Finally found the entrance to the shard of the Immortal World of the Heavenly Immortal Palace, but didn’t expect to come out here also to have one sect Sect Founder. The peach tree planted by Miao Dizi Jing as a guard. However, it is also so important to think about it. If Luo Tian Immortal Palace Sect Master didn't arrange a successor in advance, then any loose cultivator could enter it wantonly.

Even if there is no one in a hundred, as long as someone can come out of it alive, it will inevitably have a great impact on the pattern of Spirit Realm. This is also the result that Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace sect senior said that he didn't want to see it, so it is very necessary to set up some strong guards here.

At least Yi Tian now understands that the Ancestor Master of Miaodizi has set up two defenses here. The first is the Fire Flood Dragon of Level 9 Peak, the mother of Yimeng. And the peach tree spirit in front of him should be the 2nd level.

As far as their strength is concerned, Peak exists below the Mahayana Stage. If even they can't stop foreign enemies, that's the destiny. After listening to Hong Yuxian's scolding Yi Tian, ​​he didn't care, and he sacrificed the spirit Yaohua in his hand and turned into thousands of filaments to shoot away on the torso of the peach tree spirit.

The latter's complexion was shocked and his whole body trembled violently. In an instant, a number of thumb-thick branches grew from his trunk, and the thick branches connected to the attachments converged together to form three zhang high. The wall of branches stood in front of him.

The sound of'Ping Pong Pong' is endless, Yi Tian only saw his own Spirit Yaohua Qianjian Silk slashing across the wall of the branches, leaving traces three inches deep. But under the attack of the sword wire, they could not break through the opponent's defense. On the contrary, only a rapid rustling sound was heard from the ground and the ground at the same time.

Yi Tian divine sense looked at it three times and swept it down, and his complexion instantly condensed and the spiritual power turned on and was about to pull away. However, a black branch above his head covered it and drastically compressed the space for himself to move to a minimum.

There are dozens of emerald green branches growing crazily under the soles of the feet, and they become thicker and stronger in an instant when they stretch out in the wind. Moved towards the necks of the feet and feet of one's own hands.

The Spirit Sword in his hand took out again and looked up at these branches, but didn't expect to be able to cut it. At the same time, those branches came up from all around and blocked Yi Tian in the space of a square meter, as more and more branches were wrapped around, they directly locked Yi Tian in the air.

'ka ka ka' Shuqiang opened from it to reveal Hong Yuxian's face, only to see that he looked at his eyes and said with disdain: "Another guy who not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth "

Or I heard the sound of'crackle' coming from the wrapped ball of tree branches, and an emerald green flame sprang out from it and directly ignited the branches all around.

Then Hokage broke through the siege and rushed out directly. After falling into the air, he waved a hot flame again and drew a circle in the air. With a sound of'oh la la', the roots of the entire peach tree were lit, and the green Li Yan went upstream along the trunk, no matter how the Hong Yuxian tried to beat it, he couldn't put it out.

After three breaths, he only heard him cry out in a pleading voice: "It turns out that the dísciple of Sect Lihuotang has arrived. The old man has no eyes but does not recognize it. Please take back the divine ability."


Yi Tian was originally angry, but it was heard that Hong Yuxian was able to tell the origin of Trigram Fire Sect in Luo Heavenly Immortal. Naturally, it was a soft heart. Yandu took it back.

After the ten breaths, the flames dissipated, leaving only a burst of scorched smoke rising. Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air and then turned to face the red rain immortal dao: "I told me a long time ago. It’s the Sect Master who is one of the three branches of the Heavenly Immortal Palace, leaving the Fire Palace. This time you can be regarded as taking it."

"The old man has eyes on the upper sect dísciple, the real body, there have been many before. If you offend, please Haihan," Hong Yuxian replied in a frustrated tone.

Yi Tian looked around all around and found that his Li Yan just burned ten breaths that's all, but the fire area was about hundreds zhang. These branches scorched by the flames have become pitch black, and it will take at least a hundred years to recover.

But I can’t control that many anymore, and then said in a commanding tone: “So I want to enter the mountain within the valley and pass through the cracks in the fragments of Immortal World, and quickly give way to walk with me. Yes."

"Yes, please wait a moment," Hong Yuxian hurriedly replied, after saying that his body trembled violently again, and the originally intertwined tree trunks were all retracted into the ground after they were separated. A broad and open road is exposed.

Yi Tian was overjoyed after seeing it, divine sense stretched out and explored and found that the Spiritual Qi concentration contained in this road far exceeds that of other places, and I secretly thought that it’s right. '

I was about to drop Yuntou and go in. Suddenly, Hong Yuxian's voice came from my ears and said: "Sect Master, please wait a moment, what else does the old man have?"

Yi Tian in the air stopped and turned to stare at the other person and looked at it, indifferently asked: "If you have something to say, what is it?"

"The old man is here for sect. It has been tens of thousands of years. Back then, Sect Founder once said that if there is a dísciple from the Huotang in the future, you need to visit the Sect Founder Hall in the southern part of the valley before you can enter the valley," said Hong Yuxian.

"Oh, since it is the arrangement of Sect Founder, I should naturally follow it, but I don’t know why only the dísciple of Lihuotang needs to visit there?" Yi Tian asked puzzledly .

"I don't know the details of this matter. I am just repeating the instructions of Sect Founder back then. If Yi Sect Master thinks it is unnecessary, then there is no need to go," Hong Yuxian said.

Now it is Yi Tian's turn to make trouble, speaking of which Lihuo Palace where he is located is born out of Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace Lihuotang. If Sect Founder Miao Dizi really had such a charge back then, wouldn't it be against Sect Founder's order if he didn't go. But this time I came to look for the fragments of Heavenly Immortal Palace Immortal World. You have to be careful to do more than less.

After weighing in my mind, I sighed and said: "Well, let me go to the line. I wonder if you have anything else to mention?"

"Please Yi Sect Master took a spoonful of'Ganquan Water' in front of the Sect Founder Hall in the Sect Founder Hall and came back to feed me, the old man will be very grateful," Hong Yuxian said anxiously.

It seems that this is his main purpose, Yi Tian laughed replied after listening: "It's easy to say, since it is a matter of convenience, then I will accept it."

After talking about the aura flashed all over the body, he flew to the sky again, and after jumping out of the area covered by the red rain fairy canopy, Yi Tian discerned the downward direction in the air. Finally, the divine sense locked the position of the Sect Founder and used the escape technique slowly. Flew over.

The Sect Founder Hall is located under the southern slope of the valley. Yi Tian looked far in the air and found that there seemed to be a forbidden reserve to protect the Sect Founder Hall.

Flying to a nearby place and dropping the cloud head, I carefully inspected the place below the boundary. It seems that there is a prohibited Formation, which is the Heavenly Fire array in the Lihuo Palace. To say that this Formation must be the dísciple of Lihuo Palace, which cannot be deciphered. Fortunately, I have also studied this and I have also met it in Old Feng City in Qing Dynasty.

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