After all, the level of Yi Tian's cultivation of Spirit Pet is at most entry level. This time, the colorful roar hurt Chi Yanju and made him have to take action. After cleaning up the opponent, he stuffed his demon pill and tiger blood directly to Chi Yanju, but after he took it, he didn't know that Spirit Pet's ability to digest and absorb was so strong that the original Fifth Level mid-level Chi Yanju would welcome him in advance. Here comes the sixth level Heavenly Tribulation.

Looking at this way, the heavenly robbery clouds seem to condense very quickly, and they are covered by robbery clouds for hundreds of miles. Yi Tian visually inspected the range of Jieyun in the sky and felt relaxed in his heart. It seemed that the formidable power was almost the same as Nascent Soul Jie.

Looking back at the red flame horse in the red light, I believe that with his current strength, he should be able to easily get through such an intensity of Heavenly Tribulation.

After that, Yi Tian just quickly sound transmission explained to Chi Yanju what needs to be paid attention to during Transcending Tribulation, and then flew away and waited. Such Heavenly Tribulation said that there was no need for me to intervene at all. At the same time, I wanted to see how much spiritual power of the colorful roar demon pill could be absorbed by the red flame horse.

About a quarter of an hour later, the gap was opened in the center of the thundercloud on Acquired, and the red lightning condensed in the sky as if looking for the target below.

Suddenly the corner of Yi Tian's eyes swept over the red light that was originally wrapped around Chi Yanju's body, and slowly faded away, revealing a group of sturdy tall horses. The obviously roaring demon core and blood brought him more benefits than this. At this point, Chi Yanju had four long fangs growing out of his mouth.

The fur on the body became rosy and bloody with a hint of light, and the Spiritual Qi from the body formed a red mask around the body under the violent fluctuations. Yi Tian took a closer look at Chi Yanju's body at this time, there was still a faint prestige of king, and then he realized that he was the innate talent Huwei who inherited the colorful roar.

Apart from this Yi Tian, ​​I am still very interested in knowing what mutation failures there will be in Xia Chi Yanju.

A flash of lightning flashed over the head, accompanied by the rumbling sound of the tribulation thunder, the red thunder and lightning moved towards the place where the Chi Yanju was sitting. What surprises Yi Tian is that Chi Yanju actually moved this time, not evading the tribulation thunder, but rather attacking.

Moved towards tribulation thunder The red flame horse opened his mouth where it fell. At this time, a red ball of light spurted out of his mouth. This situation was very much like the tiger roar used by the tribulation thunder.

Yi Tian stared directly at Chi Yanju's movements, and saw the red ball of light in his mouth sprayed out and directly caught the first Dao Tribulation thunder. The scattered thunder and lightning suddenly shot up in the sky like fireworks, covering all around thirty miles.

The falling lightning sparks immediately ignited the mountain forest below, but Chi Yanju couldn't take care of these anymore, and the 2nd Jieyun fell shortly afterwards. Opened his mouth again to gain momentum, doing the same thing to deal with the next few Thunder Tribulation.

After the four Thunder Tribulations, a bit of nectar fell on Chi Yanju's body from the gap in the void. Standing in the distance, Yi Tian only saw the Chi Yanju's body that had absorbed the nectar become larger.

At this time, the red flame horse is already regarded as a solid sixth-level demonic beast, and his body is a circle larger than before and becomes a nightmare beast about ten feet long and nine feet high. The four hooves showed a fiery red color, and instantly turned into a raging flame, and the fur on both sides of the body was red.

To say that the biggest change is that a five-inch-long horn grew out of his head and forehead. After Yi Tian's gaze swept over, he quickly searched for the description of the nightmare beast in his mind. Up to now, basically the characteristics of the adult nightmare beast have been displayed on the red flame horse.

Additionally, he has inherited part of the Innate Divine Ability after drawing the blood and inner core of the colorful roar, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Only when Chi Yanju opened his mouth and shouted: "Many Thanks Master, I will be considered a level six great demon from now on."

Yi Tian's face showed a little relief. The look replied: "Yes, you have finally crossed this sky. You can also be a big help for me when you come."

It's just that my eyelids jumped a bit when I said that, Yi Tian Turning around, I found something wrong with all around. It's really too weird, and logically speaking, after the Heavenly Tribulation, the cloud of the sky disperses all around, it should gradually become brighter.

But it still looks like that now, and it hasn't changed in the slightest from the time when the robbery cloud gathered. There is still no change, all around has become more dim, it is almost as if you can't see your fingers.

Lifts the head to Yi Tian, ​​looking up at the sky, I saw that the gap where the nectar had fallen was slowly closed to the size of ten zhang, and then a black red electric spark appeared again. This is obviously a new robbery cloud In the brewing cohesion.

Looking at all around, it seems that there is no third person besides himself and Chi Yanju. Could it be that the fat dog is going to be transformed into a catastrophe? A single thought flashed through my mind, but was quickly rejected by myself.

Fat Dog and Qingyu are training in their Spirit Beast bags at this time, and although the appearance of Fat Dog has reached the sixth level, they don’t know why the Heavenly Tribulation has not arrived.

After releasing the Fat Dog and Qingyu, the two beasts circled in the air. After scanning through the divine sense of Yi Tian, ​​no abnormal situation was found.

Suddenly Qingyu screamed: "Look, Second Brother's body seems to have changed a little."

The fat dog turned his head and stared at Chi Yanju for a while. The latter also yelled in a hurry: "This smelly brat turned out to be before me, so how can I get mixed up in the future."

As soon as this statement came out, Yi Tian turned and looked at Chi Yanju, only to see him At this time, the spiritual power surged again in the whole body, and the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure became extremely unstable, which was obviously a precursor of breakthrough.

But he just passed the sixth level Heavenly Tribulation and completed the advanced stage, and now he is immediately ushering in the Transformation Tribulation, which is an unusual thing in principle. I think the spiritual power contained in the colorful inner core is huge, but there is no reason why Chi Yanju can cross two major steps in a row.

Only in the middle of the situation will cause the situation like this, Yi Tian wanted to stop the cold sweat on his forehead, turned around and shouted to the fat dog Qingyu: "You two, go back first, I will deal with it, this time Maybe Chi Yanju can't pass this level and will be finished."

Seeing what Yi Tian said so solemnly, Qingyu was so frightened that Ji Rong turned pale and cried immediately. Two tears yelled from the corner of the fat dog's eyes: "Second Brother, look at the head, the tribulation thunder is for you."

Chi Yanju hearing this, looking up at the complexion ashen, said I couldn't say a word and screamed there. I saw that the Jieyun on that day opened the gap again, and this time the movement was greater than the previous time, and the tribulation thunder bred in it was even more powerful.

To be honest, Yi Tian doesn't know if Chi Yanju's current state can survive this transformation. And now it was too late to put him in Spirit Beast's bag, and by then, he would have to top the mine for him.

After seeing this, there was an instant decision in his mind, Yi Tian loudly shouted: "You two, go back first, I will figure out a solution," Then he stretched out his hand and sent the Fat Dog and Qingyu back to the Spirit Beast bag. .

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