Faced with such overbearing Yi Tian, ​​his brow furrowed deeply. To be honest, he didn't want to make things so high. If you make a move, it will not be easy to explain in front of Golden Retriever Roar, but now Colorful Roar is the first to make a move, then you can't just let it go.

The Taiyuan sword on the corner of mouth twitching right hand raised, suddenly an azure sword thread took out again and moved towards the colorful roar. Two spells, one green and one yellow, exploded fiercely after a collision in the air, making a deafening sound.

But after the three breaths, azure's sword wire directly broke through the colorful spell and continued to roll on him. After the two fights, I knew that Yi Tian was so powerful that he didn't dare to take out a fang to hold it in his hand, and then the mutter incantations in the air poured spiritual power into it to activate.

Suddenly the spiritual power around him formed a vortex and quickly involved all around Spiritual Qi, and the whole person's cultivation base seemed to skyrocket to the category of the seventh-level demonic beast.

Yi Tian stood in the distance and cast the Spiritual Clearance Technique, looked at his face and suddenly revealed a heavy color. This spiritual pressure fluctuation definitely did not come from Colorful Roar, but the one in his hand. Driven by Fang Fang.

Obviously, the owner of this fang should be Golden Retriever Roar. He didn't expect that he would leave it to Scarlet Roar. No wonder the other party dared to be so impudent. It turned out to be arrogant.

At the moment, Yi Tian has no time to think about just reaching out his hand to summon the fat dog and Qingyu back into the Spirit Beast bag, then put away the Taiyuan sword, his hands quickly formed the seal on his chest. Suddenly, the spiritual power of the whole body was quickly mobilized. Suddenly, a white firelight appeared from between the hands and a purple aura flashed in the firelight, which was his Life Source Spiritual Artifact.

Mutter incantations said: "Come", I saw the white flames quickly gathered and gathered at the wick of the Zixiaozhan, showing a solid white flame.

The colorful roar outside the hundred zhang has completely activated the fangs in his hand, and then looked at Yi Tian with a look of contempt. Then he read a series of long incantion, and manipulated the fangs on his hand to turn into a white light moved towards Yi Tian.

Yi Tian moved when the white light flew to half the distance. After the Divine Consciousness passed by, he gathered the Zixiaozhan gently and placed it at the corner of his mouth. After taking a deep breath, he moved towards the center. The flame blew gently.

I saw a trace of True Fire separated from the flame at the wick, and when it flew out of the Zixiaozhan, it quickly grew to three feet away and became a fist-sized white Fireball. Facing the direction that the fangs shot from, flew away.

'Zila' sounded without the imposing manner of using the sword technique just now, the white flame made it easy for the white light that can be turned into fangs to collide with each other. What surprised Yi Tian was that his Zi Xiao Yaoli's display seemed ordinary, but the result was unexpected.

The white flame swallowed the halo of the fangs in an instant, and then only paused in the air before continuing to move towards the opponent.

The colorful roar was also amazed. The killing move given by King Golden Retriever was so vulnerable in front of Yi Tian’s spell. I instantly thought of whether this fang was a Xibei product. , Adoptive Father put himself together.

But the ridiculous thoughts flashed past, and the colorful roar did see the Golden Retriever Monster King personally. He took off a fang from his mouth as a token of recognition, and repeatedly told him not to Don't use it as a last resort. Its power is as powerful as the Golden Retriever King's full blow.

Yi Tian took out the unremarkable oil lamp in his hand and just a light blow can break the blow, not only the destroying heaven and extinguishing earth contained in this simple trick Power can only be noticed when it gets closer.

Unfortunately, it was too late to dodge the colorful roar. The white flame was already close at hand. When he wanted to, he gathered Spiritual Qi with both hands and opened the protective cover to the maximum in an attempt to make the final desperate resistance.

A white light in the air struck Baba Roar accurately and immediately ignited his body. He was swallowed by Southern Bright Trigram Fire before his screaming sound was too late.

In the distance, Yi Tian hurriedly played a few secret art to urge Zixiaozhan to retract Yaoli's true flame, and saw that the flame attached to Colorful Roar seemed to have received Zixiaozhan. The summon of Summon usually peeled off instantly, leaving only a body like a burnt black residue and fell weakly.

Yi Tian held the silhouette of Zixiao Zhan in his left hand, and then came to the vicinity of the corpse of Zanhuahou after a flash, the right hand stretched out to catch it, and directly lifted the charred flesh and dug out his inner core .

At this time, no part of Bracelet's body was intact, and even the Storage Bracelet that was put on her wrist was burnt and deformed. The whole body can no longer see the original appearance, after the gradually roaring corpse showed its original shape, Yi Tian discovered that it was a tiger turned into a spirit.

While the fangs of the Golden Retriever Monster King that were originally taken out were burned into a muddy mass, Yi Tian had an intuition about his newly trained 1st move in the three changes of Lihuo. Impact. Although the spiritual power consumption is huge, the effect is also very gratifying, I am afraid that if I really meet Four-Great Demon Kings, I will have the power to fight.

After putting away the Zixiaozhan, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan sword to disassemble the roaring body. First, he collected a bottle of tiger blood, and after cutting off the charred meat, only one remained. Vice tiger bone, tiger whip and tiger tail are still complete.

After putting these things away, I turned around and moved towards the volcanic crater and flew deep. Previously, it was discovered that Chi Yanju was nestling at the bottom of the lava. It seemed that his injury was not light this time. It is no wonder that he was able to escape under the hands of the Transfiguration Demon.

Over the years, I have only been focusing on cultivation, making friends and dealing with sect affairs, and have completely forgotten the cultivation of Spirit Pet. With this opportunity, I have to think about how to let Chi Yanju enter. Order.

In a short while, I came to the sky above the lava. After finding the location of Chi Yanju, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to split the lava below, and then pinched a secret art to bring Chi Yanju out Here comes volcanic crater.

When Chi Yanju returned not far in front of him, he swept his eyes and saw that the fluctuation of his spiritual pressure was obviously much weaker than usual. It seemed that he had lost too much blood. reason.

There are also two traces of tiger claw appearing on the original smooth fur on both sides of the body. Although the wound is no longer bleeding, it is profoundly visible that the bones are faintly revealing some white.

Seeing here, Yi Tian Ji Shangxinlai directly reached out and hit a secret art to stabilize the silhouette of the Chi Yanju, and then shouted in a low voice: "Open your mouth," smoothly pour all the collected bottle of tiger blood Into Chi Yanju's mouth.

Seeing that this was not enough, then took out the colorful inner core and stuffed it directly into Chi Yanju's mouth. When he swallowed all these tiger blood and inner core, a strong spiritual pressure came out from the horseback all around.

Red flame bursts with red spiritual power all over the body. After fluctuating, a red light covers it to form a red ball floating in the air.

Yi Tian didn’t have time to be happy and suddenly felt that the sky of all around instantly became like a dark night. He raised his head and looked up and immediately cursed, “I’m a ghost, it’s not the right time to come.”

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