The allocation of resources on the'Six Suns' Day' finally came to an end, but at the end of the meeting, Yi Tian received a subpoena from Wan Gang and wanted to ask him to visit the house.

After arranging the affairs of the Xinglin faction and the Loose Cultivator Alliance, Yi Tian quietly used the secret body technique to leave, and then sneaked into the flying vehicle of the Barbarian Horn tribe. When Yi Tian came to the main cabin of the Barbarian Horn transport ship, he found that there were two integration stage cultivators.

One of the weaker ones is the combined Early-Stage cultivator. Yi Tian investigated and found that it was actually in harmony with the territorial aura of the Three Headed Hound cultivator of the hell. didn't expect Wan Gang would come to him again this time, and it was estimated that the things he had to discuss with him would have something to do with him.

It's just that Yi Tian feels a little puzzled, what is the matter to be related to the Three Headed Hound family of hell.

After arriving in the main cabin, I saw that Wan Gang and Po Yu had been waiting for a long time. Yi Tian walked forward and paid respect to the two people after seeing Wan Gang. The other side found an empty seat and sat down.

When Po Yu'an sat down, Wan Gang said, "This time I took the liberty to invite Fellow Daoist Yi to come and discuss something important."

"Oh, I don't know if it is related to Fellow Daoist this time?" Yi Tian asked.

The Poyu, who sat opposite, said with a straight face: "This trip to'mountains of daggers and seas of flames' is also thanks to Fellow Daoist Yi's generosity, which my family can earn.' Sulfur fire source'more than doubled the previous few times." Speaking of this Po Yu's face, there was also a hint of gratitude.

Yi Tian was slightly smiled nodded and motioned for him to continue speaking, although it was more than doubled, but the Territory was also exchanged for treasures that were not Young Patriarch. But in general he still took a lot of advantage, and everyone was happy when they got what they needed.

"In fact, this time I asked Fellow Daoist Yi to come here mainly or for the secret possession of the Great Emperor You Ming in this world," Wan Gang opened the mouth and said inappropriately: "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Yi knows anything about this?"

Speaking of this Yi Tian, ​​I remembered that he had verified that the Yellow Springs clan had occupied the original Great Emperor You Ming and stayed in this world. The palace was used as the residence of the clan. Moreover, under the bloodline theory promoted by Yan Qiu, all the mixed blood in the Yellow Springs clan were gradually expelled, and then the news of the Great Emperor You Ming's palace gradually spread out.

But the most interesting thing about this is that the Great Emperor You Ming had a Three Headed Hound that had a beast-handling collar on his body. This thing has a natural suppressive effect on the Three Headed Hound clan in the hell, and it is unceremonious to say that whoever can get this thing can directly enslaved the Three Headed Hound clan in the hell.

No wonder you will see Po Yu during this meeting. I guess he should be very concerned about this matter. There must be something he cares about in the Great Emperor You Ming palace.

I thought Yi Tian was slightly nodded. Then his eyes swept across Poyu, only to see that an anxious color appeared on his face at this time, as if he had something to say. He immediately waved his hand and said: "Fellow Daoist has made a special trip to this point and has something to say. I always like to go straight and talk bluntly."

Hearing this, his gaze swept the side of Wan Gang and then lightly. Coughed said: "In fact, this time I am Tuo Wan Gang Fellow Daoist who came to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to help him out. The main reason is to find a Spirit Treasure from the original Great Emperor You Ming Palace and destroy it completely. "

"Oh, why does Poyu Fellow Daoist care about that Spirit Treasure so much?" Yi Tian seemed to be thinking of something, but asked calmly on his face.

"I am ashamed that the Spirit Treasure was originally used by the predecessor Great Emperor You Ming to tame Spirit Pets, but it has a natural suppressive effect on my cultivator, so I have this plan," Po Yu explained.

Needless to say, the beast control collar is undoubtedly, but Yi Tian did not directly reply. After all, if I go there this time, I will definitely meet Yan Qiu. Although I have some feasts with him, I don’t want to bring the contradiction directly to the table. After all, I will cooperate once in the future to find the entrance to the Immortal World Fragment in the Underworld. If you just cast aside all considerations for face, I’m afraid that when the time comes, it’s hard to meet.

