The original schedule of "Life and Death" in Pojuncheng was very full, but suddenly City Lord Mansion ordered the entire schedule to be stopped. Such a movement of the whole body naturally affects many people, and many loose cultivators have begun to complain about City Lord Mansion's measures. But most of them are those loose cultivator and the like. As for the sect cultivator and the City Lord Mansion, they all silently followed the arrangement.

As for those markets that are responsible for placing bets, cultivators have come forward to clarify that all "life and death" bets are temporarily postponed, and the betting tickets sold before are also valid. In this way, it can be regarded as calming down those excited loose cultivators.

Three days later, the "Life and Death Challenge" reopened. This time, the Xumi Space, which is different from the previous "Life and Death Challenge," is divided into four, allowing four groups of Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator to take action at the same time.

Moreover, City Lord Mansion also seemed to realize the trickiness of this'life and death challenge', so it adjusted the arrangement again.

Two Divided Spirit Stage cultivators were added to take turns to control the Sumi Spiritual Artifact. The cultivator's cultivation base is also divided into levels. The Nascent Soul Stage cultivator will compete for two consecutive days, and the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator will be arranged for the next day.

If it is a real life and death battle, then the Xumi space will be re-adjusted to a whole space, and there will only be one competition on that day.

The most prosperous Spiritual Qi in the south of Pojun City was originally Xi Tianying’s other courtyard. It was cold and cheerless here when he was away, but today the main gate of the Fuzhong opened wide, as if the gate guard was back.

Yi Tian alone sits on the main seat in the main hall of Fuzhong, taking out a jade slip in his hand and reading it carefully. Suddenly the restraint outside the door shook, and then Hua Yulin came in with a Demon Race loose cultivator. The person here is the Demon Race Guest Elder in the Flame Prison, speaking of which he was originally a Demon Race loose cultivator. After entering the Demon Race in the Flame Prison, he was mixed with wind and water.

I just don’t know why he got involved in the Great Disaster War, and finally stayed in Spirit Realm.

After the two walked into the hall, they saw Yi Tian's jade slip in the hands of the attentive readers. Hua Yulin was about to step forward and speak, but An Xichen on one side hurriedly reached out to stop him, and then his face He gestured again. In the hall, the two waited and after a while, they only heard Yi Tian's "um" and said lightly saying: "It's An Xichen Fellow Daoist is here, please take a seat."

Dan Xichen He hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Junior Flame Prison Demon Race vanguard Elder guest official An Xichen has seen the senior, I don’t know if I can enlighten you today."

Put away the jade slip, Yi Tian did not answer directly but turned to Hua Yulin and said: "You go down first, I have something to say with An Xichen."

Hua Yulin naturally knows Yi Tian's temper, and then He hurriedly replied: "Subordinates retire."

After he left, Di Xichen obviously felt a little restless. The cultivator in front of him seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while. When have you seen it? Moreover, the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on the person did not reveal that he appeared completely like an ordinary mortal, but Di Xichen knew that it was the genuine Integration Stage cultivator. On the cultivation base, Leng Xu should be much higher than the ice Demon Race. If you talk about the identity, it should be a character with a face in Spirit Realm three sects.

It’s just that I don’t know how such a great character would name the name to meet him, speaking of which An Xichen was also very worried at this time.

After a while, I only listen to Yi Tian opened the mouth and said: "Why secretly thought friends are not seated?"

"Is there a seat for Junior in front of the senior? Let's stand and answer," An Xichen replied respectfully.

"Oh, it's my identity that scared you," Yi Tian's mouth faintly smiled and said: "Then I will talk to you in a different way. If you want to come, you will remember a lot of past events. "

After saying that Yi Tian's whole body spiritual power suddenly fused and transformed into the evil spirit force, the whole person changed from top to bottom. After three breaths, Yi Tian changed into a demonic cultivator state, turned his head and said to say with a smile: "After a year, I trust you have been well since we last met."

"You are Yi Tian, ​​are you a spiritual cultivator or a demonic cultivator?" An Xichen asked in surprise.

"Isn't it me," Yi Tian said faintly with a smile: "Secretly thought friends should take the seat first. I haven't seen me for a long time and I do have a lot of words to ask you for advice."

Dan Xichen's face eased a little, then turned around and sat down in the first seat, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, who is your true identity?"

Hear In Yi Tian's heart, it seemed that An Xichen was still drifting outside the power center of Demon Race. He had revealed his identity with Yan Tong a long time ago, and then both Mother Yang and Imperial Uncle Yan Lei knew about it.

