I don’t know how long it has been in the space dungeon. Yi Tian finally strengthened all the Southern Bright Trigram Fire in his body. This time, the result is gratifying. When the flame is sacrificed in the right hand again You can notice a slight difference from the past with the tip of your index finger.

The original flame looks bright and white, but in fact, the true essence inside is shot outside, and you can feel the extraordinary appearance of formidable power at a glance.

But now the flames that are being sacrificed do indeed reveal a hint of purple glow in the white radiance, and the energy of the flames is very well condensed. It is easy to judge it as ordinary Fire at first glance. Element Cultivation Art.

Wuye, who was sitting in the center of the dungeon Formation, suddenly lifts the head and stared at the True Fire for a long time, but there was a surprised look on his face. Then he said, "I really didn't You are wrong, you brat is talented and intelligent, but it took a hundred years to upgrade Life Source True Fire to Grade 4. Then you only need to practice step by step on the 5th floor fire alchemy body in the nine transformations of Lihuo. The day of success is Spirit Transformation. The strength of your Life Source True Fire is two steps faster than the ordinary dísciple of the fire palace."

"This is also thanks to the support of Sect Founder. Next, I will ask Sect Founder to give me advice. How to untie the shackles on you?" Yi Tian replied respectfully.

"It's not busy, since you have all practiced to Grade 4, and I have waited for tens of thousands of years, it is unhurried for a while," Wu Ye waved his hand to signal Yi Tian to walk in and let him take a closer look Look at the strand of True Fire on your hand.

After Yi Tian walked in, Wu Ye widened his eyes and looked at it carefully, then lowered his head to think.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't know what was wrong, but he didn't dare to disturb Sect Founder's thoughts and had to stand aside and wait. About a quarter of an hour later, Wu Ye sighed and slowly said: "I see that your Life Source True Fire seems to have a mutation, and the energy contained in it seems to be several times stronger than common disciple."

"That's it. Isn't the formidable power also greatly enhanced?" Yi Tian asked with a smug smile on his face.

Wu Ye just casually nodded gestured, and then a worried expression appeared on his face: "Although your strength will far exceed the cultivator of the same level, even I am in your cultivation base. It is impossible to reach such a realm. However, your strong strength will make the sky thunder you face during Transcending Tribulation stronger. I don't hope that it will be easy to find a successor comparable to Ji Xuanyuan. The result is that the Transcending Tribulation failed and fell halfway."

It turns out that Wuye Sect Founder is worried about this aspect. Yi Tian knows that if his Southern Bright Trigram Fire has a mutation, the main reason for this situation must be related to the seal. Not open.

And now I can be sure that ninety-nine percent of it is because that many years of unnoticeable influence assimilated the original Purple Flame True Fire on Spiritual Qi with the Southern Bright Trigram Fire on my Nascent Soul body. s consequence.

I remember that when Luo Que broke into his Niwan Palace before, he would recognize the flame as the "Dust Purple Flame". If he could really make the Dust Purple Flame Sacrifice into Life Source True Fire, maybe Strength will bring it up a level.

What Wuye Sect Founder is worried about is only the problem of Transcending Tribulation. In fact, I don't think so in my heart. But what everyone thinks is still a bit biased. The biggest crisis at present is that the seal will automatically fly out during Transcending Tribulation to strengthen the body by the power of Thunder Tribulation.

But the consequences of such a situation will surely affect myself again, but fortunately, after having many previous experiences, I also have a bottom line about this kind of thing.

I looked at Wu Ye’s face, but Yi Tian replied with a relaxed face: "Sect Founder, don’t worry, dísciple spell body refinement Dual Cultivation has been refined into Buddhist Sect’s body refinement body. For Heavenly Tribulation is awe-inspiring but not at all afraid. I will not try Transcending Tribulation until these body refinement methods have been cultivated to a realm level."

Wu Ye's expression became a little more relaxed after hearing this. , Then stretched out his left hand to take out a copy of jade slip and put it aside: "This is a method of breaking the ban. You can read the content, and if you don't understand anything, just ask me." After that, he closed his eyes again. Sitting cross-legged in Formation.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to go to the jade slip and opened it directly and read it. The first half of this jade slip describes how to refine the formation mark.

From this, I learned that the inscription of Wuye’s Great Array "Primordial One Qi Sealed Spirit Formation", such Formation needs to be selected in a place where spiritual power is abundant but chaotic, and the Great Formation can isolate the banned person. Ingest all around spiritual power, and continuously extract the true essence from the body to maintain the operation of Formation.

In the final analysis, this Formation is to use the banned person as the nourishment to constrain people. After the long-term failure of spiritual power, they will be completely locked in the Formation and never get out of it.

