auction has reached such a stage. The integration stage cultivator bidding, and Yan Wenxiong interrupted it, finally made Na Kun Lingzi the top spot. People have different attitudes towards this matter. In fact, to them, trifling 10 million high grade Spirit Stone is just one hair from nine oxen. But everyone has their own calculations. As for those who don't know, they want to throw stones and ask for directions to find out why the people in the top box who have been keeping quiet suddenly make a sound.

And a Nascent Soul Stage junior will never speak at will. If there is no Integration Stage cultivator behind him, it is even more impossible.

Their original intention was to investigate the person behind this. Who knows that the kid just took advantage of his efforts to move out of the Ten Thousand Buddha City Lord Pudian master to preside over justice, but it made them all It's gone.

In the box, Yan Wenxiong had a relaxed expression on his face. Now this matter has nothing to do with him. Since someone smashed into the bar, they naturally moved elsewhere.

Yi Tian stared at the box of Kun Lingzi surprisingly, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

Shaoqin only listened to the movement in the restricted area behind the door, and turned around instructed: "Wenxiong, you can open the door so that you can ask the other person to come in and sit. Don’t lose courtesy."

Wen Xiong hurriedly stood up and walked to the door to gently open the prohibition and push the door open. He saw a robust man of five big and three thick who happened to walk to the door before he could knock on the door.

A sharp gaze swept over Yan Wenxiong and only felt that he had been completely seen through, and even the Nascent Soul Spirit Physique, who was hiding in the Niwan Palace, was really seen by the other party. After being shivered all over, I can only brace oneself opened the mouth and said: "Dare to ask you what is going on?"

"It turns out that you are the kid who spoiled the situation, but does it seem that the bones are quite hard," the voice said. Yan Wenxiong's expression changed sharply when he said it. This voice was the Monster Realm's special envoy Xiong Erbao who had just heard it during the bidding.

I was stared at by an Integration Stage cultivator for a long time. Yan Wenxiong only felt that in an instant, he seemed to have been a human for two lives.

Don't listen to Xiong Erbao's divine sense. After scanning, opened the mouth and said: "Go in and talk," after speaking, stepped forward and walked in first.

Yan Wenxiong hurriedly closed the door and closed the prohibition, followed in anxiously, and then stood beside the Master waiting.

I saw Xiong Erbao but it was carefree who came forward and found an empty seat in front of him and sat down. Then he looked at it and said: "I know this is not simple, didn't expect it. I can meet you here."

"Aren't you having a good time in Monster Realm during this period of time, and now you have changed your status after training," Yi Tian is teased.

"Don't say it," Xiong Erbao said irritably, "This monster Realm envoy of labor and management is all Nine-Immortals Mountain. Mystery pulls me to the top, speaking of which I also I'm not really willing to do it."

"I guess your big brother should be happy to comment on this matter," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Xiong Erbao tweeted: "He is happy to see it happen, but it hurts me."

"You are loose by nature. It is good for you to find something to do. ," Yi Tian said.

Who knows that Xiong Erbao disdainfully said: "What's the meaning of being at Monster Realm all day? It's not as fun as the inextricably fun playing with you. I heard that the battle lasted not long, I I guess it’s because you are working behind the scenes. And I haven’t heard many rumors about you. This is in line with your personality."

Listening to the conversation between Xiong Erbao and Master’s brothers and sisters, Yan Wenxiong, who was on the side, was naturally in awe. At this moment, he knew in his heart that his Master should be at least the same level as the Xiong Erbao in front of him, but he just didn't understand why he was hit by him at the market. Complexion slightly changed Yan Wenxiong's actions are naturally not hidden from the two sitting people.

I saw Xiong Erbao raised his head and looked at Yan Wenxiong before the next one and asked: "Is he your new disciple?"

"Honorary Disciple, I have one Kaishan dísciple is now being repaired in sect," Yi Tian replied faintly.

Xiong Erbao turned to said with a smile: "you brat is really a good blessing to be able to worship Brother Yi. In the entire Shangling Nine Realms, anyone who wants to worship Brother Yi as a teacher can follow The south gate of Ten Thousand Buddhas City is at the north gate."

Yan Wenxiong hurriedly replied respectfully: "That's the Master. He Senior gaze as if a torch. Please forgive Senior Xiong for his offense before."

Yi Tian opened the mouth and said: "Wenxiong, take a break, and I will notify you when we leave."

Yan Wenxiong hurriedly went to the front after meeting. In the cross-sit position, I sat down and turned on the prohibition Formation to start cultivation. At this time, his face was filled with excitement, and he knew that his Master's strength and nature had a bottom in his heart.

Seeing him like this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and waved out. After the halo covered him, he turned and asked: "Why did you come to the Buddha Spirit Realm for no reason this time?"

"Isn't it for this auction," Xiong Erbao replied helplessly: "Do you know what the finale item is?"

Yi Tian shook the head took the auction catalogue and said: "Auction was not directly announced."

"That's for sure they did a good job of confidentiality. I wouldn't know if Yishun sent me a message," Xiong Erbao said in an angry voice: " It is said that the final item of this auction is the Spirit Beast true soul that'Kun Lingzi' found from a different dimension."

"Does it still need to make a big effort to trifling a Spirit Beast true soul? "Yi Tian asked inexplicably.

"Then you don't know anything," Xiong Erbao looked down and took out a palm-size compass and held it in his hand. After gently injecting demon power, a silhouette slowly emerged on the compass.

When Yi Tian saw the silhouette's true face, the complexion slightly changed, with an incredible expression on his face and said: "How come you have something to do with him?"

"Inside it There is a strand of "Remnant Soul of Yuanhao Great Emperor" that was banned back then. There was no change at all, but after coming to Monster Realm, there was movement, and it became a little irritable. It seems that I sensed the existence of other similar Remnant Souls. Xiong Erbao said: "You also know that these things are the most feared by Monster Realm, so Nine-Immortals Mountain sent me as a special envoy to deal with this matter."

"It is reasonable to say that Yuan The real body of Emperor Hao's Remnant Soul has long been banned, is it possible that there will be other Remnant Souls in the things that Kun Lingzi brought out from the alien space," Yi Tian asked inexplicably.

"I don’t know this, but it’s not fake that the Soul Control compass can be sensed," Xiong Erbao said: "If it’s not for the rest of the Remnant Soul, how can I explain it? And the red-bearded senior is also afraid Someone will use these Remnant Souls to cause trouble again, so before leaving, I specifically asked me to take this matter seriously and try to find out As the water recedes, the rocks appear."

This is true. It is getting more and more interesting, Yi Tian secretly thought about it but heard that the ninth auction item outside has been sold out. The next thing is the highlight.

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