Since the item in this auction involves the Remnant Soul of Emperor Yuanhao from the previous dynasty of Monster Realm, it is no wonder that Xiong Erbao will come to Ten Thousand Buddhas City under the flag. It's just that Yi Tian's heart is quite puzzled as to why Na Kun Lingzi would find such a Spirit Beast true soul after exploring different time and space.

Moreover, it doesn’t make sense. If that’s the case, why didn’t he get it to auction here instead.

With all kinds of puzzles in his heart, Yi Tian turned his attention to the auction venue below. At this time, the atmosphere in the venue should have been incited to the highest point, and a one-foot-square-meter trolley was slowly pushed into the venue under the escort of four monks until it reached the auction stage in the center. The car was also covered with red cloth, and the divine sense that saw all around was isolated.

After the car has stopped, the four monks simultaneously used the object control technique to move the objects on the car to the round table. The all around was already placed under the Formation Formation. It seems that the style should be a spiritual formation. Such an array. After the'bang', the entire auction table trembled. One can imagine how heavy the stuff under the red cloth was.

At the same time, a white cold air slowly overflowed from under the red cloth, and the cultivators near the central auction platform faded back. Wherever the cold air went, white frost was condensed on the ground.

The appearance of the cultivation base of the auction host at the Divided Spirit Stage. At this time, he also had to offer a white halo to protect him, and then opened the mouth and said: "This is the last An auction item, the tenth-level ancient Tyrant Dragon head found by Kun Lingzi senior from a different dimension. Although this Tyrant Dragon is dead, it is sealed in the ice of ten thousand years, so the head is very intact. Kun Lingzi senior wants to exchange for two Heavenly Grade Spiritual Artifacts, preferably one attack, one defense."

After the voice fell, the host stepped forward and gently lifted the red cloak. In one horn, a large amount of white cold air quickly gushed out from it. At the same time, there are several divine senses in the venue quickly passing by and then sweeping through the inside. I believe that these divine senses in this short interval can already detect the things placed in the inside.

Later, the host directly covered the red cloth on his hands and placed the cold air inside to overflow again. Then turned to the top-level box and said: "Senior, please bid."

The voice fell all around. The hall was silent, and now it is time for these low-level cultivators to take action. Up. At best, they are only interested in watching the excitement, and the host clearly meant to invite several Integration Stage cultivators to bid.

After the silence is less than ten breaths, only the voice of Wang Gang in the box below is heard saying: "The old man produced a Heaven Grade Spiritual Artifact'Break Hammer' and a protective Spiritual Artifact'Ice Scale Armor', I wonder if Kun Lingzi Fellow Daoist is interested in it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the low-level cultivators in the hall all whispered and talked about it. Many people who know the goods or know the inside show envy. color.

Yan Qiu of the Yellow Springs clan said, "Wan Laoer, your protective Spiritual Artifact'Ice Scale Armor' only has a Heaven Grade mid-level appearance, and it is the same as Kunlingzi Fellow Daoist. There is still a bit of distance required. I have nothing else in the Yellow Springs family. This Heaven Grade Spiritual Artifact is still a bit. The old man produced two pieces of "Ten Absolute Knife" and "Reverse Scale Armor", both of which are Heaven Grade Top-level Spiritual Artifacts. Hope Kun Lingzi Fellow Daoist think about it."

Such words are also secretly operating true power, presumably Kun Lingzi behind the defense membrane of the VIP room should hear clearly.

Before waiting for any reply from the Lord, the voice of the monk Pudian in the large lighting Zen temple box in the middle of the top floor came out: "this poor monk comes out of the'Nine-section Staff' and the'Galan Bowl'. Two Spiritual Artifacts."

Yan Qiu on one side suddenly interrupted: "Master Pudian is miscalculating this time. I know that the cultivation technique developed by Kun Lingzi Fellow Daoist is based on the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique. Although there is no conflict, it can’t be said that they complement each other. Although the quality of the master’s Spiritual Artifact is superior, it is slightly inferior to his cultivation technique."

This is also true, and the many cultivators present can naturally appreciate it. No matter what the quality of a Spiritual Artifact is, if the attribute and dharma idol are combined, the formidable power will be multiplied, and if they conflict, they will not be able to show their strength by 60 to 70%. As for the cultivation technique attribute and Spiritual Artifact, it is slightly stronger.

But Kun Lingzi seems to be waiting. Now only the Monster Realm special envoy Xiong Erbao has not spoken, he must be waiting for her to speak out.

Sure enough, the scene was silent for ten breaths, and Xiong Erbao’s voice was heard saying: “Old Xiong has nothing good here, there is only one piece of'Qilin Soft Armor' with a pair of'Qilin Claws'. This is the Spiritual Artifact that integrates offense and defense. Although there are three pieces, it can only be regarded as a complete set."

Everyone on the scene has a look of expectation on their faces. After all, whether things are good or not, they will finally host. People still have to personally inspect the goods to identify the authenticity, so as to convince everyone present and eliminate the probability of black box operation.

It's just that Xiong Erbao's voice was not from his Monster Race box, but from the room where the bidding low-level cultivator was located on the top floor.

Many people showed doubts on their faces. Wan Gang, who was sitting in the middle of the Chamber of Commerce box below, shook his head helplessly and said: "How can Xiong Erbao's nasty stuff? We don’t have to worry about having Fellow Daoist Yi help us."

Wan Jiaolan, who stood aside, hurriedly echoed and asked: "Don’t Patrarch go to the meeting?"


Wan Gang smiled and shook his head and said: "What anxious, since Fellow Daoist Yi took the initiative to come to cooperate with us this time, there is no need to worry about it. Is the new discipline he received carefully checked?"

Wan Jiaolan hurriedly replied respectfully: "Is a Yellow Springs mixed race who has been in the city of Ten Thousand Buddhas for a long time, his name is Yan Xiaosan, now I am renamed Yan Wenxiong."

"That's it. Point?" Wan Gang said with an unpleasant expression on his face: "With his eyesight, he will not do such things easily. There must be hidden secrets that we don't know."

"That corner Lan will check it out now," Wan Jiaolan hurriedly replied.

"No, you have to prepare a gift and find a chance to give it to that kid," Wan Gang waved his hand and said, "In any case, it's useful to make a good relationship before he grows up. Wait until then. The boy's wings are stiff. I'm afraid that it will cost more than ten times the cost for us to get close to him."

"Jiaolan understands," Wan Jiaolan hurriedly replied.

And the outside auction bidding seems to have come to an end, although everyone is quite interested in when Xiong Erbao changed the box. But most of everyone's attention remained on Kun Lingzi's side. Later, he only heard the sentence he opened the mouth and said: "I am very interested in Xiong Fellow Daoist's bid." The attribution of this auction item was directly finalized.

Suddenly a spiritual pressure fluctuated in the hall below, and the intensity reached the Integration Stage. At such a short distance, a teleportation came to the stage, reached out and grabbed the ancient Tyrant Dragon, and first installed it into the storage ring. In the hall, there were two other extremely strong spiritual pressure fluctuations flashing. He flew forward to meet the person and broke through the door on one side and went straight out.

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