Following Kun Lingzi all the way to the'Sin Domain Cliff' in the Buddha Spirit Realm, this should be a forbidden place specially used to detain criminals. The outer layer is clothed with large array Formation, and the inner and middle layers are also heavily organized.

Yi Tian traced it all the way so far, following the weak sense of the imprint left on the Spiritual Artifact and locked the target character Kun Lingzi. After entering the interior of the'Sin Domain Cliff', he dived to the bottom of the passage and entered the underground. After passing the middle passage, he walked to the bottom along the road leading to the ice prison. Sure enough, I found the deity of Kun Lingzi here, but what I didn't expect was that he also found a helper.

In addition, they seem to have found an alien monk enclosed in ice for thousands of years at the bottom of the ice prison.

It is also the first time I met this character Yi Tian, ​​and in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas I have also seen many alien cultivators escape into Buddhism. So this is not surprising.

It's just that the strength of the frozen cultivator has reached the middle stage of the fit. It is a bit unbelievable that a cultivator like speaking of which is imprisoned here.

So far, Yi Tian didn't dare to act rashly to see what would happen to them before making plans. The alien loose cultivator of the Divided Spirit Stage has a slightly weaker cultivation base, but he has found a bit of deja vu in him. It's just that I can't remember which person I have met for a while.

After a while, just listen to the alien loose cultivator opening and saying: "Puxing, you still persist in your own wrong doings? You need to know that you can leave the ice prison here and be free again as long as you are nodded."

But the foreign monk in the ice just opened his eyes and looked at it, but he said with disdain: "Pei Tie, Kun Lingzi, I know the purpose of your two comings. I also do what the madness does. Understand, it’s just that his heart is too big, and now it’s not the time for Hell Sovereign to smash 50,000 years ago."

"Crazy, Hell Sovereign," Yi Tian heart startled immediately realized what was in front of him. The severity of the problem. I just don't know why these two people came here to take pictures of this alien monk.

It is reasonable to say that such a foreign monk would not have anything to do with the Great Emperor You Ming.

The alien loose cultivator named Pei Tie said with a disdainful face: "If you are not one of the souls, we would not risk such a danger to come to you. You must know that Among the many souls of the predecessor, Great Emperor You Ming, apart from the madness, you are the most powerful."

"hmph, you are still thinking about that," Monk Zhixing sighed: " speaking of which we are one, but after tens of thousands of years of experience, Divine Soul combined with different fleshy bodies, the resistance has long been produced. If you insist on acting arrogantly, you will surely be met by the heavens, not to mention that you are also one of the more Big Divine Soul, wouldn’t you be so willing to be absorbed back by the madman."

But Pei Diao said with a look of disdain: "After the Divine Soul merges, I will naturally become the Great Emperor You Ming. Now."

"Then you are no longer you," Monk Zhixing said indifferently: "You will also disappear completely in fashion from now on."

Pei Yao's face darkened and said: "I can't help it. After I was captured by the madman, I was going to be absorbed and integrated by him, but when he realized that you were still there, he waved his hand directly. Nothing. To be polite, it’s because of you that I can struggling on whilst at death's door."

"The mad body dare not come to the Buddha Spirit Realm in person. The attributes on his body are affected by the Buddha's radiance here. You have been restrained too much, so I will go back and send you next," said Monk Zhixing.

"You guessed it, then I don't need to say anything," Pei Tie replied, "He put a restraint on me. If I didn't go back at the prescribed time, then the restraint would be Will continue to torture my Divine Soul, it feels like a stunt is uncomfortable."

"But he won't kill you, right?" Zhixing said, "After all, he will kill you. After that, it was equivalent to killing a trace of Soul Destruction of the Great Emperor You Ming, which was harmful to him."

"To be honest, I want to get rid of it early," Pei Tie said with a grimace: "Instead of being tortured day and night, it's better to be integrated as soon as possible to death ends all one's troubles."

"This is not like your style," Zhixing said with a smile: "Funny I have seen through your personality a long time ago. People like you say that they are not afraid of death, but they are terribly afraid of death in their hearts. I think it is your personality that is why you will be held hostage by the madness, and you will end up in the future. It's definitely worse than I thought."

Pei Tie asked in a trembling voice: "What do you think my end will be like?"

"That still works. Saying that it is necessary to go forward and not to go backwards, now the madness is just squeezing out your remaining value a little bit, until he has collected most of the souls, and will directly absorb you." Zhixing said with a smile: "Because you are the most powerful diverter among the worlds today, or when he finds something that can replace your divergent soul again, he will absorb you without the slightest hesitation ."

Speaking of this, the two people on the scene suddenly stopped the topic, and the atmosphere immediately went down. But Kun Lingzi said, "The two of you have been talking here for a long time, do you have any decision? You should know that we have already violated the taboo of the Great Lightning Zen Temple. Their high-rank cultivator estimates that this will be right. moved towards our side."

"People have come a long time ago," Zhixing said with a disdainful face, and then managed to turn his face towards an empty tunnel in the ice store. "Although this Fellow Daoist doesn't know when you came, the Buddhist Sect power you retain can't deceive me. Please show up for a while."

The spiritual pressure fluctuated slightly out of thin air, and a vague silhouette appeared. After three breaths, it became more and more solid, and finally Yi Tian's deity appeared.

After hearing the conversation of the three, Yi Tian didn't know their identities yet. All around spiritual power was mobilized to directly reveal the cultivation base.

Na Pei Tie and Kun Lingzi were originally prepared to fight back desperately, but when they saw clearly the imposing manner on the back of the cultivation base of the visitor, they were all reduced. If it is a combined mid-term cultivator, there is still some power to fight, but the imposing manner on the person standing in front of them is already strong enough to make the two of them shocked. Needless to say, Pei Tie has seen the Great Emperor You Ming. The madness is naturally compared, and he blurted out now: "I don't know which Holy Venerable is visiting, Junior Pei Tie is polite."

"Holy Respect," Yi Tian frowned slightly: "Are you referring to the Mahayana Stage cultivator?"

Pei Diao looked at it carefully and said: "You are not a Mahayana Stage cultivator, so why are you spiritual? The pressure fluctuation is so strong that it is almost on par with Great Emperor You Ming's madness."

Yi Tian's mouth faintly smiled and said: "Is that right? I thought it was a little bit distant, but after you do this It’s really not much worse."

Kun Lingzi, who was on the side, asked with a cold face, "I don’t know why the driver came here?"

"Oh. Do you even think that I am a Mahayana Stage cultivator?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

It’s that Zhixing in the ice wall suddenly opened the mouth and said: "It seems that there is still a little distance from the Lord’s driver, but it’s not far. As long as there is a chance, you can cross. I have passed this step."

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