After Li Nishang took Cang Weixin and left directly, Yi Tian didn't need to go elsewhere, so he sat cross-legged in the deepest part of the original Cave Mansion and cultivated quietly.

Anyway, Li Nishang didn’t notify sect when he took the people away, so Yi Tian went on behalf of her and briefed Manchao about the situation in this area. The latter was also anxious after receiving the call. Reply.

After receiving Manchao's message, Yi Tian also read through it carefully, and it was almost as expected. Manchao, as the distracting mid-stage cultivator who stayed behind in the Xinglin faction, naturally could not find the existence of an Integration Stage cultivator. If it were not for his own suggestion, I am afraid he would still be kept in the dark.

In replying to the jade slip, the nest is filled with thanks to the poisonous saint. After all, this kind of existence is so scared that the Master dare not face it bluntly.

It was also mentioned in the jade slip that since he didn't want to go anywhere else, Manchao simply designated the boundary here as a forbidden area for sect. So I can rest here for a while with peace of mind.

Forget the time when the six suns appeared, Yi Tian felt that during this period of time, he could digest all the information obtained by Prison World here. As for the Immortal World Tribulation Thunder Force obtained when I encountered True Immortal in the lower realm last time at the pinnacle of the deep sea, I can also condense it again.

To be honest, this thing is my own killing move now, and I will face the Great Emperor You Ming of the Mahayana Stage cultivation base in the future. The Absolute Art of the Heavenly Immortal Palace is not enough. .

Thinking of this thought can't help but connect with the grandson pavilion of True Immortal from the lower realm. speaking of which My own understanding of the power distribution of Immortal World is still in a very superficial stage. These Immortal Worlds are still limited by layers of heavens. Of course, the level of tomorrow will not be low, but I don't know which is stronger than my own Sect Da Luotian.

Although the origin of this Guangming Sun Pavilion is unknown, his strength lies there. Although it was only as strong as the middle of the fit, Yi Tian thought at the time that even if he played against it, he might not have a perfect chance of winning, at best it was only a 50-50 win.

And there is also a tenth-level quasi-demonic beast sea crocodile dragon glare like a tiger watching his prey on the side. If you rush to shoot, you will really step into the land of eternal damnation. Fortunately, Changsun Ting didn't seem to be very malicious towards himself, and he was also afraid of other True Immortal, such as the True Immortal Wu Jue who had come down since Yutian mentioned in his mouth. Thinking of this, Yi Tian's complexion has also become extremely difficult to look. You must know that when his Sect Founder Miao Dizi faced the True Immortal Daoist of the Lower Realm, it was a tragic ending.

That is the Ancestor Master and the Great Ascension's cultivation base, and now he is just the peak of the late integration. It is not difficult to enter the Mahayana Stage, but it must be far from the Ancestor Master’s cultivation base back then.

If the Taoist Youxuan returns in a swirl of dust, I am afraid that the Master can work together with the two uncles to suppress it. As for the current situation of True Immortal coming into the world, it is better to be good at first, and wait for the development of the matter to see what storms they will cause in the Shangling Nine Realms.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian still took out the cross-border Teleportation Talisman and wrote on it in detail that he met True Immortal in Prison World. With the memory in his mind, he also portrayed the appearance of Changsun Ting. In the end, he wrote all the news about the True Immortal Wu Jue from Yutian.

After the inspection was completed, Yi Tian showed a satisfactory color on his face, reaching out his hand to draw a crack in the void in front of him, and directly opening the passage to Spirit Realm, and then The jade talisman in his hand was sacrificed and sent in.

This kind of behavior can only be used to contact sect in an emergency. I believe that Master Wuye will definitely respond after receiving his own subpoena.

Although I don't know the origin of Wu Jue from Yutian, Yi Tian knows in his heart that since the person who can make Changsun Ting fearful is definitely not to be trifled with. Secretly remembered his name in his heart, and it is best not to provoke him if he meets in the future. However, while Yi Tian was worried, he also had a lot of interest in these True Immortals. Although they only used Avatars in the lower realms, they were all Immortal World things on them, and they could be used infinitely by getting points at will. .

