After the monks in the Great Lightning Zen Temple left in the Juxian Building, the scene returned to calm again. The three people in Lihuo Palace sitting by the window complexion slightly changed and lowered their heads in silent sound transmission, seeming to be discussing what happened just now.

Yi Tian, ​​who pretended to be Putian, never dreamed that he would see the Integration Stage cultivator in Lihuo Palace here. Fortunately, everyone just had a face-to-face encounter without close contact. But in his heart, he was very sure that the other party must be a veteran figure in the Lihuo Palace, maybe it was Ji Xuanyuan himself.

Thinking of this, I felt a little coolness behind me, but after three breaths, my mood calmed down. I directly rejected the previous idea. If the person is really Ji Xuanyuan, the standard of reception will be increased several times, and I will not be like this in the Juxian Building. The only answer is that this person may be one of the two elders from Lihuo. Yi Tian couldn't bear it in his heart when he thought of this. He had never faced a cultivator in Lihuo Palace before.

Although we must match up in the future, we still have to test when we have the opportunity to know the reality of the other party. And the Wuye Sect Founder once mentioned the appearance of the cultivation base of the two old people from the fire in the integrated Early-Stage. Although it is difficult to make an inch, the time that has been deposited here for thousands of years is far from comparable.

In addition, they will all be away from the fire nine change cultivation to the 7th floor elementary level, it is perfect to weigh their own strength now.

If you want to return, Yi Tian has no plan in his heart to test the other party, and everything has to wait for the Monster Race to find a chance after the ceremony. Moreover, it is difficult for me to pretend to be Pudian now, and it may be unbeautiful to expose my identity.

After the entire group left the Juxian Building, they went straight to the venue where the ritual ceremony was held. A monster cultivator of the Qilin tribe was waiting outside, and a group of monks were brought into the observatory. Sit down in the predetermined position and waited.

Yi Tian led a group of monks to sit on the viewing platform and slowly used a blindfold method to conceal himself, which is usually used as a means by Integration Stage cultivator or demon cultivator.

So the waiters of the Qilin clan are not surprised, and left after the arrangements were made.

After sitting firmly on the viewing platform, Yi Tian slowly stretched out the divine sense to look at the major races participating in the ritual ceremony today. Looking around, the big races have already taken up good positions, and the demon veterans who played in the battle have all entered the venue surrounded by clansman.

Fortunately, the venue for holding the Chengtian sacrifice ceremony is not small, about one mile in size. Except for the hundred zhang round table in the middle, all around space is also sufficient. Soon Yi Tian found out that the two sides of the Qilin tribe were the lion tribe and the tiger tribe. The Hou Yuan and Gai Dihu were naturally sitting in the forefront position. In a blink of an eye, the position of the iron-eating beast clan was next to the lion clan. As for one of the two frontmost positions, it was Xiong Erbao, a foolish creature.

A place next to the Tiger Clan is the Diamond Demon Ape Clan. Yi Tian stared at the leading violent demon ape and felt a little emotional in his heart. This Pudian Senior Brother was so powerful that it was able to use falsehoods after the Divine Ape Transformation. If he didn't know the details, he would really fool him.

Behind those big Monster Races are vassal tribes. Like Fox Race, the dog tribes are attached to the tiger tribe and the lion tribe, naturally sitting next to each other. But Yi Tian glanced over Fox Race but everyone did not see Jiang Liuli's silhouette. As for the four maids by her side, they were clustered by patriarch at this time.

After a while, some foreign cultivators who came to watch the ceremony also all entered the venue. Yi Tian can pay attention to the three people in the Lihuo Palace. It is a pity to find that they are arranged on the opposite side of the observatory, and there are some other two factions who have achieved spiritual cultivation and are also separated. The difference is that neither Taiqing Pavilion nor Feiyu Sword Sect sent an Integration Stage cultivator to lead the team.

The leading figures of the two factions are Qing Lianyun and Jian Shaoqing, followed by the digital sect disciple. When they saw the three people from Lihuo Palace, they all moved towards the middle aged scholar to salute.

It goes without saying that the identity of this person is naturally self-evident, Yi Tian dare not keep his gaze more than just a glance, and then no longer pay attention.

At this time, the Integration Stage cultivator sitting next to Chi Wuji stared suspiciously in the direction of the Great Lightning Zen Temple for a long time, but the grave expression on his face did not decrease. Chi Wuji, who was on the side, was a sound transmission and asked: "Does Martial Uncle still have questions about the monk who is the Great Lightning Zen Temple?"

Yi Tian doesn't recognize this person all around Those Spirit Realm two sects leaders all know in their hearts, this is the Korean Wave, one of the dignified Trigram Fire Sect two elders, and is also the ruler of the contemporary Flame Dragon proud sword.

I saw the Hallyu staring at the Great Lightning Zen Temple for a long time, and a little bit of starlight flashed in my eyes, as if some secret divine ability was used. I was looking at it, but sighed replied after ten breaths: "But it is So, that’s a faint feeling for no reason. I just feel that this person is familiar with the Eldest Senior Brother’s shadow."

"Master’s shadow, Martial Uncle, you can’t read it wrong, right? This person should be an authentic person. Buddhist Sect cultivator, how could it have something to do with my leaving the Fire Palace?" Chi Wuji hurriedly replied.

"I don't know, it's just a momentary feeling, and you know that the Sixth Sense of the Integration Stage cultivator is often very accurate," Hallyu said solemnly.

"Now that we are so close to him, Martial Uncle can see the doubts in him," Chi Wuji asked again.

Korean wave shook his head slightly and said: "I used the divine ability to see through his blindness, and found that the Buddha's radiance on his body shines far beyond any Integration Stage Buddha I have ever seen. Xiu. It seems that he is a person with profound Dharma attainments. You must remember to treat each other with courtesy absolutely in the future. Don’t neglect it so as not to lose the face of my Lihuo Palace."

I heard what Chi Wuji had in his eyes. The color of doubt gradually dissipated. Since Hallyu Martial Uncle has said so, it is naturally true. And it is estimated that it was for this reason that Martial Uncle paid such attention.

I don't know that at this time Yi Tian is sitting in his mouth and meditating silently on the Eight-tone Secret Technique of Heavenly Thunder to wrap Buddha's radiance produced by the divine ability spell around him. At the same time, the Niwan Palace converged all the Thunder Yan Ziyan in order to cover up all traces of leaving the Fire Palace.

It didn't take long for the sound of the gong to attract the attention of the participants in the entire venue to the center platform, and then three Level 9 demon masters of the Qilin clan appeared one after another. What surprised Yi Tian was that the Qilin son of the year was also on it, and from the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on him, it is not difficult to see that his strength has been upgraded to Level 9 Intermediate.

It's no wonder how old Ancestor was so afraid of him in the past. It is obvious that this person is a lot stronger. Fortunately, Yi Tian found the Nine-Immortals Mountain Wulian daoist as a helper and entangled Qilin. Otherwise, let him get involved, I'm afraid that he will not be so easy to get the two demon of Howard and Hunyun.

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