After bidding farewell to the Dragon Beast, Yi Tian turned to move towards the location where the entrance to the fragment of Immortal World pointed to him and galloped away. The only speaking of which Spirit Realm can come out of there alive is three sects Sect Founder. As for Feng Lingzi senior, he explored another fragment of Immortal World. Speaking of which both fell from the Spirit Realm after the Luo Tianjie of Immortal World collapsed, but there are also many differences.

At least in Yi Tian's mind, he knew that the fragments of Immortal World that Feng Lingzi had explored should be larger and broader. Although I am longing for it, the current situation seems to be a chance.

And what's in front of you is also an excellent situation, at least now Master Wuye and the two uncles have not made up their minds to check it out. If you can find some immortal fate from it, you might become the fourth Mahayana Stage cultivator in Spirit Realm.

The distance of three ten thousand li is just a moment for Yi Tian today, but when Yi Tian almost flew out of this distance, I looked down in the air and found no interface cracks. It can't be said that there are cracks in the wind blowing.

Stopped in the air, after opening the Yi Tian divine sense, I searched it all around. It is reasonable to say that my divine sense covering the ten thousand li radius is absolutely no problem. In order to find Yi Tian carefully, she still narrowed the scope of divine sense to within a thousand miles. Although I didn't find the location of the entrance immediately, I also found that there are two places that are quite different from the outside world.

Turning his head, the purple light flashed past Yi Tian in his eyes, displaying the heavenly demon pupil technique, staring at the west for three hundred miles away and carefully observed. I saw that in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains below, the spiritual power is the most prosperous in the valleys that are not three hundred miles away. The valleys all around the extended slopes are covered with 10,000-year-old spirit plants.

If you put these things in the usual way, you can make yourself a little excited, but now Yi Tian only cares about the position of the gap in the entrance of the Immortal World fragment. However, these ten thousand-year-old spirit plants are not so important.

Turning around and hurriedly moved towards the valley and flew towards that valley. After reaching a distance of nearly fifty miles, I found that the concentration of spiritual power here is almost comparable to the blessed land of three sects Sect Founder secluded cultivation.

I don’t say politely that if I can live here for a long time, I can bring my cultivation progress to the top of the post-integration stage in less than two thousand years.

Flying forward to Yi Tian, ​​I found that there are layers of multi-colored light in the valley above. It should be the Immortal Spirit Energy entrained by the wind blowing from the gap, mixed with the power of Spirit Realm. The spectacle that arises.

I didn't dare to be careless in my heart, Yi Tian still decided to go down first and find the way in from the extension of the valley is the best policy. The multi-colored light was accompanied by a large amount of fog that concealed the valley, but my divine sense couldn't penetrate into it to explore the reality.

After slowly falling down and maintaining his figure at a height of more than one foot from the ground, Yi Tian slowly moved towards the depths of the valley from the low air. Not long after he arrived at Taniguchi's position, he flew forward and suddenly heard a rustling sound all around.

As a late-stage cultivator, the perception ability of the cultivator is extremely strong and far superior to that of the low-level cultivator, and the detection intensity of the divine sense is even more than that of the ordinary cultivator. But here, the divine sense is isolated by layers of fog and can only detect movement all around three miles.

Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, and after careful investigation, he did not find any cultivator or Spirit Beast. But the rustle from beneath the earth was real.

Suddenly the sound of'crack crack' came in front of him, Yi Tian looked up and saw that it turned out that a towering ancient tree opened its branches and sealed the road in front of him. A wrinkled face appeared in the middle of the tree trunk. Two fist sized eyes stared at themselves and then opened the mouth and said: "Who would dare to break into the Canyon of Fury?"

"It turns out that this place is called Raging Flame Canyon. Before even Deyimeng hadn't been everywhere. It seems that he has never been here," Yi Tian secretly said in one's heart: "It looks like the spirit plant here passes through the fragments of Immortal World. The Immortal Spirit Energy that has flowed out of the gap is nourished by cultivation success."

I took a rough look at the old tree below, which is a ten thousand-year-old peach tree, which is more than ten thousand years old. The canopy formed by the extension of the branches covers a full mile of space. The branches were full of peaches, and the aroma of the ripe peaches overflowed, each with the size of a seven-inch sea bowl.

If the peaches here are picked and taken to the outside world, I am afraid that those Heavenly Grade Alchemist will fight for it.

Converged the divine sense, Yi Tian lightly coughed and said: "This Spirit Realm is away from the Fire Palace Sect Master Yi Tian, ​​come to investigate the fragments of Immortal World, who are you and why are you here? Stop me?"

"Spirit Realm has never heard of it before from the Fire Palace," the face on the peach tree said: "I am the mountain god Red Rain Fairy here, show the warrant Otherwise, don’t even think about entering the valley."

"Red Rain Fairy," Yi Tian hearing this brows stretched slightly, thinking that this peach blossom tree spirit is still a gentleman, red rain once is another name for mortal marriage flower . It seems that this name will definitely not be Hong Yuxian himself, someone else must have named it.

Divine sense digs out slightly, and sure enough, there is a carved trace near the face of the peach tree trunk, which clearly reads the number of'Yang Chun Hong Yu'.

Yi Tian settled down with a little smile on his face and said: "I don't know what Hong Yuxian's warrant is?"

"Helplessly, Heavenly Immortal Palace sits down in Hong Yuxian is the same. If you want to enter the valley, you must have a Sect Master warrant or Sect Command card." Hong Yuxian said solemnly.

'It is true that the Spirit Tree that sect planted here has become refined, but now how can I find the warrant of Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace,' Yi Tian said with a face: "Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace early It has fallen apart tens of thousands of years ago. This tells me how to obtain a warrant and you. I wonder if Hongyu Mountain God can accommodate it?"

"Without a warrant, then you cannot enter the valley. "Hong Yuxian said.

I took a closer look at the strength of the Peach Tree Spirit below at about Level 9 Peak, and the conversion is just like the latter stage of the Human Race spiritual integration. Yi Tian smiled faintly in his heart: "I don't know who set the rules. You can only enter with a warrant from the Heavenly Immortal Palace. Spirit Realm is so powerful, and Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace has long since fallen apart. Now it is the descendant of the Immortal Palace, Lihuo Palace, Taiqing Pavilion, and Feiyu Sword Sect three sects. As Lihuo Palace Lord, I can also be regarded as the Heavenly Immortal Palace dísciple."

Who knows that the peach tree spirit is stubborn and old-fashioned: "The rules are the rules. This is set by the Sect Master. If you can't get the order, please return it, otherwise I am not welcome." ."

"Oh, I would like to see how the mountain gods of this place can endure and dare to hinder my steps," Yi Tian said with an unhappy expression, and at the same time he waved his hand to sacrifice Taiyuan Wooden sword in hand.

The Hong Yuxian on the opposite side also browses frowned loudly shouted and said: "Those who do not follow the order of sect trespass into the forbidden area of ​​sect kill without mercy."

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