In the sky above the deserted island, Yi Tian and He Weiming directly attacked many of the descendants of the snakes. One showed the real body, and the other took out with the Avatar. Spirit Sword and Demon Flame, the three of them divided the left, center and right, and sandwiched the large black python between them and attacked in turn.

And the other party seems to completely ignore the skin is rough, flesh is thick defensive power, and withstand the attack, then open his mouth and move towards the three of them bite, especially the mass that he spit out after opening his mouth The dark green juice, exuding a foul smell, splits into three in the air and hits the three.

Yi Tian sees and knows that this thing must contain extremely strong toxicity, the entire silhouette teleports twice in the air to pull the distance away to avoid the front meet force with force becoming a war of attrition, Then he raised the Moonlight Wheel in his hand and turned it into a vacuum extremity to block in front of him, catching the dark green venom.

The three-foot-sized vacuum extremity continuously revolves and quickly entrains the venom into the vortex and consumes it. After ten breaths, the attack of the venom is dissolved into the invisible.

He Weiming also drew his eyes and hands quickly and dodges, who knows that the venom group followed like a long eye, and then he had to sacrifice the Spirit Sword and turn it into thousands of swords. Block it.

The sword net of "peng" woven into the sword silk wraps the venom and instantly cuts it into thousands of slags, but when the Spirit Sword flies back, the aura on it is obviously weaker by three points , This venom has an obvious effect of corroding spiritual power, and He Weiming also shakes his head for a while.

His Avatar seems to be relatively easy to do, and a ball of black magic flame is spit out in the air to face the venom, and the black magic flame under the sound of a'coax' sounds completely destroys the venom. It was wrapped up, and then it burned more and more, and it looked like it was adding fuel to the fire.

Under one move, Yi Tian didn't dare to neglect the Sunlight Wheel in his hand and replace it with a golden dazzling sun like moving towards the seven inches of the black python. At the same time, he took back the Moonlight Wheel in front of him and gently sacrificed it in his hands to prepare for the move.

The light wheel made a "peng" sound after hitting the scales of the black python snake. The golden light transformed by the Sunlight Wheel hit the body of the black python, but it had already curled up at this time. The inch was covered up. Yi Tian stretched out his hand to recall the Sunlight Wheel and looked at it carefully. Although he did not directly hit its vitals, he also left a scorched trace on its scales.

Moreover, it was obvious that his cultivation technique obviously restrained these obscure poisons. After a blow, the scales on the back of the black python were shattered to reveal the bright red flesh inside.

He Weiming on the side took advantage of the opportunity to sacrifice Spirit Sword again. This time he mobilized spiritual power to turn Spirit Sword into thousands of swords and shined on the black python head cover. go with.

After three breaths, a sword net that is hiding the sky and covering the earth completely covers the five or more long snakes below. He Weiming shouted in the air: "Receive", then the sword net responds fiercely. The ground was tight, and when the sword net touched the black python body, bunches of black smoke suddenly appeared.

Yi Tian saw exactly in the air that his sword net turned into a sword wire, staring at the place where he had just hit his hand. Without the protection of scales, those sword silks seemed to have entered the northern part of the black python to smash the flesh and blood, and a fist sized hole of blood appeared in an instant.

The sword qi that invaded the body of the black python didn't seem to be completely exhausted. Later, I saw the black python's body tremble violently, and He Weiming in the air pointed at the front after connecting the connection mark. He shouted again: "Open".

I saw the sword wire that had penetrated into the black python's body became vigorously active again, and its internal organs were instantly shredded and protruded directly from the scales.

At the same time, the unidentified Avatar does not take out a black short blade, which reveals a thick Blood Fiendish Qi. After both hands forming seals, the Spiritual Artifact is also moved towards black python hit the wound.

After a black flash, the blood blade accurately hit the north of the black python, and then a weird scene appeared on the blood blade with red rays of light, the blood on the black python body The swift moved towards the knife surged.

This magic knife is to absorb the blood essence of black python for its own use, and the arrogance of black python is much weaker than before. As for the magic knife inserted on its back, the spiritual power fluctuates violently, and its appetite is endless. It seems that it doesn't seem to stop.

Without the ten breaths, the black python's spiritual pressure fluctuations were about half weaker than before, and then I saw its tail flicked and it swept over the magic blade and pulled it directly from its back. come out.

In an instant, a pillar of blood sprayed out of the wound and was completely absorbed by the magic blade without any reservation.

Yi Tian immediately stretched out his hand to combine the two wheels of the sun and the moon into one again into a one-foot-sized spiral ball of light moved towards Black Flood Dragon and hit his head down.

After a group of green venom was spit out from its mouth, it was mixed with an egg-sized demon pill, and then the venom condensed in the air in the demon pill all around, forming a half-foot-sized ball Poison ball.

The two spells of "bang" collided and a wave of spiritual power mixed with venom spread out. Yi Tian saw that when the green spiritual power wave passed over the desert island, The original green trees withered and withered in an instant, after the spiritual power light wave passed, only a place of venom remained.

After seeing this scene, the three people's faces all showed the look of dreading, and the three people's silhouette flashed away and they all avoided it.

After the green spiritual power fluctuations were completely dissipated, Yi Tian scanned the Divine Consciousness and found that the black python was dying and collapsed on the hillside, and many wounds on his body broke apart. The blood flows down.

And He Weiming Avatar doesn't seem to want to let go of the blood that it controls the magic knife and the blood blade stays on the snake's body not far from it, and continues to draw the blood flowing out.

He Weiming put away the Spirit Sword and took a closer look at this black python. His face didn't seem to relax at all, and his brows were slightly frowned as if he was thinking about something.

After seeing Yi Tian, ​​he asked inexplicably: "Fellow Daoist He, is there anything special about this black python?"

"I used to be in Tianlan continent I have seen the description of the descendants of this type of snake in the foreign body history", He Weiming said with a solemn expression: "It is said that this type of snake is a social animal. I think it should be the Old Ancestor of the ethnic group."

"Isn't that over? Does Fellow Daoist He have other worries?" Yi Tian asked rhetorically.

"The descendants of these snake snakes usually like to coexist with descendants of Black Tortoise, but I searched all around with Divine Consciousness. It seems that there are no large tortoises," He Weiming sighed.

As I was talking, a deep roar suddenly sounded out of the fog, which immediately suppressed the three of them. The roar came from the front end of the desert island, and then a huge shadow appeared in the mist.

When the shadow pierced through the fog and appeared in front of them, the three of them were shocked. Yi Tian pointed at a distance in front of him and said: "Fellow Daoist He, your judgment is correct. It seems that we have met Daoist. Trouble."

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