At the bottom of the Kuisha Cave, Yi Tian suddenly appeared and pretended to be the great heavenly demon, the lonely envoy, who directly fooled the Scarlet Demon and loose cultivator Du Li. The two were also very vigilant and showed no signs of slack. Yi Tian had to take out the pure magic liquid directly after seeing it, claiming that it was specially used to resurrect the six-eyed demon wolf.

Then he gave Du Li the jade bottle filled with pure magic liquid to take care of the follow-up work. I saw that drop of pure magic liquid flew into the mouth of the six-eyed demon wolf and suddenly caused great fluctuations in the spiritual pressure around him.

Along with the violent shaking, the stone chips on the demon wolf's body fell one after another to reveal the true face, and a wolf howl sounded and the originally sealed stone wall began to crack one after another.

With the sound of'oh la la', the six-eyed demon wolf forcibly broke away from the stone wall and walked out.

After the stone chips fell on the body, dark wolf hair was revealed, and six dark eyes stared at the three people in front of him for a while. I saw it first skimmed over Yi Tian and stared at it for a while, then turned away to moved towards Scarlet Demon and looked at it, and then its gaze really fell on Du Li, and then hiding the sky and covering the earth's divine sense deep Lock it after handling.

None of the three people on the scene expected such a scene to happen, but the Scarlet Demon's expression sank: "It seems that there is still something wrong. This six-eyed demon wolf is not so tame. "After talking, he stretched out his hand and took out a quaint collar to sacrifice in his hand.

Yi Tian looked sideways and saw that behind the collar was a long chain, and on the collar was clearly engraved with a few strings of Buddhist characters. At the moment, I was stunned that this thing has a great background, I am afraid that only this circle can lock the six-eyed demon wolf.

I only heard the Scarlet Eye Demon say: "Okay, let's take action together, otherwise the situation will not be in seconds."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to take out and said black magic light. He greeted the demon wolf's forehead, and Du Li did not show any weakness, the black sickle Spiritual Artifact he raised in his hand turned into a beam of black light and took the demon wolf's back straight. The corners of Yi Tian's mouth twitched slightly. Basically, such an attack was of little use. The key is to see how the Scarlet Demon manipulates the collar to restrain it.

A red hell demon fire took out and turned into a fist sized Fireball, blasting on the body of the demon wolf.

After the three shots one after another, the demon wolf seems to be completely ignored and stunned there,'peng~ peng~ peng~' after three sounds, the body of the demon wolf was repelled by several feet. The distance is stable.

All three of them were stunned. Didn't expect that the six-eyed demon wolf is a garish and spiritual power and will not fight back at all. Yi Tian was quite suspicious. If Wuye Sect Founder said that he had broken up the Divine Soul of this demon wolf, then this demon wolf would not behave like this today.

At least if Divine Soul dissipates in spiritual cultivation, the body left behind is just a walking corpse that's all.

Seeing this, the three of them put their hands together and began to look at the demon wolf. Du Li even stepped forward to look at it up close, and then turned over and rode on the wolf's back. The Scarlet Demon raised the collar in his hand and put it on the neck of Demon Wolf.

Didn't expect things will go so smoothly, and the expressions of the three of them are instantly relaxed. Later Du Li turned the wolf's back and opened the mouth and said: "We didn't expect things went much smoother than expected, and we can also go back to the meeting."

As soon as the words were finished, the six-eyed demon wolf suddenly wrinkled with a terrifying spiritual pressure, and the collar that was originally set on its neck shone with auras, and the six eyes of demon wolf instantly turned. With a sound of'ooh', a black shadow rushed past, and the demon wolf suddenly caught Du Li's right shoulder and tore his right hand alive.

The two people in front of them were stunned. They only realized that something was wrong when they heard a heart-piercing cry from Du Li's mouth.

I saw the demon wolf stretched out his front paws and immediately locked Du Li’s body. The wolf claws stretched out their sharp claws and penetrated into Du Li’s body, and suddenly a large amount of blood overflowed and stained him. As a blood man.

The wolf's mouth quickly swallowed the flesh and blood of Du Li's body, and then saw the wolf's head open again, shining on his head, preparing to bite fiercely. An aura flew out from Du Li’s forehead and flew towards the direction where he moved towards Yi Tian. I saw Du Li’s demon infant in the aura and shouted out in horror: "Please also Fellow Daoist to help and keep me , There must be a big reward afterwards."

Du Li didn't choose Scarlet Eye Demon but he really made Yi Tian stunned, but his thoughts flashed and he figured out the truth. Right now, I am a Demon Race cultivator, and I came to supervise the battle with the order of the great heavenly demon alone. If he falls into the hands of the Scarlet Eye Demon, I am afraid that he will definitely not even have the chance to escape into reincarnation.

If it is in the hands of the Demon Race cultivator, at least there is still a way to deal with it. Immediately, Yi Tian took a jade bottle and put his Divine Soul into it, and took out the seal talisman to seal the bottle before putting it into the storage ring.

Look back and see that the six-eyed demon wolf has slowly stepped forward. The six eyes looked at the two people in front of them, and then opened his mouth and let out a low growl: "didn 't expect to be able to taste the flesh and blood of the Integration Stage demonic cultivator for the first time in thousands of years. Whatever you two do, I can see that if you want to control me, the strength of the collar is probably useless."

The Scarlet Demon is also a master who is not afraid of things. He looked at the fighting intent on his back and wrinkled and said: "I knew that today’s things were not that simple. The great heavenly demon, Dugu Lonely, didn’t come in person but let You are not an easy one to come, right? Today, it seems that we can only get out of trouble by joining hands. I hope Fellow Daoist will not pity the Divine Ability spell."

"Mother each other," Yi Tian is coldly snorted and said: "A good thing didn't expect will be extravagant, I'm afraid you will be to blame after this incident."

After talking about the flames, the silhouette of the inferno demon fire is anxious. A flash of six-eyed demon wolf attacked behind him, and the scarlet demon took out a five-foot-long bowl of wolf fang club sacrifice in his hand and waved it in his hand and smashed it shining demon wolf fiercely.

I saw Jie Demon Wolf open his mouth and spit out a black and bright ball of light shining on the spell of the two people. With two beeps of'peng peng', the aftermath of the spiritual pressure generated after the first encounter between the two sides shattered all around the stone walls. On the other hand, the six-eyed Jie demon wolf still stood there and did not move more than half a minute, but Yi Tian and the Scarlet Demon dodged one after another.

At the same time, all the surprised looks appeared on their faces coincidentally. The strength of this demon wolf is probably comparable to that of the two. But in such an environment, it has a geographical advantage, and it can take two moves without any harm in one shot.

When the Scarlet Demon saw that the opponent had good strength after the shot, it also aroused the fighting intent. He opened his mouth and took a violent breath to gather all around the spiritual power, and at the same time, his whole body swelled and changed. It's like Little Giant, which is more than ten feet tall.

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