Wan Gang, who is on the side, will naturally be someone who knows the inside story and hurriedly said: "Fellow Daoist Yi has no idea. This beast-handling collar has always been a thorn in the eye for the Three Headed Hound tribe in hell. , I can’t wait to get rid of it immediately. It’s just that there is no clue before, and I don’t know how to start. Fortunately, after hundreds of years of planning, Fellow Daoist finally found a chance, so he bowed his head and begged me for help. "

so that's how it is Yi Tian, ​​but learned something the same taste from these words, which can make Poyu bow his head and ask to explain the urgency of this matter to him is jade hell Three The Headed Hound family is already facing an urgent need to solve. After thinking about it, I asked: "I don’t know why Fellow Daoist wants to take action to solve this problem now?"

Hearing this is looking straight and said: "I was planning to delay another one. Drag, but when I met Mo Feihong of Black Dragon Clan in the VIP room of'mountains of daggers and seas of flames', I knew that Yan Qiu was ready to take action."

" Speak?" Yi Tian asked with a frown.

"Fellow Daoist Yi didn't know anything about this. In Prison World, our clan and the Black Dragon Clan are in conflict. There is no small friction, but there are always high-rank cultivator battles. There will be a silhouette of our two clans," Po Yu said.

"Why is that again?" Yi Tian asked puzzledly: "As far as I can see, you and Mo Feihong have nothing to talk to each other, nor do they seem to have deep hatred?"

"In fact, speaking of which goes back to Ancient Era, the Three Headed Hound clan and Black Dragon Clan belong to the two extreme species of the opposite'Cage Dungeon'," Po Yu explained: " My clan is a spiritual object produced by the essence of fire source condensing mutation, while Black Dragon Clan is born out of the essence of water source. This kind of explanation should be understood by Fellow Daoist Yi."

In this way, these two races have opposed each other for nearly tens of thousands of years. Although they have no grievances in the past and have no enmity in the past, they have been well preserved in the memory of their ancestors and bloodline inheritance information. Down. Now suddenly there is news of Spirit Treasure that restrains the Three Headed Hound clan in the hell, and Yan Qiu went to find Mo Feihong again to make a move. It must be good intentions.

I want to stop Yi Tian sighed and said: "If you are involved in this kind of right and wrong for no reason, I am afraid it will be difficult for a while. Then how do Fellow Daoist need me to help?"

Hearing this Po Domain finally showed a bit of joy on his face. Although it is not easy to ask someone to make a move, he can't care about that many for the future of the entire race. Then he said: "I sent the younger generation into the Yellow Springs clan and lurked for hundreds of years and finally found the exact location of the secret entrance in the Great Emperor You Ming palace. I just heard that there is a unique space, the doorway. There is a forbidden Formation to seal, and the seal will be weakened every five hundred years, with an interval of about half a day, so I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to come with me to enter the space and explore it."

" What about you and me, Wan Fellow Daoist?" Yi Tian asked, browsing slightly wrinkle, who was sitting on the side.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, you don’t know anything. If I give a hand gesture this time, Yan Qiu will be alert. When the time comes, the contradiction between the two groups is not something my clan can bear. ," Wan Gang said like this: "So after weighing it, I or for Poyu Fellow Daoist recommended you."

"How many people from Yan Qiu will enter?" Yi Tian asked.

"If I was not mistaken, it should be Mo Feihong and Biluo Yaoji," Wan Gang thought for a while and said, "Yan Qiu will not easily take action if he wants to sit in the Yellow Springs clan."

"But if Yan Qiu is outside, how can we sneak in under his eyelids?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.

Po Yu said with no timidity on his face: "Wang Gang Fellow Daoist and Shi Jinming Fellow Daoist must be asked to help us in this matter. After Yan Qiu is held back, we can buy time for us. , It only takes one hour."

"So this is your strategy," Yi Tian said in an angry voice: "Although you are not fake, he is not a fool. How could you be so obedient to get the bait, and it is not easy for us to hide from his eyes and ears."

After saying that Yi Tian glanced over Poyu, the meaning is naturally self-explanatory. Yu, if you want to hide from Yan Qiu, it's okay, but with the cultivation base of breaking the domain, I am afraid that it will be a bit difficult to be slightly worse.

Wan Gang hurriedly explained: "This matter is the key to asking Fellow Daoist Yi to help. It is naturally no problem to bring Fellow Daoist into the territory with your strength. And in that secret It’s not difficult to find the Spirit Treasure by relying on the information left by the ancestors of the Three Headed Hound tribe in Tibet."

