After the assault boat turned a circle in the air, the breakthrough seabirds broke through, and under the guidance of Yi Tian, ​​He Weiming controlled the flying boat and quickly returned to the established crude oil. The route moved towards jade slip continues to fly in the direction indicated on the map.

At this time, the face of Yi Tian sitting in the assault boat showed an extremely solemn look. These seabirds will never fly for no reason, and according to their habits, there must be islands inhabiting nearby.

I can check the jade slip map in my hand, and there is no sign of any land on it. Since the beginning of the teleported Tianya Haige Pavilion, there is no sign of a landing place.

Sitting in the cabin, Yi Tian was puzzled. Suddenly, there was an unknown cry in his ear: "I saw a small island about three miles away thirty miles away. We Do you want to go down and have a look."

"No, our purpose is not to stay here, try our best to stop for a while on the way," Yi Tian categorically rejected.

"Well, just listen to the words of Fellow Daoist Yi, then let's pass by from above," After that, He Weiming continued to control the flying boat and gallop forward.

After such a small episode, Yi Tian also opened the divine sense and moved towards the isolated island in the distance. After a while, the shape of the island appeared in the Divine Consciousness. The middle part of the small island uplifted all around and the cliffs were covered with shrubs, and all around the island was covered with tall trees like primordial jungle.

Yi Tian has doubts in his mind that it is unimaginable that such a situation can occur under such climatic conditions. In other words, the Old Ancestor simply didn't detect this place in the past, or the seabed earthquake caused the islands under the seabed to emerge in three thousand years.

Although the entire group didn’t want to cause trouble, when the flying boat approached the island, why Weiming suddenly discovered that the sky outside was raining, and thunder and lightning fell from time to time in the clouds above the sea, and violent wind erupted above the sea. , Now that Divine Consciousness is cut off by the fog, it would not be easy to keep going like this.

Yi Tian is also aware of this. Although it can be attributed to the consequences of the chaotic spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth, the most appropriate thing is to fall below and temporarily avoid it.

Immediately after the two men negotiated, the assault boat turned towards moved towards the island and fell down. Not long after, Feizhou found a rocky clearing on the top of the mountain and slowly fell down.

After putting away the assault boat, the three men directly set up their protective shields and trimmed them on the spot.

In this endless sea, the sky is always grey and gray. There is no trace of sunlight that can shine through the clouds. And all around the water spiritual power in the air is extremely active, causing the hundred zhang above the sea to be shrouded in a layer of white fog. Even if it is extended with Divine Consciousness, it can only be ridiculously probed into the shape of a hundred li, and in this, only fifty li can be seen clearly.

The three people took out the medicine pill on the rock mountain slope and replied to the spiritual power. He Weiming looked at all around the environment and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, do you think we can get there within three days if we continue like this The eye of the deep sea?"

Yi Tian took out the map and looked at the helpless shook the head and said: "If the next journey is in this kind of weather, then the speed of our travel will definitely be dragged down."

"Is it possible to bypass this rainy area?" He Weiming suggested.

This is a good suggestion, but Yi Tian cannot comment on it. The current route is still within the range indicated by the map on the stone wall, but once you leave this section, It is equivalent to rushing. After thinking about it, he said: "Although the road ahead of Fellow Daoist He is difficult, it is still a clue left by Old Ancestor from the fire, except for this section. It's hard to say."

Tian felt that all around had dozens of pairs of eyes staring at the three of them, and his mouth hurriedly sent sound transmission to inform them. In an instant, dozens of black glow came out from behind the rocks all around moved towards the backs of the three.

Fortunately, the three of them teleported into the air in an instant. They looked down at the black glow and turned out to be black snakes who were talking. There are red and black patterns all over his body, and a trace of black smoke can be seen from the place where he swims.

Yi Tian quickly passed through his mind and then blurted out: "This is a descendant of the snake, it seems that the Bloodline Strength left on his body is already very thin, but it is just the appearance of the summit of the Fifth Level. But the saliva in his mouth is very toxic, and he can directly break the protective cover of the cultivator."

He Weiming said disapprovingly: "Then how we can't reach them in the sky."


As I was talking, suddenly a black snake headed up suddenly raised his head, and then a pair of thin wings stretched out on his back, and with a'swish', his head rushed into the air.

So the three of them didn’t dare to neglect and hurriedly divide the characters and took out their Spirit Sword to move towards the demonic beast from below, and turn Spirit Sword into golden light efficient three times in mid-air. This group of demonic beasts below were resolved.

After taking back the Spirit Sword Yi Tian after ten breaths, he found that the spiritual power on the Taiyuan Sword had been weakened a lot. It seems that these venoms indeed have the effect of corroding the spiritual power of the cultivator.

Although the crisis in front of me was resolved, my face was not happy. I lowered my head and glanced across the island below, revealing a deep look of dreading.

He Weiming also discovered the situation of Yi Tian and hurriedly asked: "How did these black snakes like Fellow Daoist Yi bypass our Divine Consciousness and approach us?"

"Fellow Daoist He thinks about our situation instead of thinking about this," Yi Tian replied with a deep face.

"Is there anything wrong?" He Weiming said.

"The descendant of this snake has obviously undergone mutation, and I have a hunch that it is inconvenient to stay here for a long time, it is better to leave quickly," was saying that the distance between the mountain peaks on the island below suddenly shook.

After those stubborn stones continued to fall, a black hole measuring five feet in size appeared. Suddenly a strong spiritual pressure fluctuation came from it, and suddenly a black glow flew out from the hole and stopped in front of the three of them. Living.

Yi Tian's sharp eyes immediately used the pupil technique to take a look, and suddenly he blurted out with a bitter expression: "Our trouble is here. This guy is estimated to have a seventh-level appearance, and he is a little behind the Golden Retriever King. It’s just a step."

He Weiming also turned his head and looked at the black glow in front of him. After dispersing, it was a black snake that was more than five feet long, but there was a fist-thick horn on the top of his head. It should be almost melted. The degree of Jiao has changed.

But this demonic beast has obviously not experienced the transformation of the calamity, which is completely based on the instinct of Bloodline Strength to fight. But for Yi Tian, ​​such an opponent is even more difficult to deal with. He is restrained everywhere above the sea, but the opponent has the advantage of the home court.

It's useless to think too much. I stretched out my hand to directly take out the Sun and Moon's Splendor wheel, and at the same time mutter incantations in the mouth of one side of the body said: "Change," the Asura dharma body image appeared instantly.

In unfavorable circumstances, Yi Tian is not prepared to keep his hands, just do it quickly by showing his true body directly.

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