It seems that An Xichen didn't know the news in advance, and instead proved that he was not really accepted into the Demon Race in the Demon Race. Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help but secretly make it worthless. It is so unfortunate that he has not been treated for so long for Imperial Family fatigue in the flame prison.

"I am a spiritual practitioner. I went to Demon Realm thousands of years ago with missions. But when I walked on Demon Realm, I also used my real name. In fact, my real identity is Trigram Fire Sect. Master," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Dan Xichen didn’t seem to be too surprised. He calmed down and said, “I’ve heard of the name Trigram Fire Sect Sect Master before, but when I feel a little unsure that’s all , After all, you came out without alive in the abyss of Demon Realm back then. We all thought you fell in it."

Speaking of the trip to the abyss of Demon Realm, I also said goodbye to An Xichen last time. At that time, in retrospect, it has been a long time. Yi Tian nodded said: "That trip to Demon Realm was the final point of my mission. During this time, I ran into the Demon Realm Avatar to shoot, and I almost fell there."

"Easy Sect Master Sure enough, it is flood of good fortune fills the heavens. If you think you are also a Great Destiny person, it is naturally very lucky to be able to escape from the Mahayana Stage cultivator," An Xichen echoed.

Turning his head and looking at An Xichen, he saw that his cultivation base has reached the late stage of distraction at this time, and it has only slightly increased the First Rank compared to the previous year. But before I heard Hua Yulin said that he is a mid-distraction cultivator, it seems that something happened to him recently.

Slightly later Yi Tian said with a smile: "I think secretly thought friends seem to be advanced soon, and in the late stage of distraction, you can look at the Integration Stage."

Dan Xichen He shook his head to say with a bitter smile: "Sect Master, don’t want to make fun of me, and you must be my cultivation speed is really poor by vast distance."

"secretly thought, my friend’s remarks are very different, "Yi Tian stretched out his hand and interrupted directly: "Everyone's situation is different, so their achievements are also very different. The current cultivation base cannot be concluded. As long as the Taoist heart is tenacious, it must be able to continue on the road in the future. Go on."

"Yi Sect Master said that originally I was sleepy in the middle of the distraction for a thousand years. I participated in the invasion battle to find a breakthrough opportunity," An Xichen explained.

"I can understand this. Although your breakthrough opportunity comes late, it does not mean that your future achievements will be poor," Yi Tian said.

When I heard this, Xichen shook his head and said: "Actually, I have seen through these years. As a loose cultivator, no matter how I contribute to the Flame Prison Dynasty, I will never get their approval. The so-called'non-self race must have different hearts', they have always guarded me. Among the friends who can truly speak in this life, Yi Sect Master speaking of which is also lucky."

Knowing that this is what he said from the bottom of his heart, Yi Tian couldn't help but sigh. Hearing his words, it seemed that he didn't catch a cold for the Flame Prison Dynasty. Then I asked: "Then I don't know what secretly thought friends are going to do next? Are you going to return to Demon Realm, or are you going to continue to go back to be a loose cultivator." After a moment of thought, I replied: "Frankly, I am also very disappointed with the Flame Prison Dynasty. The old and corrupt forces controlled the government, and the flame prison Demon Sovereign suppressed the rising star. Naturally, it is impossible to appear."

"Where is Concubine Yan?" Yi Tian suddenly turned and asked: "She is the next appointed flame prison queen, she should help you more or less."

"Concubine Yan Young Master is very fond of me, most of which still have your credit." Mentioning Concubine Yan, An Xichen said, "The old people in the Pioneer Army of Demon Spine Mountain." Now they have become the right arm of Yan Fei Young Master, but the situation in the Flame Prison Dynasty changes too fast. If Yan Fei Young Master wants to be on top, she must wait for her cultivation progress to the Integration Stage."

Knowing what he meant, Yi Tian recalled that it was also helpless sighed. Concubine Yan's fascination with power is just for her own cultivation base, but she didn't put her right position. You must know that power is entirely dependent on your own strength. If the cultivation base is less than the Integration Stage for one day, her concubine Yan will rely on the power of Demon Sovereign or Imperial Uncle to suppress the nobles in the Imperial court.

The last time I met Grandma Yang in the Great Disaster War, I thought she would also have this concern, so I just came to brace oneself directly.

The two of them were silent for a while. Di Xichen didn't dare to ask when he saw that he was looking thoughtful. Yi Tian came back to his senses after knowing that his mind came back to his senses and asked: "Why didn't there be any secretly thought friends this time? As the Demon Race army withdrew from the gap in the gate?"