Poyu also hurriedly echoed: "Wan Fellow Daoist said yes, after we entered It's not to conflict with the other party, so Fellow Daoist Yi may not need to take action. Moreover, with the information I know, the location of the'Beast Controlling Collar' is hidden, and it is naturally not easy for people who are waiting to find it."

"But this time, there is also the Biluo Demon Ji, his deity is the current Great Emperor You Ming mad, are you confident that you will find the Spirit Treasure before her?" Yi Tian asked. After all, this matter involves a lot, and I don't want to just confront Biluo Demon Ji again, and the other party seems to have deliberately found myself to join forces with this matter, but others don't know it, but I have to deal with this relationship in a good way. Otherwise, the major event is definitely not the result I want to see.

Hearing this is a calm expression: "Fellow Daoist Yi can be assured of this. Although the madness is powerful, his Divine Soul is incomplete, and there are many key memories that cannot be retrieved. Come, for example, the message of the former Great Emperor You Ming's palace in Prison World is like this. If he can remember how he would wait ten thousand years before sending an Avatar to come."

That's the same, if Divine Soul, the Divine Soul, will not easily give up the secret residence of the palace in his previous life, but the visit of the Demon's Jade is also quite unexpected.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian asked again: "So what else do you need to help with after taking you to hide Yan Qiu into the secret hiding place?"

"There are two The trapped formation requires Fellow Daoist Yi to crack it with me," Po Yu thought for a while and said: "So we can arrive in front of Mo Feihong even if we enter at a later time."

"Since So it is not difficult, but I want to know what price will Poyu Fellow Daoist offer me this time?" Yi Tian asked. This unreasonable offense is not what I want, and the offending business also depends on whether it is worthwhile. Since Poyu invited the three Integration Stage cultivators to help with this shot, naturally, they have to pay the corresponding price.

I saw that his face twitched slightly, then he took out a jade box from the storage ring and handed it over: "I heard that Fellow Daoist Yi's true identity is the Sect Master of Spirit Realm, so wait a moment. It must be inconspicuous. This is the Fragment of Spirit Realm cultivation technique collected by our ancestors in the early years. If Fellow Daoist Yi doesn't like it, I can say it, I will look for other Spirit Treasure."

Yi Tian took over and gently removed the seal talisman on the seal of the jade box, then lifted the lid and glanced over, only to see a broken jade slip in the jade box. At first glance, it seems to have been cut off diagonally. He took it out and spread it out in his palm and examined it carefully, his face remained unchanged, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

This jade slip is engraved with a lot of Spirit Realm text, but it also contains a lot of Golden Seal Script original text. Obviously, the original jade slip is an annotation, and the content should be an analysis of the content of the Golden Seal Script above. From the line between the lines, it should be a book about Pill Dao. Although speaking of which I am proficient in refiners, I also have a deep understanding of Pill Dao. Although it is not as good as Poisonous Hand or Medicine Old, it is naturally much better than ordinary Pill Master.

Unfortunately, this broken jade slip is only half a piece. If you can get it together, you can know the essence of Pill Dao recorded in it. But Yi Tian knew that he was destined to meet such an opportunity today, so naturally he couldn't let it go easily. These deceased scrolls are invaluable to Sect, and they are written in Golden Seal Script.

Although it is still missing half of it, I was able to get it together that day. I want to put the jade slip back into the jade box and close the lid and put it in the bag. Then he turned and said resolutely: "Since Fellow Daoist can come up with such a weighty thing, I am disrespectful. This time I still need to do more. I don’t have a big problem here, but I still want to be like Fellow Daoist and Fellow. Daoist Shi made a move in time to hold Yan Qiu."

Seeing that he had so swiftly agreed to the deranged area, his complexion eased, and his face was naturally relaxed. Then he turned his eyes to Wan Gang and said, "Since Fellow Daoist Yi agreed to help, Lau Wan Fellow Daoist will have to come forward for the next thing." After that, he took out a steaming'sulphur fire source' from the storage ring. Passed it over.

Wan Gang saw that the pupils in his eyes condensed and immediately took over and then carefully swept it with divine sense, with a satisfied smile on his face, saying: "Poyu Fellow Daoist is really bold, and it's a flower for this. For a big price, I will do my best, so don’t worry."

Didn't expect them to use the newly acquired'sulphur fire source' as a trading bargaining chip. It is estimated that this amount is accounted for. One-tenth of the share of Po Territory. Sure enough, these'sulphur fire sources' in Prison World are hard currency and can be used by several big clans.

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