In the depths of the ice prison at the bottom of the'Sin Domain Cliff', Yi Tian quietly sneaked in and disappeared, and then found Kun Lingzi. Accompanying him into the ice prison is also a Divided Spirit Stage cultivator named Pei Diao. The purpose of their trip is to find the monk Zhixing who is imprisoned at the bottom of the ice prison.

Unexpectedly, didn't expect that Pei Tie and Zhixing were both the souls of the Great Emperor You Ming thousands of years ago. In addition to the current Great Emperor You Ming, these two are also the strongest stray souls.

Nowadays, Pei Tie is threatened by the madness to come to find Monk Zhixing, and Kun Lingzi is mostly instructed to bring Pei Tie to come. After all, without the cultivation base of the Integration Stage, it is impossible to break the defensive prohibition of the'Sin Domain Cliff' to break here.

After listening to the conversation between the three, Yi Tian was preparing to watch the changes, but his whereabouts were discovered by Zhixing who was frozen in the ice wall. The cultivation base of his mid-integration stage was originally unable to detect his existence, but he had cultivated the Buddhist Sect secret technique of a large lightning Zen temple, and such a mid-integration stage monk is also very familiar with the sect cultivation technique, so naturally it is impossible to complete it. Blinded him.

After being told by Zhixing, Yi Tian also showed his figure generously, and the divine sense passed by and locked Kun Lingzi and Pei Tao. Then he turned his gaze to the monk Zhixing inside the ice wall and said: "I have seen the master of Zhixing under Yi Tian."

"Fellow Daoist Yi is in front of you, please forgive this poor monk for being a sinner. Inconvenience repaid," Zhixing lifts the head to replied.

As for the two people next to them, their faces are full of vigilance, and they have Spiritual Artifacts in their hands, ready to go. Na Kun Lingzi asked, "Your Excellency is the guard of this'Sin Domain Cliff'?"

Yi Tian smiled and shook his head without reply, but Monk Zhixing opened his mouth and explained:" The warden who stayed behind in this'Sin Domain Cliff' is nothing but the Divided Spirit Stage cultivation base. Fellow Daoist Yi should have come after following one of you."

"Master Zhixing, as expected. Powerful, in a word," Yi Tian said with approval.

So Kunlingzi complexion greatly changed, then he lowered his head and thought about it, and suddenly said: "This Qilin soft armor is a Spiritual Artifact made by you?"

"It seems Kunlingzi Fellow Daoist is not stupid. The fellow Xiong Erbao asked me to bid for a Heavenly Grade Spiritual Artifact. The speaking of which you found on the "Ancient Tyrant Dragon Head" also has some questions. I will ask about this in detail later. "Yi Tian solemnly replied.

Kun Lingzi hearing this complexion slightly changed, it is not a good thing to give a cultivator the peak cultivator in the late stage of the complexion. Then he hurriedly took off the Qilin soft armor on his body and put it in the storage ring.

As for Yi Tian, ​​she looked at her with a cold face and didn't say anything. After all, Kun Lingzi has not yet entered the eyes of her own law, but the monk Zhixing and Pei Tiao in front of him are a thorny big trouble.

Yi Tian's heart is still the Great Emperor You Ming madness. Although he is in the Nether Realm, he has already stretched his hand into the Buddha Spirit Realm. It is conceivable that his picture is not small.

Just listen to Monk Zhixing and ask: "I wonder how much Fellow Daoist Yi has listened to us?"

"I understand almost everything you said," Yi Tian It was replied without a wave of trouble: "Didn't expect that the previous Great Emperor You Ming didn't give up, and even wanted to reincarnate and rebirth in a way of dispersing souls to gather Divine Soul again."

Wisdom Monk Xing was helplessly sighed and said: "Speaking of which I was also fortunate to trace back to the various causes and effects of the previous life after the secret of the cultivated Buddhist Sect reincarnation. I want to come to the Master to see this clearly, so I was introduced to Buddhism. , I hope to resolve the grievances in the heart of Great Emperor You Ming through the vastness of Buddhism."

"Dare to ask the master of Zhixing master but the master of Huisheng?" Yi Tian asked.

"Exactly, does Fellow Daoist Yi know how I got here?" Monk Zhixing asked again.

"With the strength of the master of Zhixing, even if you want to imprison you forcibly, you need to be taken by the Mahayana Stage cultivator in person," Yi Tian looking thoughtful said: "Since the master has this question, I am right Master Huisheng understands that he would naturally not do this. Apart from this, there is no who in the entire Lightning Zen Temple can do this. If it were not for Master Zhixing, I am afraid that there would be no third person. I did this."

The Pei Xie on the side was silent and yelled: "Why did you imprison yourself here? What the hell is this for?"

Yi Tian suddenly interrupted: "From my point of view, Zhixing master is the Dharma cultivation base profound. You must be aware of the various past lives, so you are here to forgive sins?"

"Fellow Daoist Sure enough, Yi gaze as if a torch, you are mostly right, and there is another reason why I want to avoid the chase of the madness, so I personally sealed myself in this ice wall, one for forgiveness, two for avoiding Woe," said Monk Zhixing.

"The master has thought that this taste is not a way to escape," Yi Tian pointed his finger at that Pei Diao said: "Since you are the former Great Emperor You Ming, the reincarnation of the soul, the natural Divine Soul has a mark. Indelible, it will be a matter of time for the madman to find you."

Master sighed of Zhixing: "I also know that this is not easy, but the cause and effect of thousands of years must be broken. I will do it. I haven’t waited for the fated person to appear, so I still need to wait here."

As soon as this statement came out, the two people next to him looked terrified. You can learn from Jixing’s mouth that he seems It foresaw the end of the madness.

Pei Tie hurriedly shouted: "The strength of the madness like the sun at high noon, he has already collected 70% of the power of the soul divergence of the predecessor Great Emperor You Ming, as long as you absorb it, I’m afraid of strength. There will be a breakthrough again."

"Ignorant children," Monk Zhixing said with a smile disdainfully: "The wild ambition is bigger than the Great Emperor You Ming back then, how could I possibly Let him succeed in this way, and there is a certain number in the dark. What he does is going against the sky and will naturally be subject to Heavenly Retribution, but his nemesis has not yet appeared that's all."

Yelled: "You keep on saying that his nemesis did not appear, and you don't know true or false?"

"I don't know the identity of that person, but I will keep on waiting until then "Someone appears," Monk Zhixing said solemnly: "You two go, I won't leave with you."

"That's not for you," Pei Diaoyan hurriedly took out a simple piece of After the spiritual power was injected into the stone hand of the rune, it was directly stimulated.

In an instant, the rune stone flew out and turned into a one-foot-sized black glow in the air, from which there was a hint of ghostly air.

"Realm Splitting Symbol Aragonite," Monk Zhixing said with a sullen expression: "Are you going to introduce the vicious man directly into this world? Does he have the guts to come?"

"Zhixing, don't look at yourself too high. Although this seat cannot be here personally, it is definitely not difficult to rely on the passage opened by this Realm Splitting Symbol to drag you into the Nether Realm," a sharp voice came from that narrow From the passage, it was the voice of the Great Emperor You Ming the mad deity.

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