After solving the troubles of the Xinglin School, Yi Tian stayed in the Cave Mansion blessed ground in its sect and secluded cultivation, so that after a few years, Yi Tian received the full nest. Subpoena. Calculating the time has passed for about ten years, and it is now on the eve of the emergence of the six suns.

It is estimated that it will take more than a month to rush from the Xinglin pie sect to the "fire sea", and it is only a few days away for the Integration Stage cultivator. Regarding this, Yi Tian also knew that it would be inappropriate for him to go rashly, and even if he asked Manchao to take someone a step ahead, he would arrive later.

Calculating this trip of'mountains of daggers and seas of flames', it is not necessary to take action. The Integration Stage cultivator of Three Great Races in Prison World, Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming, are naturally not. Will compete with oneself. From the current point of view, as long as the ranking of the Xinglin faction is maintained, Yi Tian has no intention of directly violating other Integration Stage cultivators.

As for the sea crocodile dragon It shouldn't be among these participating races, it shouldn't be reappeared. In that battle, he cut off most of his tail. It would take at least thousands of years to make up for such a cultivation base.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the Cave Mansion about half a month after leaving the nest, stretched out his raised hand to take back the all around restriction, stood up and tidyed up the crown, the silhouette became faded and faded and finally disappeared Inside the Cave Mansion.

After a breath, Yi Tian's silhouette appeared above the cave mansion, took out the map jade slip, found the location of the'sword body fire sea' on it, and turned around and moved towards that Flew straight away.

Along the way, Yi Tian converged his breath and increased his escape speed, and estimated that he could reach the destination in about three days.

After flying for two and a half days, what came into view was the continuous black mountain range, but a little red starlight appeared on many peaks. In Yi Tian's eyes, the purple light flashed and cast the heavenly demon pupil technique, staring there for a while, and then discovered that these red starlights were all the appearance of the underground lava erupting and flowing down from the top of the mountain.

And the mountains in front of you can't see the edge at a glance, Yi Tian calculated in the air that roughly this area covers about four or five ten thousand li squares.

Such a large area is a continuous volcanic eruption area speaking of which and such landscapes can only be seen in Prison World. Yi Tian stretched out the divine sense and swept across an area close to 15,000 miles, and found that there was no large alien force there.

It seems that the spiritual power in this area is not weak. For those Yellow Springs, Wild Horns, and even Stone Race cultivators, it is easier to develop their clan here.

I want to return to Yi Tian unconsciously and found that Dongfang Tianji had turned pale, and it was the early morning of the third day. A rising sun rays of light shone from the east and landed in the area of'mountains of daggers and seas of flames'. Suddenly a large amount of firelight emerged from this mountain range to illuminate the sky.

Yi Tian muttered a word in his mouth and looked up at the volcanic area. There seemed to be five bright light clusters appearing in the sky above the volcanic area, cooperating with the rising morning sun, like six suns. At the same time appearing in the air. "Could this be the spectacle of the'Six Suns present'," Yi Tian muttered: "It seems to be nothing unusual."

Suddenly Yi Tian realized that the temperature all around seemed to be sharp Ascend, you can see a lot of water vapor rising into the air above the ground without in a short time.

Yi Tian immediately shook the head after his gaze, didn't expect the temperature of the land here can be increased to several times higher than that of the cultivation Fire Attribute cultivation technique. The cultivator is really a good place. But on the other hand, ordinary spiritual practitioners may not be suitable if they want to live here for a long time. Naturally, those foreign races will not choose this place easily.

The cultivation base above Nascent Soul Stage can ignore the drastic changes in all around the environment, but those low-level cultivators may not be able to easily resist the heat here. Based on this, it seems that the Prison World aliens did not set up any strongholds here because it was forced by the environment.

Soon after the divine sense swept through Yi Tian, ​​he found that there was a large amount of spiritual pressure fluctuations gathering outside the ten thousand li in the front area. Needless to say, it should be the place where the Hell Level races gathered.

Immediately after adjusting the flight direction, he moved towards that place and flew straight away. After a while, the silhouette of Yi Tian appeared above the valley. Afterwards, I saw that the mountain within the valley had been divided into dozens of large and small areas, and some places had been brightened up.