If you can collect the spirit pill and marvelous medicine or the cultivation technique from Changsun Ting or Wu Jue to absorb and use them, I'm afraid that the old Mahayana Stage cultivator in Shangling Nine Realms will be many. It may not be his opponent anymore. Thinking of this, Yi Tian passed a name in his mind for no reason,'Devil Saint Storm'. Immediately sighed muttered to himself: "I don't know why the uncle Wuxiang fell into the Demon Realm back then, I am afraid that he must have an ulterior secret. '

After thinking about this, Yi Tian took out the jade slip that Man Nest and handed over to him. The seal of this jade slip is the seal of the Poisonous Hand. If you want to come to Manchao, you may not have the ability to read the information inside. Yi Tian was very curious about what kind of information the Poison Sage would leave to him. After all, it would not be justified to be able to make himself shot without any dry goods.

After gently removing the above ban, Yi Tian slowly spread the jade slip in his hand and read it carefully. After scanning the first half of his gaze, Yi Tian's eyes stubbornly withstood the above description and couldn't move away.

This jade slip records the rarer things in Prison World. The description of the major races is also very detailed, more than what I have learned before.

Apart from this and the spectacle of the'six suns present' are also described. During the period, Yi Tian read through the lower face carefully but revealed a gloomy and uncertain look. It turns out that this'six suns present world' is indeed a spectacle in Prison World, every time it is in the'mountains of daggers and seas of flames' area to appreciate this unique landscape. Then there was a large amount of sulfur fire source overflowing. Compared with other places in Prison World, the spiritual power contained in the sulfur fire source produced here is more abundant. It is also the foundation of the great races in Prison World. Valuable resource.

Be aware that the cultivation techniques of the Prison World races in these places are mostly dependent on the sulfur fire, and the resources occupied by the big races are normally only those diluted sulfur fire sources, which can get the most Pure resources are tantamount to playing a decisive and key role in the development of the next millennium.

Except for the dark beast Sea Clan, the rest of these races will not be easily let go. As for Xinglinmen, although the cultivation technique does not require so many sulphur fire sources, it is not allowed to exchange these resources with other races. The corresponding poison. Therefore, the poisonous hand will also take action at the appropriate time to gain the maximum benefit for sect.

It is also mentioned in the jade slip that usually Xinglin Sect will directly agree to exchange the resources obtained with the other major races after the ranking of the competition is determined. After all, it is obtained for Xinglin Sect. The fire source is not the main purpose but a means of exchanging large quantities of materials.

The dark beast Sea Clan also handles these quotas in almost the same way. Their cultivation technique attribute conflicts with the brimstone fire source, so it is just an opportunity to gather resources.

At this point, Yi Tian realized that every time the dark beasts Sea Clan and Xinglinmen in the Six Suns appear in this world, they will not force their way forward, as long as they are better than other races under the premise of ensuring their own interests.

There is no Integration Stage cultivator. To tell the truth, even if you go to the "fire sea", other races will not put it in the eyes. Generally speaking, the deterrent effect of this time is far greater than that of fighting with others. At that time, you only need to get enough quotas according to your strength.

Many thanks to Li Nishang for this matter. If it weren't for her Poison Sage, she wouldn't have stayed in the Monster Realm City for a while.

Next, I looked at Yi Tian in the second half of the encounter, but found that it introduced a lot of things that have happened in Prison World for tens of thousands of years, and there are still many opportunities.

For example, in Prison World, there is the'Hellfire Castle' that Hell Sovereign paid respect here. This place was originally the place where the former Great Emperor You Ming was located here, but now it is occupied by the Yellow Springs clan.

It is only said that the Great Emperor You Ming collected treasures from this world in a warehouse in the "Hellfire Fort". It's just that no one has found the exact location of this warehouse for thousands of years, so now it has become a rumor circulating in the high-rank cultivator in Prison World.

However, the Poisonous Hand is marked by this. He thinks that this is true, but that's all has not been found yet. Moreover, it is said that the Great Emperor You Ming left a Supreme Treasure in his hand when he retreated back to the Netherworld. This thing does not have much effect for other races, but it can restrain the Three Headed Hound clan of the hell.

Originally, the "soul-catching collar" is the Great Emperor You Ming pet hell Three Headed Hound. "Wang Cai" wears something on his neck. It is this thing that can firmly control the Hell Three Headed Hound. .

Seeing here, Yi Tian also took a deep breath. Logically speaking, the Three Headed Hound clan was also enslaved by the Great Emperor You Ming. However, compared to other races, the treatment is still good. It’s just that the secret information like this is estimated to be more detailed and preserved in the Three Headed Hound clan of Hell. If you get the'Contemporary Collar', it is no different from hell. The Three Headed Hound clan is in control.

