Entering the temple ruins of the Underworld God Temple, the three Yi Tian followed the guidance and found the secret space where the Concubine Xuan Xuan was hiding. In the depths of the valley in the space, the body of the ghost beast Jiali was found, but at this time his body seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

From a distance, it looks no different from the normal situation, but Yi Tian knows that the ghost beast at this time is just a fleshy body without Divine Soul control.

The clay doll in his hand opened his mouth and Jiali shouted: "That's my deity. I haven't seen it for tens of thousands of years. It just feels like it's the same as before. Grew up".

"Is that right," Yi Tian said solemnly: "I thought it was a bit weird before, but now I can be sure about it."

"Why, did you find any clues?" Yishun asked.

"The time passing in this space is very, very slow, that's why this situation is caused," Yi Tian said: "I just don't know where the toffee's body is. Logically speaking, as a guardian beast, you should follow closely. Yes, is it in this house?"

"Did we know if we went to check it out," Xiong Erbao said, he was about to take a step, and suddenly a hand was placed in front of him. The road was blocked.

I saw Yi Tian facial expression grave and said: "Don't worry, I have a hunch that this is not as simple as it seems."

When I was about to make a move, suddenly divine sense moved slightly. It was found that the entrance of the entire village seemed to be something wrong, and at the same time Yishun and Xiong Erbao also noticed the problem. The three of them turned around and looked back and forth. There is a dark spiritual power sweeping across the sky, and its power has roughly reached the appearance of the mid-integration stage.

This kind of real feeling is the first time after entering the Underworld God temple, something happened in his heart because Yi Tian hurriedly used the escape technique to fly into the sky, and then looked down the entire valley.

At the entrance, I saw a four-foot-sized one-eyed thorn ball rolling over, and there was only a seam on the thorn ball. Suddenly the gap opened to reveal a huge eyeball. Seeing the crowd in the village, he swooped up, and with a sound of'oh la la', the mouth opened below the spike, revealing sharp teeth and bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. According to the villagers, they gnawed down one by one like a whole lot of jujubes.

The villagers who lost one's head out of fear soon fled, leaving behind a mess and the monster.

Respite the spike ball once again, open his eyes and look up at the position of the three in the sky Yi Tian, ​​a powerful divine sense came out to lock the three of them.

Have Xiong Erbao ever seen such a scene before, and immediately shouted with lingering fears: "What should I do next, as if he has discovered us."

"It is not a discovery, but a lock. "Yishun said with a deep complexion: "I have never seen such a sharp divine sense. It is extremely powerful, and it is slightly better than the uncle of the Huolian clan."

"That is inevitable. ," Yi Tian said disapprovingly: "If I am not mistaken, this should be the ghost formed by the resentment of the ghost concubine Xuanxuan in the world. I have seen something similar in the Great Lightning Zen Temple. Record."

"What is he then?" Xiong Erbao asked.

“In fact, it can’t be considered something. The grievances left behind after death will become wraith, while the grievances left behind after spiritual cultivation are too strong will directly become grievances. Retain 70% to 80% of the strength of the deceased during his lifetime," Yi Tian felt all around spiritual pressure fluctuating hiding the sky and covering the earth as soon as he finished speaking.

Immediately, the grievance demon on the ground opened his mouth and protruded from the black magic bullet, splitting the air and making a sound of moving towards the place where the three of them were.

'whiz whiz whiz' The three directly separated and avoided, and then dispersed in the air. Yi Shun and Xiong Erbao took out the Spiritual Artifact took out and directly fought back, while Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, the purple light flashed in his eyes and then stared at the resentful ghost underneath, carefully looking at it.

It is reasonable to say that this space should have been opened up by the Nether Toffee Xuanxuan. Now there is such a monster, which should be formed by the wraith after her death. It's just that I don't know what happened to her, and it may not have any effect if it is suppressed by force.

Two spells in the air directly hit the body of the resentful ghost after flying, but Xiong Erbao's cultivation technique such as clay ox entering the sea has no effect at all. On the contrary, the golden light emitted by Yi Shun contained the power of Buddhist Sect and cut a huge hole directly after it hit the resentful ghost.

A scream of "Yeah" sounded, and the next moment the Dao Accumulation spell containing the power of Buddhist Sect flew out from the side of the resentful ghost and hit it directly. But the big wounds on both sides did not last long, so they closed again without any ten breaths. It looked like there were no signs of injury at all.

The resentful ghost on the ground opened his mouth and let out a hoarse cry, and then suddenly pulled up to the ground and took off. Several tentacles grew on the round body moved towards the place where the three of them were. Come.

Yi Tian hurriedly took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand and then smashed it fiercely in light of those swept tentacles. Unexpectedly, the tentacles that were cut off by the Taiyuan Wooden Sword grew rapidly again, and soon the three of them all around were surrounded.

"Break through the defense, everyone first evacuate," Yi Shun called, mutter incantations one after another golden light moved towards a certain direction and hit the attack. When the golden light touched the black tentacles, it broke it directly, and after three breaths, it opened a ten-foot-sized hole in the air.

The three of them were overjoyed and hurriedly escaped from the middle one by one. Yi Tian walked on the last one, and suddenly found the next layer of his feet when he rushed out of the opening. The divine sense swept over and found that one of the resentful ghost's tentacles was wrapped around his left foot.

Just as he was about to control the Taiyuan Wooden Sword to cut it off, suddenly a huge black shadow appeared behind him. Turning his head to see that it was his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl resentful ghost, and the'ka-cha' directly swallowed Yi Tian's whole person.

The Xiong Erbao who was outside was frightened on the spot, and he shouted: "Isn't he, he's the strongest and impossible, just hang up like this."

"Don't talk nonsense," Yap By the way, he stopped and said: "I think he did it intentionally."

The two were talking and saw the resentful ghost not far in front of them suddenly swelled up. Cracks appeared on the black skin, and purple thunder glows flashed out of it.

The resentful ghost's body seemed to be unable to hold it anymore with the sound of "hong", and it burst directly from the inside. A silhouette of purple firelight flew out to the two of them. After the fire was recovered, Yi Tian's figure appeared. At this moment, he stared at the resentful ghost in front of him and shouted: "Taffles Netherworld show your true body, let me also learn about the expert demeanor of the Netherworld 60,000 years ago."

The resentful ghost who had just fallen in front of him seemed to shake violently all over his body, and the tentacles all around were retracted, and their size became smaller and smaller.

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