Looking around, I saw the Xinglin faction's banner lighted up in one of them, and next to it was the residence of Stone Race and the Barbarian Horn tribe. On the other side of the Manjiao clan, the emblem of the Yellow Springs clan was erected. After the divine sense swept through, Yi Tian found that there were at least five Integration Stage cultivator auras.

In addition to Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming, at least two Integration Stage cultivators that he is not familiar with have arrived.

After gazing by, I was listening to a pitch black warship outside several li, the residence of the Yellow Springs clan. The flags on it were three dog heads. This should be the people of the Three Headed Hound tribe of Hell. I thought they were all Monster Race bodies, but after divine sense passed by, I found that there were some normal spiritual figures in the residence. But carefully distinguish the demonic beasts that should all be transformed, and the characteristics of these three headed hound clansman are still very obvious.

Many clansman still retain some of the characteristics of Three Headed Hound, but it is a bit strange to myself that since it is Three Headed Hound Human Transformation, why did not see its iconic three-headed feature. In my own expectation, it should be the same as that of the Asura clan. Even the Human Transformation would show three heads.

Then he turned his gaze to the other side of the strength of several major races, and saw a large-scale vehicle that looked like a merchant ship. On the flying vehicle, there are many cultivators busy with activities. Yi Tian fixed his eyes on the loose cultivator cultivation base. The cultivation base is also uneven, and the highest is the Divine Transformation Stage.

Floating on the mast of the merchant ship is a three-foot-old flag with the words "Ta Liu". This is the car of the'Ta Liu' daoist, and didn't expect a trifling loose cultivator to do such a big show. Although it is not as good as the Three Great Races of Prison World, this imposing manner is not weak, but I don't know how strong the cultivation base of the "daoist" is.

Convergence of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the body, Yi Tian quietly flashed, concealing his figure, and fell into the line of the Xinglin faction.

After coming to the sect big account, Yi Tian found that Manchao seemed not to be among them at this time. It was estimated that he had gone to contact the other major races before the competition. The style of Xinglin School is naturally flattering the tenet of "harmony is the most precious". After all, this time I came here to ask for money and not really want anyone to grudge.

Xinglin faction has always had a good relationship with Prison World Three Great Races. I'm afraid that this will be full of nests. It should be discussed with the cultivators in the clan about how to distribute the exchange material.

Among the dísciples left behind in the big tent, several of them have seen themselves in the great hall of Xinglin School. Immediately, Yi Tian showed a silhouette directly in the middle of the big account.

Those who saw the sect deacon dísciple were surprised at first, and then actively stepped forward and respectfully paid homage. Yi Tian gave them a good voice to appease him and told them to first inform the nest. During this period, it was inconvenient for him to avoid suspicion on the road.

These deacon dísciple hearing this nearby will naturally dare not violate it, and then greet Yi Tian to the elegant room behind the big tent to take a break. I also informed that because the people who had gone out of the dark beast Sea Clan this time have not yet arrived, the conference will be postponed for the time being.

Yi Tian is naturally very clear in his heart that the dark beast Sea Clan and the sea crocodile dragon are inseparable from each other, and they must advance and retreat together. But this time I am afraid that the sea king of the dark beast Sea Clan may not be able to do what he wants. It is expected that they are late because they have not contacted the sea crocodile dragon.

Unlike other Yi Tian, ​​he found an empty seat in the elegant room behind the big tent to sit down and rest for a while, but he used the concealment method to hide his figure.

After waiting for a while, suddenly the brow raised slightly, and then he opened his eyes and there was a sneer on his face. It was discovered in divine sense that someone had sneaked into the Xinglin faction's resident, and at this time, he was moving towards the big account.

The appearance of this person's cultivation base in the middle of the fit, if you say that the strength should be about the same as Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming. But it shouldn't be these three people from the aura, and he didn't reveal whereabouts to them. Counting the integration stage cultivators present today, it is estimated that only the Taliu Daoist from Ta Liu Shan may do this.

As a loose cultivator, the foundation of'Tread Flow Daoist' is the simplest, and he is spiritually cultivating just like the Poison Sage, so it should be the most talkable.

In the divine sense, I noticed that silhouette was swayed in the big tent and moved towards myself. With his strength, naturally, there is no need to worry about being detected by these low-level cultivators. The only thing that can be clearly understood is the Integration Stage cultivator.

