After entering the tomb of the Nether Princess, the three people found her coffin, but they opened it and found that the inside was empty. Not to mention that in the Imperial Family spectrum of Hell Sovereign, even the body of the Princess Nether has passed away.

It is reasonable to say that even if the life essence of the Integration Stage cultivator is exhausted and Divine Soul escapes into reincarnation, its fleshy body can be preserved by some special methods after nearly ten thousand years of tempering.

It is not difficult for the bones to be fossilized for tens of thousands of years even after the spiritual power collapses.

And there is no trace of the remains of the Nether Toffee in the coffin in front of him, indicating that her deity should have stayed elsewhere. Yi Tian carefully compared the situation after entering the temple and found that it was considered a confined space.

The Great Emperor Yuanhao personally casts spells in this Underworld God temple all around the Formation under the cloth. If you want to come with the strength of the Xuanxuan, you can’t escape.

There is only one final answer. Xuan Xuan opened up another space here and hid her body there.

Thinking of this, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth slightly raised and picked up the clay doll and said: "Do you know what strange animal is depicted on the giant portrait in the main hall?"

"That is the symbolic ghost beast of the Hell Sovereign dynasty. This beast once smashed the Lower Three Realms with the Great Emperor You Ming's Southern Expedition and Northern War," Jiali replied, with a tone of pride in his words.

Who expected Yi Tian to snort disdainfully: "It seems that you and him should have something to do with him. If we guessed wrong, your body should be the cub of the ghost beast, otherwise how could Xuanxuan do Take your Divine Soul out and place it in the stone statue to guard the mausoleum."

After a remark, Jiali was overwhelmed, and it took a long time before he replied: "Even if you guessed it What's more, the Lord has passed away and my body is missing. It doesn't make any sense to say it."

After listening to Yi Tian's heart, he said: "not equal to" Let me make a deal, instead of us, find the remains of the Nether Toffee Scarlet and the Imperial Family score. I will help you find your true body. How about I let you go back to the Nether Realm after it's done?"

"There is such a good thing, are you trying to frame me?" Carrie asked tentatively, his tone full of doubts.

"Why should I lie to you, don’t forget that now your Divine Soul is controlled by me and placed in a doll. If I want to save you, I only need to move through thoughts, so I don’t have to worry about it anymore. "Yi Tian replied faintly.

"That said, but can you really let me go free?" Jiali said urgently.

"As long as you return to the Yellow Springs guard in the Netherworld directly after you recover your true body, this is my only condition," Yi Tian explained.

Although Jiali didn't know where he was, but Yishun and Xiong Erbao on the side had strange divine lights flashing in their eyes. This condition naturally has its meaning behind it. Now the newly-built Hell Sovereign in the Underworld is at odds with the Yellow Springs guards. If there is a heavyweight from the Imperial court joining the Yellow Springs guards at this time, it might be the situation. Get more mixed up.

Yi Tian's original intention is also true. Although Yan Qiu accepted the Yellow Springs guard's request to come and search for the Imperial Family spectrum of Hell Sovereign, it has nothing to do with him.

It would be different if you saw Garley put it back in place. At least the people in the Yellow Springs guards can accept their personal feelings after they learn about it. But the most important purpose or for is to get rid of the disgusting Great Emperor You Ming madness, and he and his Avatar are at odds at this time and don't mind putting a block on his back.

The enemy's enemy may not be a friend, but you can still use it.

"Okay, no problem, but how can you find my true body?" Jiali asked.

"This requires your cooperation," Yi Tian said with a strange smile on his face: "Replied to the main hall first, there is no point in staying here."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved the took out azure light, held up the coffin lid and put it back in its original form. After the sound of'ka ka ka', the sarcophagus returned to its original state again and looked like it had never been passive.

The three Shaoqing returned from the original road and came to the main hall of the temple again, while Yi Tian held a clay doll and walked forward to the portrait of the ghost beast before stopping.

Then mutter incantations clicked on the doll three times, and an illusory shadow instantly rose from it and transformed into an alien beast.

The two people beside can see that the appearance of this strange beast is very similar to the portrait of the ghost beast on the wall, but it is more childish, and it is obviously a cub.

At the same time, Yi Tian is extending the hand to take out. Dao Lingguang aimed at the mural on the wall and hit the secret art. Suddenly, the closed eyes of the Nether Beast opened, and two white lights flashed through it before shining directly on the stone statue in front of it.

After three breaths, nothing happened. Yishun asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Let's master it together, there is nothing in the stone statue. With Jiali’s Divine Soul, it is naturally impossible to open the tomb space," Yi Tian said, reaching out and placing the clay doll in a position where the white light shines.

Not long after, Garley’s Divine Soul illusory shadow seemed to resonate with the mural. Next moment, a one-foot-sized White Light Sect entrance appeared on the mural.

Yi Tian took the clay doll doll in one hand and took Jiali’s beast soul into it, then turned around and said with the duo behind him: "Follow me," after speaking, the silhouette flashed directly. Into the light gate.

Yishun and Xiong Erbao didn't slacken their efforts and went behind them. After all three of them flew into it, the light gate of the entrance slowly closed.

Entering this space, Yi Tian finds that the corridor in front of him seems to be somewhat distant, and after the aura flashes on his body, he casts a escape technique and flies away all the way. It lasted for about half a moment and flew nearly ten thousand li away before seeing the exit.

After flying out of the light gate, the three of them came to a hidden land of peace and prosperity with beautiful mountains and rivers. In the distance, a winding path leads directly to the mountain within the valley. There are a few high mountains in front of me. All around spiritual power is a good place for cultivation.

Yi Tian took the two of them all the way to the valley and found that there were hundreds of people living in the underworld here, which looked like a small village. But when you look closely at these people, their eyes are hollow and their movements are not mechanically repeating like beings.

I don't know why the Netherworld Taifei set up such a scene here, Yi Tian divine sense opened and scanned it and found that none of these people had discovered the existence of the three. As for the depths of the entire village, there seems to be some similar spiritual pressure fluctuations remaining.

Flew forward and went straight to the location where the abnormal spiritual pressure fluctuates. Yi Tian discovered that there is a courtyard here. Pushing open the door to the main courtyard, it was about thirty feet square. Inside, there was a strange beast asleep.

The appearance of the strange beast is exactly the same as the ghost beast in the murals outside, and it is needless to say that it is the body of Garrie. Just looking around all around, but there is no trace of the existence of the Nether Taifei Haoxuan.

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