea illuminate all around the ten-foot range, and those deep-sea fishes see the sudden emergence of light and directly scatter away.

In this way, Yi Tian with no difficulty fell into the seabed, and then relied on his many years of formation with no difficulty to find the formation base in the depths of the seabed coral reef.

After carefully inspecting the spirit patterns on these formations, I found that they are all the patterns of the spirit patterns on the Tianlan continent. It seems that the level of these formations is not much higher, just the scope of the arrangement. The vastness should be regarded as a giant misty formation.

It may be that the material for this formation is very expensive. Back then, Lihuo and Wuxiazi couldn't find enough materials, so they had to retreat and give up using the Spirit Realm formation mark to form the formation.

After finding the node, Yi Tian hurriedly took out the broken Formation cone to find a weak node near the formation base and gently raised it and pierced the law cone.

The transparent Formation, which is like a cicada's wing, is just a symbolic shake, and then it is supported by the broken Formation cone to support a two-foot-size breakthrough mouth. Yi Tian sees the silhouette and drills from it as soon as the silhouette flashes past. Went in.

Later, I turned around and put away the Formation Cone again before slowly moving towards the sea.


The North and South forces in the Ten Thousand Dao Seas The pattern of dividing south, three, north, six, and one has been maintained for thousands of years. The Blood Fiend Cave in the south, Tianyi City in the north and the Demon Domain Sea occupied by the Loose Cultivator Alliance in the west have formed a balanced situation.

Hundreds of years ago, the unprovoked fall of the City Lord of Providence City greatly reduced the strength of Providence City. Although the new Nascent Soul Cultivator Mu Yunyan joined the three Palace Lord Lan Bing for the same pay, Second Palace Lord Huang Wanting has always been wrong with them.

In the next hundred years, the Young Palace Lord Ziyuan Podan Cultivator has increased the Nascent Soul Cultivator in Providence City to four, but compared to the two Nascent Soul Middle Stage cultivators in Zi Wushang’s time, the strength of the two Nascent Soul Middle Stage cultivators is still It's worse.

Huang Wanting is also unwilling to take care of mundane affairs. In addition, many years ago, she was injured in the battle of Yinshidao. So after returning to the sect, she was deeply involved and entrusted the great power coefficient to Junior Sister Yu Lanbing.

But the three Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivators were unable to deter the originally huge ten thousand li sea area. Those loose forces that were originally attached to Heavenly City gradually turned to take refuge in the Blood Fiend Cave. The strength of Chutianyi City is not as good as the rumors of the year.

In the following time, the Blood Fiend Cave even connected to the Loose Cultivator Alliance and began to further erode the sphere of influence of the Heavenly City. Until now, its actual control area has been reduced to half of its original size, and all the sects on the divided territory have been integrated by the Blood Fiend Cave to become its subsidiary forces.

For a time, the strength of the Blood Fiend Cave suddenly jumped above the Tianyi City in the waters of Ten Thousand Islands. Even the Loose Cultivator Alliance also gathered many Golden Core cultivators in the three Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivators. He led the harassment, invasion, differentiation and suppression of the islands originally controlled by Tianyi City in the nearby waters.

Several decades later, these sects were unable to receive the effective support of Providence City and had to change their faces into the power of the Loose Cultivator Alliance. It can be said that the actual territory controlled by Tianyi City now occupies 30% of the waters of Ten Thousand Islands, but the places that can be directly issued by the decree are limited to the northern islands and the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles.

The current City Lord Lan Bing and Young City Lord Ziyuan in Providence City seem to be reluctant to wait and die. They actively contacted various vassal forces in private and promised many benefits to tie them to the battleship of Providence City.

For this reason, I have also tried my best to organize various activities to strengthen exchanges. Today, today, a high-standard auction is held in the largest auction center in the city on the City Lord Island of Providence.

The host of this auction is the newly promoted Nascent Soul Cultivator Ziyuan from the Young Palace Lord of Tianyi City. Next to her are Mu Yunyan and Lan Bing. It can be said that this auction has brought all the Nascent Soul Cultivators that Heaven City can now dispatch into battle.