Yi Tian also sincerely wanted to test his strength, so he used a concealed spell to hide his figure into the void. Shao Qing saw a strong wind blowing and an extremely concealed spiritual pressure fluctuation floating from it, only to stop three feet away from the center of the back account.

Later, I saw a silhouette showing a cultivator silhouette wearing a black cloak. After seeing his appearance, Yi Tian was stunned. The person here was not a spiritual cultivation appearance. Three heads appeared on the cultivator's head. The one on the front is slightly larger and exactly similar to normal spiritual practice, except that two identical heads grow on the left and right shoulders respectively. The color is jet-black, which is different from the frontal one. That one.

When he searched the big tent, his face was shocked and disappointed.

Suddenly Yi Tian showed a silhouette behind him, and then said with a smile: "I wonder if the cultivators of the Three Headed Hound clan of hell have hobbies like yours, do you like to sneak into other people's houses?"


The person in front of him was shocked when he heard it. Obviously he didn't expect an unfamiliar voice to sound here. Then he turned his head and stared at Yi Tian with an awkward look, and then slowly opened the mouth and said after three breaths: "Your Excellency is not the poisonous saint Fellow Daoist, you have not consulted the surname?"

The cultivation base of this hell Three Headed Hound cultivator is about Level 9 Early-Stage, which corresponds to the combined Early-Stage spiritual cultivation. Although Yi Tian himself did not reveal his identity, his ability to play tricks under his nose was enough to prove that his strength was far better than his opponent.

After a pause, Yi Tian was coldly shouted: "Speaking to ask people if they have to report their own lives, so that it is considered polite."

That hell The Three Headed Hound clan cultivator hearing this was a blank expression and then wrote spiritually. "It’s polite to go to hell for the Three Headed Hound clan. I originally wanted to visit Fellow Daoist, but I didn’t know. This time he didn't come."

"The Poison Sage is in Monster Realm too busy to spare time for a separate task at this time," Yi Tian replied faintly: "Now, Yi Tian meets the Poison Sage. For many years, I can be regarded as a good friend, so this time I will help that's all with the identity of the Xinglin pie Guest Elder."

The complexion slightly eased when I heard this, but the six eyes were still dead. Staring at the person in front of you. Obviously he has already felt the difference in strength, and the characters who can appear silently behind him, I am afraid that few people in the entire Prison World can do it.

If it is a sudden attack, I am afraid that he may not be able to resist one or two. Fortunately, after the two parties exchanged their names, they found that the other party didn't mean to inquire, but even so, he could detect the invisible pressure on his shoulders that forced a little bit of cold sweat on his forehead.

Yi Tian's appearance of breaking the domain is all in his eyes, and he deliberately put pressure on him so as to take advantage of the position under the ensuing inquiry. The scene was immersed for a while, after about ten breaths, Yi Tian slowly found a place in the back account to sit down, and then stretched out his hand and pointed out: "Passing the door is the guest, so why not sit down and chat with Fellow Daoist? Yes. I don’t expect you to come here for no reason, right?"

The nervous expression on the face of Hearing this slowly eased, and then he stepped forward and bowed his hand first and then went to Yi Tian's face three. Found a place away from the ruler and sat down.

I just opened the mouth and said that I can’t wait to sit still and said: "I took the liberty to disturb the mansion today, but I was abrupt."

"Before the Fellow Daoist hides his trail like this Come, I’m afraid it’s not a small thing," Yi Tian lightly said: "I also like to make it clear, I don’t know what Fellow Daoist came to today?"

Hearing this is embarrassing and smiled. and said: "Frankly, I originally came here to discuss the distribution of the brimstone fire source with Fellow Daoist, the poisonous saint. Now that I see Fellow Daoist Yi, I want to say the same to you."

"The original Xinglin faction's quota was used to redeem the treasures needed by sect. If Fellow Daoist has the corresponding materials on hand, there is no problem," Yi Tian twitched his lips and said: "You only need to send the younger generation of the clan Just come and find Xinglin faction deacon Elder to fill the nest, why should you visit it secretly?"

After listening to Poyu, his face darkened and said: "Frankly, the Three Headed Hound clan of the hell was originally from several other clans. I didn’t get along well, so I had no choice but to ask the Xinglin faction for help. As for the rich materials in my clan, there is no poison. Naturally, the people below cannot convince the Xinglinmen deacon."

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