For the current Prison World all influence, if you can get this thing, it must be like a tiger that has grown wings. For the Three Headed Hound family, this thing must be found and destroyed.

After reading it, Yi Tian also secretly paid attention to this, but it is not easy to remember the wealth in Prison World where his predecessor Great Emperor You Ming stayed. Forgive me that the Yellow Springs tribe has occupied the "Hellfire Castle" for tens of thousands of years and have not found any clues. If they find this treasure, I am afraid that they would have suppressed the remaining tribes and become the only Super Great Influence in Prison World.

This matter can be discussed by Wan of the Barbarian Horned Clan. After all, he wants to rise in the Prison World in his heart and he must face the Yellow Springs clan. There is no difference between offending once and offending a hundred times. If you say that Wan Gang is in the Great Emperor You Ming treasure resource and offends the Yellow Springs clan, I can only make a choice. I believe that as long as people with normal brains do not do unexpected things, right? .

Thinking that there is also Shi Jinming Yi Tian of Stone Race, he also has a scrutiny in his heart. This time I can communicate with them privately during the'mountains of daggers and seas of flames' trip. I believe they must be in their hands. There will also be a lot of clues left, which cannot be directly searched for by the strength of oneself alone.

After putting away the jade slip, Yi Tian stretched out his raised hand and opened the restraining Formation in the Cave Mansion, and then took out the Zixiaozhan and placed it in front of him. After extending the index finger of the right hand, a wisp of thunder flame purple flame was raised at the fingertips, and the flame was placed in the center of the Zixiaozhan by gently pressing it.

After absorbing the power of True Immortal’s tribulation thunder this time, I only roughly refined it, far from fully integrating these thunder Forces with my Life Source true flames. The degree of refinement.

When fighting against the sea crocodile dragon before, Yi Tian also faintly felt that although the strengthened Thunder Flame Ziyan was powerful, the violent power within it almost got rid of his own control. Fortunately, the sea crocodile dragon can't hold it for long without support, or he really doesn't know how to end it.

After slowly rotating the cultivation technique of the'Nine Changes of Lihuo' in the body, Yi Tian began to quietly condense the thunder flame purple flames on the Zixiao Zhan.

The violent energy contained in the original thunder flame purple flame slowly calmed down under Yi Tian's control, but in this, Yi Tian found a trace of Origin Energy contained in Life. Source True Fire. Soon after he finished the ritual, the long purple fairy Origin Force appeared on the whole Zixiao Zhan. Apart from this, the thunder flame purple flame in the center became extremely supple, without the previous manic and restless appearance.

Yi Tian took this ray of true flame back into his body and circulated it among his Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and then found that the strength of Thunder originally attached to the meridian wall was absorbed a lot and finally returned to The Niwan Palace fell on the seal.

The ray of true flame returned to his Nascent Soul forehead again after flowing, Nascent Soul of Yi Tian opened his mouth and swallowed the ray of thunder flame purple flame into his belly.

Shao Qing discovered that the faint purple revealed on Nascent Soul Spirit Physique was the color of the thunder flame purple flame. Unlike the past, the Thunder Flame Purple Flame is more condensed and formidable power is naturally stronger at this time.

After the internal view, Yi Tian also looked happy and hurriedly took out Life Source True Fire again and placed it in the center of the Zixiao Zhan, and began to refining it back and forth. In the long run, I don’t know how long it will be before I have condensed all the Life Source True Fire in the body. Looking back at this time, there seems to be no change on the Zixiao Zhan in front of me, but this Life Source Spiritual Artifact is connected to Yi Tian. Naturally, it can be noticed that it is slightly different from before.

After reaching out for the Zixiao Zhan, he looked carefully in front of him, but Shao Qing discovered that Dao Mark Road faintly appeared in the extension of the Zixiao Zhan's lamp. Yi Tian naturally remembers the style on his Life-Source Magical Treasure, and remembers that there were no such lines when refining.

After thinking about Yi Tian, ​​the corner of his mouth is slightly smiled. His Life Source Spiritual Artifact has not been refined and evolved for a long time. Today, there are a lot of high-end sulfur mica on hand. This kind of treasure was originally The companion creature of Sulfur and Fire, from the attribute point of view, complements the Zixiaozhan.

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