Seeing here, Yi Tian's heart trembled and look at Wuye Sect Founder suck in a breath of cold air. In this space, Sect Founder was trapped in the chaotic spiritual power environment of time. Tens of thousands of years have been able to lively dragon and animated tiger to the present, how powerful it should be at its peak in the spring and autumn.

As for the incredible strength of capturing the other half of Wuye Sect Founder, thinking about how strong I might be against such a strong character, I couldn’t help but tremble, and hold it. Jade slip's hands are shaking involuntarily.

Wuye Sect Founder opened his eyes and looked at Yi Tian. After coldly snorted and said: "You should have realized what extreme fear is now."

Muna's I clicked nodded Yi Tian. At this time, I was thinking of another scene. This time I was actually deceived by Wu Ye to get on the thief ship. It was so easy to get on the ship and get off the ship. After thinking about it, he forcibly raised his spirits and asked: "I don’t know if Sect Founder has thought about how to deal with it in the future. In terms of strength, you are not as good as the one in the palace of fire. After being detained, the strength of you two will grow farther and farther."

Wu Ye raised his head, haha ​​laughed, and then pointed at Yi Tian and said: "Well, it’s rare for you to be so confessed. My taste. As for your concerns, I can probably guess most of them, but I have my secret. What I can only reveal to you now is that I am stronger than the hypocrite in terms of strength, and I still have it here on Divine Soul Semi-core part, as long as I meet him again, there will be a way to assimilate it."

After that, I looked again at Yi Tian and said: "He is in the Lihuo Palace, beside him. There are no fewer than ten dísciple doormen and dead guards, and the worst of these people are all combined Early-Stage cultivation bases, so I need a strong helper to deal with these people for me."

Yi Tian suddenly Feeling a trace of coolness coming from my back, it turned out that the sweat from my nervousness made my clothes wet. Then he stammered and asked: "putting it that way I am this powerful helper?"

Wu Ye said with a disdainful mouth: "Don't lift yourself too high. After you advance to the Integration Stage, it will be a blessing to be able to hold Ji Xuanyuan for me. As for other people, I will find some friends to help."

Yi Tian is relaxed after listening. , But the thought of being hostile to my own Sect Founder is not a feeling, and it is the first time that I have been looked down upon since his debut.

At the same time, Wu Ye is also very comfortable: "You don’t want to undervalue oneself, Ji Xuanyuan is a Young Sect Master from the Fire Palace, and his cultivation base goes straight to the middle stage of the fit. Unfortunately, this kid seems to have a hard time advancing to the late stage. And the potential dísciple in Lihuo Palace under the control of that person has been suppressed, and signs of failure have appeared many years ago. It is for your good that I do not allow you to join the clan."

Yi Tian's complexion changed a little after hearing this, and then quickly passed the contents of this jade slip before realizing that, in fact, with his own strength, he couldn't forcefully break the ban and let Wuye Sect Founder out of trouble.

Fortunately, after refining the Southern Bright Trigram Fire to Grade 4, the formation mark can only be reluctantly portrayed. The method adopted by Wuye Sect Founder is to let oneself work on the formation mark node. As long as the spirit breaking pattern is portrayed on the node and the destructive operation is from point to surface, Wuye Sect Founder will then rely on its own strength to forcibly cut off the connection with this sealed array and get out of it.

The plan is good and what I have to do is not difficult, but at the beginning, the person who placed this array was at least an Integration Stage cultivator or a higher cultivation base. With my own cultivation base, I’m afraid to touch the backlash. Will be killed directly by Formation.

So Yi Tian is also very careful to evolve the method of depicting the broken spirit pattern several times in his mind.

After half a day, I adjusted my state to the best, and then turned to Wuye Sect Founder and said: "I can, please Sect Founder to point out the order of breaking the formation."

Wu Ye swept his gaze over Yi Tian once, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Then let's start," as he raised his right hand and took the inner side of the shackles to Yi. Tian looked at it and said: "I have already figured out the structure of this seal formation, and the distribution of its nodes is well understood. The Formation node will be transferred every period of time, and now it is just above the shackles of my right hand. You can try to break the spirit lines directly Engrave on it."

After speaking, stretched out the index finger of your left hand and gently moved towards the shackles. After three breaths, a few densely packed formation marks appeared on it, and a glimmer of light flashed. The nodal lines of the nail-sized area are exposed.

Yi Tian from the side really knows that this is the guidance made by Wuye Sect Founder, and the position of this light spot is not static. As the formation mark slowly turns the node to naked eye, it may be difficult The perceived speed shifted.

