Yi Tian was also puzzled after the fight with Biluo Yaoji. To put it bluntly, she would even propose to enter the Xumi space that she opened up for discussion. After the move, Yi Tian also noticed some clues. Biluo Demon Ji knew that the strength was not as good as her, but she had to challenge herself with a big problem.

Fortunately, Yi Tian himself is also boldness of execution stems from superb skill and wants to find out what kind of medicine the other party sells in the gourd. After a try, I noticed that Biluo Demon Ji, the mad Avatar of the Great Emperor You Ming, has actually started to disagree. It is rare that speaking of which Avatar wants to get rid of the control of the deity, and it is usually only possible when it senses that the deity's strength is impaired or is about to die.

It's just in the present situation of madness, hiding in the Netherworld and almost never show up and don't know what's wrong with his body. However, Yi Tian was also suspicious when he saw the performance of the Green Demon Fairy today. Although the current situation is not very clear, for the Green Demon Fairy herself, he cannot fully believe what he said.

As for her sound transmission just now, she invited herself to go to the Netherworld to explore the entrance of the Immortal World fragments, but her proposal to deal with the Nether boy is very worthy of scrutiny.

First of all, of the four maddening Avatars, only the Nether Boy is the closest to the body. If the Nether Boy falls outside, it will definitely cause indelible damage to the body.

This can be learned from the previous situation of killing two of his Avatars by himself. At this time, there must be something wrong with the vicious body, so he would let himself be here in Prison World. So happy.

Secondly, he used the map at the entrance of Immortal World as a bait under the vertical and horizontal links of his own, and forced the ghost boy to put aside his prejudices and cooperate with him. It shows that the madness also knows that his Avatar is no longer a threat to him, and his deity cannot take action personally after being hit by one after another.

Adding to the fact that Biluo Demon Ji has even approached her door to communicate with herself privately, it is enough to show that the Great Emperor You Ming must be fettered at this time. However, such a situation is extremely beneficial to him, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to tie the seal and swept all around after he wanted to stop. The people who were present before the three breaths returned to the VIP room, each sitting in their original positions as if they had never moved.

lifts the head and glances over the Biluo Yaoji above the middle position, and Yi Tian's mouth is not much to say.

Yan Qiu, who was the host, looked down, then stood up and moved towards everyone bowed his hands and said: "The resources allocated by the established races in today’s rankings can be implemented. This is also the case. The'mountains of daggers and seas of flames' trip Perfection is over. However, after the next time, the actual distribution will be carried out according to the participants. I don’t know what you want?"

Yi Tian Knowing that this remark naturally spoiled myself, this time staring at the names of Taliu Daoist and Sea Crocodile Dragon, plus the identity of Xinglin Sect Guest Elder, made three copies at once. Speaking of which If these people here don't have any objections, it's really hard to say.

Yan Qiu's remarks are also reasonable, and the resources of the original Prison World can only be allocated by the Sect Master and high-rank cultivator of this world. Forgive me that Demon Girl Biluo didn't deliberately ask for a piece of the pie this time.

Wan Gang, Shi Jinming, and the others hearing this all present here also echoed, and at the same time they all gave themselves an apologetic wink. However, Yi Tian turned a blind eye to this, anyway, he was only temporarily conscious of that's all, and there would be no next time for what mountain to chop or firewood.

There are deacons in each of the big races. Everyone came to report. It should be the people who assigned all the fire sources produced this time. Yi Tian expected that all the shares that Po Yu had promised before had also been given enough shares, but at this time, Po Yu also had a satisfied smile on his face.

However, the loose cultivator forces represented by Wanjiaolan will also get enough benefits from it, which will also help a lot in future development. However, the Loose Cultivator Alliance is still relying on the power of the Barbarians to develop, and for this, he has made a plan to transfer all of them to the jurisdiction of Xinglinmen.

I turned around and looked at Wan Gang, only to see that the other party also happened to look over inadvertently. Then I heard his sound transmission channel: "Fellow Daoist Yi will invite my family to stay for a while."

Knowing that he must have something to do with Yi Tian, ​​he clicked nodded knowingly, and then He sat in his seat and closed his eyes to rest up.

After all those who came to report are gone, Yan Qiu opened the mouth and said: "This is the end of the ranking distribution of the'Six Suns' Day, so I will lead clansman. Leave first, let the Fellow Daoists do it yourself."

After speaking, he stood up and led Biluo Demon Ji and Mo Feihong straight away. The Integration Stage cultivator behind him also slowly got up. After everyone winked at each other, they scattered and left the VIP room.

Yi Tian flashed past and disappeared immediately. After returning to the station of Xinglin faction, he sent a message to Manchao and asked him to take people back to sect. At the same time, she informed Xia Wanjiaolan to arrange for her to take care of Yan Wenxiong, and set about moving the forces of the Loose Cultivator Alliance to the jurisdiction of Xinglinmen.

After finishing this, Yi Tian used the concealed spell and quietly left the resident of Xinglinmen and then moved towards the old camp of the Manjiao tribe and rushed away.

Yi Tian soon discovered that in the domain of'mountains of daggers and seas of flames', a transport ship scrambled to leave here. After all, staying in such a harsh environment for an extra day is also a crime. For example, the Yellow Springs family arrived at the latest but was the first to leave. And the dark beast Sea Clan and the Three Headed Hound clan did not intend to stay in the slightest, and when the resources were exchanged, they hurriedly opened the transport ship.

After that, the flying vehicles of the Stone Race and the Wild Horns also slowly lifted into the air, moving towards the direction of their respective race spheres of influence. Yi Tian came to the transport ship of the Manjiao clan and walked quietly through the cabin passage all the way to the door of the main cabin.

Before the divine sense stretched out, it was discovered that there were obviously two traces of aura left by the Integration Stage cultivator. Before that, Wan Gang had made a special trip to invite himself to visit the house for a while, and didn't expect to make an appointment with someone else.

But judging from the strength of this aura, it seemed that it was not Shi Jinming. After carefully distinguishing it in his heart, he immediately recognized that it should be the broken domain of the Three Headed Hound clan. I just don't know why Wan Gang came to him this time.

After slowly showing his figure, Yi Tian waved and took out. The spirit light directly hit the door restriction in front of him. After three breaths, the light film of the restriction was opened and the voice of Wan Gang came from the inside. : "Fellow Daoist Yi is here, please come in quickly, I and Fellow Daoist have been waiting for a long time."

After hearing his words, Yi Tian also browses slightly wrinkle, it seems this time Things should have something to do with the Three Headed Hound clan in hell, but it's not exactly why.

Slowly walked into the cabin and saw Wan Gang and Po Yu, who had been seated as the guest and host, hurriedly got up and moved towards themselves. Then Wan Gang signaled again: "Please take Fellow Daoist Yi up here, let’s take a seat. Talk slowly."

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