Originally, the establishment of the broken army city was to solve the Demon Race cultivator remaining in Spirit Realm. After gathering them, all the coefficients were sent back to Demon Realm. The set time limit is ten years, so that those demonic cultivators hidden deep in the Spirit Realm will have enough time to arrive.

In order to facilitate the management of these gatherings of Demon Race cultivators, the Spiritual Alliance specially demarcated the Pojun Mountain and re-camped them into a cultivation town. At the same time, it also dispatched a large number of Spiritual Alliance coalition cultivators to assist in the management.

It’s just that after Yi Tian inspected the broken military city, he found that there was a lot of trickery. The source is the City Lord Mansion. After all, the facilities and law enforcement authority in this city lie here. . I thought that Inside the City Lord Mansion would ask Xi Tianying to check it out, but didn't expect it was his Big Uncle Zihua Yulin who was in charge of the inspection now.

After meeting, he first shielded his fellow Yi Tian and then slowly showed his figure. In the great hall, Yi Tian asked with a stern face: "The'Life and Death Challenge' in this city was originally set up for those Demon Race cultivators to solve private grievances, but why is it now turned into a big gambling stall?"

Hua Yulin didn't have the slightest panic on her face, instead she took out a jade slip and handed it over and said: "Brother-in-law, you will understand after reading it."

After taking over, Yi Tian Put the jade slip on the forehead and use the divine sense to quickly scan through the information. After the ten breaths, the face changed a lot. Turning to look at Hua Yulin, he saw that the latter also looked innocent and said, "I don’t want to either. It’s just that the funding gap for the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance is too big. Although this disaster did not hurt my muscles, it was broken. A lot of places. The Spiritual Alliance needs a huge amount of Spirit Stone to repair these territories, and if all of it is spread to those in Small Sect, it may not be enough for a hundred years."

"so that's how it is The distribution ratio here seems to be a bit too much. Breaking the military city actually accounts for 30%?" Yi Tian said dissatisfied: "Since it must be in order to the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to relieve its worries, why do you want to deduct these shares? "

"Brother-in-law, you blamed me," Hua Yulin hurriedly distinguished: "Nowadays, there are more and more foreign cultivators in the military city, and these people need to live well to settle down. Something happened. As for the number of cultivators sent by the Spiritual Alliance for inspection, it is far from enough. To be honest, there has been a shortage of manpower in the city for a long time, so it is necessary to recruit a large number of loose cultivators to coordinate and maintain."

"This is a troublesome thing, but fortunately there are still a few years away. By then, we will return to the Demon Realm by returning the demonic cultivators to the Demon Realm, and we will be able to return to the peace of the past," Yi Tian said.

Hua Yulin shook his head and said: "Shangfeng means to build Pojuncheng Camp into the first stronghold outside the boundary gate. Even if there is a problem with the boundary gate in the future, you can rely on this as the first place. A barrier. So I guess that even the demonic cultivator will continue to expand the size of the broken military city in the future."

"putting it that way, the pressure on you is really not light, and "Life and Death Challenge" is a ready-made financial path that can continuously transport a large number of Spirit Stones for the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance," Yi Tian thought for a while.

"It is true, so for a long-term plan, I would suggest that all the markets in the city should be banned and only the City Lord Mansion family in Broken Army City," Hua Yulin echoed.

shook the head Yi Tian said: "Moreover, in order to bring this industry alive, you have lowered the half-step "Duel Life and Death Seal signing" conditions, and also transferred it to recruit a group of people. Is it dedicated to the service of'Life and Death'?"

"You can see this," Hua Yulin said without blushing and breathlessly continued: "In fact, these are all with Xi Tianying After discussing it, he naturally turned a blind eye."

"Because of the 30% bonus and the pressure of the spiritual alliance, he is unable to gather that many Spirit Stone to make up for the spirit. Repair the gap in the alliance, so I have to leave it to you," Yi Tian teased.

Seeing this, Hua Yulin also showed an awkward smile and said: "Xi Tianying is an upright gentleman who is naturally not good at this, but fortunately, with my help, this is not breaking the industry in the military city now. They are all very impressive. Every year, the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance can take a lot of Spirit Stones from here to repair the endgame left over from the Great Disaster War."

"Listen to what you say about the industry in the military city. I have to continue to do it," Yi Tian said, before his eyes lit up: "Well, you will go out and inform the people below to postpone the duel from tomorrow."

"Why? Brother-in-law is going to make a move?" Hua Yulin asked in surprise.

I clicked nodded Yi Tian replied: "I will take action to re-furnish the spiritual artifact in the Sumi space. Originally, only the Integration Stage cultivator can do it in the partitioned space, but I can improve the Spiritual Artifact Improved. Let the Avatar post-cultivator host. The inner one is divided into four, but only the cultivator below the Divided Spirit Stage can enter four separate spaces at the same time. If it is the same Divided Spirit Stage cultivator, it can only be used alone."

After hearing this, Hua Yulin patted his thigh and said: "That's really great. You must know that most of the people who use'Life and Death' now are Nascent Soul Stage or Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator. Real Divided Spirit Stage cultivator is rare. Appeared."

After speaking, I took out a jade slip and looked up the list in the next inside. Then he said: "The recent Divided Spirit Stage cultivator confrontation has only two groups, which are arranged at 1 month later. It’s all about the Demon Race cultivator participating in a duel, one of which is the Abyss Demon Race vs. Monster Race. The other is the duel between the Demon Race cultivator and the flying Rakshasa Clan cultivator."

" The Divided Spirit Stage cultivator of Demon Race confronts Feitian Rakshasa Clan cultivator and tells me the name quickly," Yi Tian brows slightly raised. Speaking of which I met Yan Tong and Grandma Yang of the Demon Race in the Demon Race this time, but these two should have waited for the opportunity to leave before they knew how to stay in Spirit Realm. in.

"The appearance of the Demon Race cultivator named Dark Xichen cultivation base at the peak of the mid-distraction stage. As for the flying Rakshasa Clan cultivator cultivator," Hua Yulin said, looking at the name on the jade slip.

Before he finished speaking, Yi Tian said: "I know, send someone to invite the Flame Prison Demon Race cultivator to the City Lord Mansion."

"How Brother-in-law, you even know the Demon Race cultivator of the Flame Prison, you really have a lot of friends," Hua Yulin said with emotion.

"If you ask you to invite someone, you just go," Yi Tian gave him a white look and said: "Where is there so much nonsense."

After hearing this, Hua Yulin hurriedly stopped and vomited. After sticking out his tongue, he got up and retire. Later, only Yi Tian was left sitting alone in the hall.

At this moment, in my mind, I recalled the situation when I and An Xichen joined forces to enter the abyss of Demon Realm. At that time, I still persuaded him to take advantage after he got the benefits. After all, the danger lurks on every side in the abyss of Demon Realm. It is the most important thing for a cultivator like him to save his life.

Didn't expect that after nearly a thousand years, there will be a chance to meet again in Spirit Realm, but I don't know if the other party can recognize me.

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