Most of the people who came to cheer were the Golden Core mid-to-late cultivator originally attached to the medium-sized sect forces of the Providence City forces, and some Nascent Soul loose cultivators who came here to cheer.

After the auction started, Ziyuan moved out several unique resources and treasures of Providence City to stir up the atmosphere of the entire auction house.

The whole auction process was proceeding in an orderly manner, and of course there were unexpected episodes. The VIP room on the second floor of the auction hall will directly participate in the bidding at a price exceeding 50% of the auction item from time to time.

Fortunately, this person also selects some treasures and spirit plants in a targeted manner, and ignores the finished Spiritual Artifact and medicine pill.

After a few rounds, the three Nascent Soul Cultivator will follow, as long as it is not malicious bidding to disturb the atmosphere of the auction room.

But Tianyicheng will not deliberately suppress those who follow the rules.

The three City Lords were talking and laughing in the most central box. During the period, they did not analyze the current situation. Suddenly an extremely strong large spiritual pressure fluctuation suddenly fell from the sky. As long as a slightly knowledgeable cultivator can recognize this as the spiritual pressure of the Nascent Soul Cultivator, it is much stronger than the three City Lords.

Needless to say, only the cultivator of the Blood Fiend Cave has such strength. Some timid cultivators at the auction are ready to get up and leave. In this way, Divine Immortal fights mortals suffer, I am afraid it will really move. These Golden Core cultivators will be turned into cannon fodder directly.

Lan Bing, who was sitting on the main seat, wrinkled his sword eyebrows and stood up with a solemn expression: "Go out and see where they came from?"

Mu Yunyan He and Ziyuan were also nodded and echoed the next three female cultivators and walked directly out of the room to the stand outside. Shaoqing's entire auction floor was boiling, and many Golden Core cultivators in the conference hall underneath were able to see three City Lords appearing together at the same time.

Looking at the three blue ices in a blue robe, counting the hair in a bun, they are dressed as a woman, but the face is still like a young woman of twenty years.

Behind her, Mu Yunyan in azure clothes flower skirt, because she is the newly promoted City Lord Mansion’s Nascent Soul Cultivator normally, she rarely shows her face, so her appearance really makes the following People were surprised for a while.

At the end is Young City Lord Shion in a purple robe. She is still dressed as a girl. Since taking office as City Lord Zi Wushang, she has hidden her smile deeply. Normally There is an unattainable appearance.

The spiritual pressure in mid-air fluctuates suddenly, and then there is a stronger spiritual pressure, which instantly spreads and sweeps the entire venue, and then it converges directly after three breaths. .

Now the people in the whole hall are frying pan, and there is more than one here. Lan Bing's face as cold as ice and frost showed a trace of anxiety at this time. It is not easy to deal with He Tianxiong. His Senior Brother Jiang Tiancheng is even more troublesome. I am afraid that if the visitor is not good, it will be difficult to deal with it on the spot. It's not good to turn your face and spread to the innocent.

As the two auras slowly fell, Lan Bing hurriedly discussed the countermeasures with the two behind him in a private sound transmission. Suddenly, a rough voice came from the aura: "Heaven's City is such a big show. The old man in such a prosperous age should come to join us today. I'm sorry for coming to see the City Lord for a while."

But listening to his tone is not half ashamed, it is completely provocative. The Lan Bing three know that they are dealing with the arrogance at this time, but they are unable to face the challenge due to their lack of strength. They have to wait for Huang Wanting to leave the customs to come here and the four women. Only when you get together can you be the enemy.

It is He Tianxiong who said this, so Lan Bing can no longer remain silent, and everyone hits the door. If you don’t take the initiative to attack, I am afraid that the following vassal forces Sect Master Elder will also give birth to two. Heart.

Immediately, Lan Bing stepped forward and moved towards the two people in the escape to make an archway: "Blood Fiend Sect and two Fellow Daoists came to participate in this auction. It really made God’s will Brilliant, so please enter the VIP seats."

After speaking, he turned his head and ordered his subordinates to let out the second room of the emperor, and stepped forward to invite He Tianxiong and Jiang Tiancheng directly Take a seat.

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