"At that time, the Demon Race army was defeated, and the Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator army headed by it was almost trampled and dispersed by its own people." An Xichen recalled: "In the end, it was the Imperial Uncle Yan Lei who came forward to collect them again and took the first battleship to evacuate."

"What about you?" Yi Tian asked.

"Because the people of the Spiritual Alliance attacked too quickly, plus the dark night Demon Race, Flying Rakshasa Clan, Abyss Demon Race, and Ice Demon Race that were originally stationed in front of them suddenly retreated all of the interface. The crevices are blocked," An Xichen said.

Most of the rebates of these races are fueled by themselves, and Yi Tian is also convinced of this. I just didn't expect so many repercussions when the Demon Race army was defeated.

Then I heard An Xichen say: "At that time, after I was ordered to break, I realized that I was completely abandoned after receiving the imperial uncle's order. Those cultivators who stayed behind were mostly Demons. Race loose cultivator."

"didn't expect hard work for the loyalty of the Flame Prison Dynasty, but in the end he was regarded as an abandoned child," Yi Tian said with emotion: "secretly thought that even the friend returned to Demon Realm But I don’t know where to settle down afterwards."

"The Demon Race will never go," An Xichen sighed: "At worst, I still want to go back to loose cultivator."


"The secretly thought is bad," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "You must know that the cultivation resources in Demon Realm are all controlled by the seven clans. If you are a loose cultivator, you want to get enough It’s not impossible, but it’s also extremely difficult."

"Do you want me to return to the Flame Prison Dynasty? Even so, I will not be able to enter the rights center sooner or later. For the abandoned son," An Xichen said with an angry expression on his face.

"The Flame Prison Demon Race is definitely not allowed, and the Loose Cultivator Alliance is not the best choice," Yi Tian brows slightly and said: "I wonder if the secretly thought friends have ever thought about attaching themselves to other Demons. What about Race power?"

"I don't know what Yi Sect Master means?" An Xichen was also excited. He heard the meaning of the words and hurriedly asked: "Is there any other in Demon Realm? Can the race give me shelter?"

"Dark Night Demon Race, Abyss Demon Race, are all good choices," Yi Tian said: "The Integration Stage cultivator of these two races has fallen, the race The strongest cultivator inside is nothing more than the Divided Spirit Stage. If the secretly thought friends can wait for the opportunity to intervene, maybe they can mix up the merits of support."

Hearing this dark Xichen's eyes light up, turn While staring at Yi Tian, ​​he tentatively asked, "I wonder if the fall of these two Integration Stage cultivators is related to Yi Sect Master?"

"What did you say?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

Some things are too clear to say but it is not a good thing, at least An Xichen is also a sensible person who understands instantly when he sees himself. Then he lowered his head and thought about it before saying: "The two races are not the most ideal place to go, but if I have to make a choice, I will still look for the Dark Night Demon Race. At least those female devils are relatively easy to deal with, and the new Mistress Mistress is in the clan. It’s the most advantageous place for me to have an unstable foundation and great power."

"The secretly thought friend is indeed Divine Vision knows people. It’s true that Mistress in the dark night is the latest master, so she must I am eager to establish prestige among the clan," Yi Tian said: "Nowadays, most of the power of the dark night Demon Race is in the hands of the Elder group. At this time, it is naturally to provide timely help. If you can succeed in supporting it in the future Gong cannot escape."

Dan Xichen thought about it and said bitterly: "I know the truth in this, but if I recommend myself to the door, the sad Mistress will not necessarily be my new job. Ah."

"This matter is not difficult," Yi Tian smiled and took out a jade slip from the storage ring, and handed it over: "I used to be kind to Mistress, you can hold on to it. Jade slip and Mistress are brought on the line. After she finishes reading it, she will definitely respect you. After that, everything will depend on you."

Dan Xichen didn’t answer it directly. After passing the hand, he looked at Yi Tian in front of him with surprise, and then there was a hint of said with a bitter smile on his face: "It seems I am afraid that Sect Master Yi has secretly made a split and disintegrated the seven clans of Demon Realm."

"The situation is compelling, I also let them make the right choice. There is no coercion or temptation at all," Yi Tian replied faintly: "secretly thought if you want to hit the Integration Stage, it depends on the decision of one of the seven clans. It will be a good place. As a loose cultivator, you must not be able to consider it thoroughly. If you can support the power of the dark night Demon Race, you may also have a glimpse of the realm of the Integration Stage."

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