After the demon saint Crown Prince Qiu Yu's favorite was lifted, he suddenly violently swallowed the loose cultivator Du Li's fleshy body. Fortunately at the crucial moment, Du Li's magic infant escaped from the Niwan Palace.

Then I found Yi Tian to seek refuge. In Du Li's opinion, the envoy of the Great Heavenly Demon is always more reliable than the Scarlet Demon.

The six-eyed demon wolf's spiritual pressure fluctuated greatly after absorbing the fleshy body of the Integration Stage cultivator, and the imposing manner all jumped to the post-integration stage.

It is obvious that the demon wolf is not going to let the two of them go, six eyes staring out divine sense and locking them out. At this time, Yi Tian also knew that he could not take care of himself, at least at this stage, it seemed that if he could not get this demon wolf, he could not leave easily.

The red flame in the hand flashed and directly sent the Flame Prison Demon Fire, which was then ignited to form a Flame Prison armor on his body. As for the Scarlet Demon standing on the other side, also aware of the crisis in front of him, Yi Tian found that the opponent from start to finish seemed to be on guard against himself, even when he shot, he would retain a divine sense to lock himself in. .

Obviously he is not as stupid as he looks. This one-eyed Demon Race loose cultivator is definitely a guy who is crude in most matters, but subtle in some. It may be that character that makes him in Demon Realm, under the control of the resources of the seven clans, will independently progress the cultivation to the late stage of the integration.

Just listen to the Scarlet Demon yelling: "Fellow Daoist, let's take action together to suppress it. I have a hunch that this guy is definitely not as easy to control as Dugu Ji Mo said."

"Really, didn't you just sacrifice the collar magic treasure in your hand, can it be impossible to manipulate it?" Yi Tian asked.

"Although that thing was sacrificed by me, just after it was inserted into the neck of the six-eyed demon wolf, I found that the imprint of the previous sacrifice was erased, as if there was something in this Demonic Artifact. The power faintly repels my control. It seems that only the demon sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu can use it. I really believed the words of Dugu and loneliness wrongly," the Scarlet Demon said angrily.

"Really, but if you can't control this monk, why did the great heavenly demon give this thing to you?" Yi Tian asked in a puzzled way.

The Scarlet Eye Demon replied disdainfully: "At first glance, you know that you are not under the secret order of the Great Heavenly Demon. The foundation of the Demon Race in the Demon Race is not bad. I guess you also want to share a cup here. It may be a coincidence that Geng can obtain the remains of the demon sage Crown Prince to advance to the Integration Stage."

This has hidden meaning, but Yi Tian quickly analyzed it in his mind and then immediately. Feeling relaxed. The Emotional Scarlet Demon is a cultivator who mistakenly believed that he was secretly dispatched by the Flame Prison Demon Race. Under the banner of a lonely and lonely heavenly demon, he did his own thing secretly.

He replied faintly: "First solve the matter in front of you."

"Okay," After the Scarlet Demon replied, he put his hands together and took out twice. The magic light of black merges into one. Suddenly the magic light turned into an arc knife-like moved towards Jie demon wolf and he greeted him.

The magic-knife-like spell, mixed with the howling wind, directly splits the void, and flies in front of the demon wolf in a pleasing manner. I saw demon wolf open his mouth and spit out a huge light bullet facing the black magic knife.

'Zila' two spells collided fiercely in the air in a state of neither giving way to the other. Forgive me if a red flame lights up from the side and then bypasses the attack area of ​​the two spells, flies around and then falls down on the forehead of the demon wolf.

Seeing Yi Tian's face with a successful blow, there is no hint of joy, but a solemn expression. But seeing that the six eyes of demon wolf turned at the same time, the magic light of Six Paths black shot out and greeted the flames of the demon wolf. On the contrary, it directly defeated the flame hell demon fire that was about to fall with a single blow.

This is its true housekeeping skill. Even the strength of the cultivation technique that Yi Tian can make even if it turns into a strange state is equivalent to the strength of the mid-integration cultivator to make a full shot. Putting the formidable power of the trick just now in the hands of an ordinary mid-fit cultivator is not that simple to deal with.

The six-eyed demon wolf can easily resolve nature with Innate Divine Ability, so Yi Tian has to fight with 120,000 spirits.

The two spells in the air ran out of energy, and the Scarlet Demon also saw the appearance of the six-eyed demon wolf shooting. He didn't expect him to look mad happily and said: "It really is Saint's demon pet It’s just different. If Innate Divine Ability allows me to absorb it, I’m afraid that my skill can go further. I only need his six eyes, and the rest belong to Fellow Daoist."

didn' t expect At this time the Scarlet Demon is still thinking about it, Yi Tian sneered in his heart, but he replied quietly on the face: "do it quickly, I don't think this demon wolf will be obediently surrender."

I stretched out my hand again and took out the curse heavenly demon. The bell held it in his hand and shook it quickly, and the magic sound turned into a black light wave moved towards Jie demon wolf and swept away. The sound wave shook the stone walls all around everywhere, so Heavenly Demon Clan's sound wave divine ability does have a unique effect on demonic beasts.

Under the sonic wave, I saw that demon wolf was shivered all over, and then the spiritual pressure fluctuation on his body seemed to rise like a flood of determination.

The Scarlet Demon didn’t feel shocked and said: “Sure enough, Heavenly Demon Clan’s cultivation technique has a natural function of restraining these demonic beasts. Since Fellow Daoist has shown his real skills, then I too I can’t hide myself anymore.”

After talking about the Scarlet Eye Demon both hands forming seals, he closed the one-eyed face of his face, and waited for him to open it again and saw that the original black pupil also became A blood-red color. The magic light that shot red from it directly hit the six-eyed demon wolf, and instantly stopped seeing the opponent. He didn't expect that his innate talent would have such an effect as a one-eyed one. Yi Tian looked at it in secret in his heart and at the same time was thinking about how to deal with it in the future.

After one move was controlled, the Scarlet Demon exclaimed with great joy: "If you hit my'Desperate Demon Eye', you should be obediently surrender." After that, he stretched out his hands to sacrifice two blacks. The magic knife illusory shadow slashed on the body of Jie demon wolf.

Speaking of which he and the Scarlet Demon are both Heavenly Demon Clan Divine Ability spells of cultivation, his cultivation is a heavenly demon blade, and he uses a heavenly demon sound. The cooperation also complements each other, but in Yi Tian's heart, he doesn't want to let the Scarlet Demon succeed easily, at least he has to spend a lot of money.

Estimating that the voice of the heavenly demon chanted in the mouth is slightly slowed down by six gaps to the six-eyed demon wolf so that it has a chance to fight back. Suddenly, a spiritual light flashed from his neck to protect him. The light wave of the curse heavenly demon black was directly blocked by the aura, and the aura radiated by the Scarlet Demon's stunt "Desperate Demon Eye" was also isolated. Out.

Without the restraints, the six-eyed demon wolf immediately recovered his qingming, and then fiercely glared at the two people in front of him, and then directly seized the way and fled from the side with a few flashes through the light door and rushed out. .

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