If Divine Consciousness is not strong, it is really hard to detect, but the problem that arises from this is that I am equivalent to depicting the broken spirit pattern on the moving manuscript. Yi Tian then took a deep breath and stretched out his right hand to take out Southern Bright Trigram Fire, then closed his eyes and only relied on Divine Consciousness to lock the formation mark node.

Wu Ye clicked nodded with satisfaction, with a touch of relief on his face, and then he sat there holding his right hand firmly and waiting for Yi Tian's shot.

After a bright light flashed, I saw the Southern Bright Trigram Fire shatter void. It was exactly on the node, and the entire sealing array seemed to feel a trace of foreign invasion. It trembled a little and then the formation Mark started to speed up its operation.

At the same time, Yi Tian is trying his best to output True Fire, gathering it into a bright line of fire and quickly engraving the entire broken spirit pattern on the formation mark node.

Yi Tian was considered relaxed after the last stroke fell. Wu Ye, who was sitting in the center of the enclosing formation, suddenly showed a trace of joy when he was ready to rest. I will take you out with me after my luck breaks the formation."

After speaking, I ignored the rest, and quickly formed the seal with my hands on my chest. A spiritual power flowed out of the dantian without Ye, and the Yuan quickly turned in his body. Yi Tian hurriedly stepped away and stood aside to hold the protective cover to the maximum, and saw that a spiritual power vortex suddenly appeared with Wuye as the origin, absorbing all around the originally chaotic and disorderly spiritual power coefficients back.

Then I saw Wu Ye go from a mere mortal to a qi cultivator. After less than three breaths, his aura soared and crossed the Foundation Establishment and entered the Golden Core realm. After ten breaths, Golden Core broke open and revealed a three-inch Nascent Soul Spirit Physique, which went straight from Dantian to the Niwan Palace.

The spirit runes of all around seem to have induction. After the coefficient is activated, it is rapidly absorbing the spiritual power from Wuye.

But seeing that he was not afraid, after the one-handed seal, the broken spirit pattern on the moved towards node clicked and said, "Broken". Instantly starting from this point, cracks appeared in the debut, and then the lines spread rapidly, and when the next formation mark node was broken, the entire array became intensified and jittered.

Within a moment, Wuye’s cultivation base has already entered the next realm. Compared to Yi Tian’s cultivation base, it is now higher than the First Rank, but after that, Wuye’s soaring imposing manner was obtained. Stop.

Yi Tian looked at Wu Ye who had entered the Divine Transformation Stage and asked: "Does Sect Founder only restore the cultivation base to the Divine Transformation Stage?"

Wu Ye just listen. nodded signaled: "This world spiritual power is too thin to restore the cultivation base to the Divine Transformation Stage. It is already the limit, but it is enough to open the void channel forcibly and to break through the boundary. You are a lucky person and you can have the opportunity to observe the process of an ascension. , It has always been beneficial for you to ascend in the future."

Yi Tian has a happy face, just as Wuye Sect Founder said, the opportunity is definitely may come by with luck, but not by searching for It's really an extremely rare good thing for myself.

Then all around, under the violent shaking of the Lingwen Seal Array, after several sounds of'ka ka ka', the chain on Wuye Sect Founder's body fell off.

The coldly snorted corner of Wuye's mouth after getting out of trouble stretched out his hand to sacrifice a trace of flame moved towards the void in front of him, and after the fire flashed, Yi Tian saw a four-foot gap appeared in the cage space in front of him.

With a "Let's go", the two rushed out one after the other to the outside world. After flying out, Yi Tian found out that he had come up from the bottom of the sea eye vortex.

At this time, the place where the two are standing is not far from the sea eye vortex. Wuye Sect Founder looked up at the sky and turned around instructed: "I have taught you all the cultivation techniques and secrets of the Lihuo Palace. I hope you can ascend to the Spirit Realm within a thousand years."

Then take out a piece of jade pendant and gently send it to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "When you enter the Spirit Realm, you will activate this jade token, and at the same time I will sense your arrival, and then I will look for you."

Yi Tian reached out to the jade token and then scanned it with Divine Consciousness and found that the spiritual power contained in this thing secretly said in one's heart: "The thing on Spirit Realm is really extraordinary."


Wuye Sect Founder went on to say: "There is a spell of mine in this jade token, which can be used as a lifesaver, but only one blow can be used for your life. I am leaving, we are going to Spirit Realm, goodbye."

After he raised his head and looked to the sky, his hands took out and took out a flash of light to directly moved towards in the sky, and an empty channel entrance appeared in front of him in an instant. Then, under the aura of the whole body, he shielded one end of his body and sank into the void channel. After its silhouette was completely entered, the aura of the passageway flashed and closed at the speed that naked eye could see.

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