After communicating with Pu Dian in the "Juxianlou", Yi Tian got his wish and got the cultivation technique of "Shen Yuanbian". Then you can open it to read through and deduct the cultivation technique again. But the face of one hour showed helplessness. It was obvious that this cultivation technique had been modified to be suitable for Buddhist Sect cultivator cultivation. In addition, many Buddhist Sect secrets are integrated into it, so that they can be used after the transformation.

For example, you can use the occult technique of the sky thunder and eight sounds that you are best at, or the Buddhist Sect corona body can be used directly. But I don’t know if my Life Source cultivation technique Lihuo Jiubian can be used. Later, I also specifically consulted Xia Pudian, and the answer was that the "sacred ape change" cultivation technique can only use specific body refinement and some sonic divine abilities.

As for the spiritual cultivation of Sword Art, it may not be able to be integrated. As a result, even after training, his strength has not been greatly improved. At most, walking in Monster Realm is a lot easier, and you will be recognized by other Monster Races as soon as you shoot.

From this point of view, this'sacred ape change' is also a bit tasteless for him. Fortunately, Pudian also mentioned that this cultivation technique was originally born out of the Diamond Demon Ape clan's "demonic ape change" cultivation technique, now it is best to combine the two cultivation techniques together to verify that they can complement each other to achieve the optimal state.

Yi Tian can't deny this too, thinking of Juxianlou in his heart, he will go to Xiong Erbao to discuss the matter. Now that Pudianken would act on his own behalf, it would be best, but he was bound to pretend to be him in the ceremony of Chengtian sacrifice to go to the ceremony, so as not to wear the help.

After discussing with Pudian, Yi Tian can take out the subpoena jade talisman and explain his calculation and Pudian's participation to Xiong Erbao clearly. After sitting on the top floor and waiting for a short time, I received his reply. I took it in my hand and checked it carefully before I settled it down. Xiong Erbao's plan to exchange identities with Diamond Demon Ape clansman was angry. When the opponent learned that it was Buddhist Sect expert who took the shot, he was naturally very happy.

The original plan always seems to be a bit flawed, and it is only two days away from the Chengtian sacrifice ceremony. Even if Yi Tian can cultivation to the Great Accomplishment, it also lacks the time of Full Mastery, and is facing the enemy. At that time, the odds of winning were a little less.

It didn't take long for the patriarch from Diamond Demon Ape clan to come to'Juxianlou' to meet the Buddhist Sect cultivator. After one hour, the battallion team left. It’s just that Diamond Demon Ape clansman left one more time than before, while Yi Tian sat in Pudian’s retreat room and looked at the token in his hand and the cultivation technique jade slip. The helpless shook the head.

Although the Taoli Daizheng like this is brought to the point of perfection, it still takes a little effort to pretend to be Pudian Senior Brother. This time he had a good time playing, leaving a mess for himself to clean up. In Putian's words, the red tape of leading a dísciple was annoying all day, and it was a quiet joy to get into the Diamond Demon Ape clan.

Yi Tian also had no choice but to use the Thousand Faces Technique to change his appearance and transform himself into the appearance of Pudian. After everyone left, he took turns to bring the many leading monks one after another. Inquired all over. Even if you want to pretend, you have to figure out the situation of the people under your hands, otherwise it will be bad if you don't wear it well.

Yi Tian returned to the deity's appearance after all and the others left, and opened the restricted Formation to isolate the room from the outside world. Then took out two jade slip Divine Ability Art and read them through.

Yi Tian took a deep breath after reading this cultivation technique of the'Magic Ape Transformation', and his eyes showed excitement. What Pudian said before was correct. This "Magic Ape Transformation" is indeed a castration version. Back then, the Buddhist Sect's great ability was also very good at extracting most of the cultivation technique from the cultivation technique to integrate into the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique.

In this way, although the Buddha can also use the Monster Race body, it can also deprive part of the spiritual practice. The'Magic Ape Bian' cultivation technique is not the case, it retains the characteristics of the Diamond Demon Ape family to the maximum extent, but it seems more suitable for Demon Race cultivator or physical cultivation. Moreover, there are many disadvantages in cultivation. Diamond Demon Ape's irritable nature will affect the nature of the cultivator, and forced use will lead to madness and even a major change in temperament.

After careful consideration, Yi Tian made up his mind to integrate these two cultivation techniques. Buddhist Sect’s "Divine Ape Transformation" can restrain the violent nature of Diamond Demon Ape, and the Demon Ape becomes a cultivation. The basis of the technique can use a variety of divine abilities. If it can be integrated properly, maybe you can use your own spiritual divine ability.

If I want to stop Yi Tian, ​​he silently deduced the two divine ability methods in his heart.

In two days, the light flashed was passing away. It didn’t take long for Yi Tian to sit in the room and heard a voice outside the room saying: “It’s not early, the ceremony of Chengtian sacrifice is about to begin, please I’m ready to go when the uncle is out."

Open my eyes, Yi Tian sighed then said and then pinched a secret art, and then turned into Pudian's appearance, and then stood slowly He got up and stretched out his hand to unblock the Formation inside the house and walked out.

After I got outside, I found that all the monks of the Great Lightning Zen Temple were already waiting there, and said: "Go," and led all around the people downstairs.

The whole building of "Juxianlou" is not just reserved for Buddhist Sect cultivator. Walking down the road, Yi Tian found that there are many spiritual practitioners present. Among them, there is no opinion about the people who saw Spirit Realm Three Sects. Those who took the lead were the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect Jian Shaoqing and Chi Wuji from Lihuo Palace.

Yi Tian glanced over and saw that their cultivation bases were both at the peak of the middle stage of distraction, and they could step into the next realm anytime, anywhere. I thought that I was still a bit worse in front of them back then, but after less than a thousand years of separation, he even surpassed him.

Fortunately, I am now the incarnation of Pudian Senior Brother. Although the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body have converged, the people who shook the "Juxianlou" know that there is an Integration Stage cultivator. After seeing it today, I naturally didn't dare to make a mistake, and even the divine sense converged and didn't dare to spare the tiger's beard in front of the Integration Stage cultivator.

Yi Tian looked at Jian Shaoqing and turned his gaze to Chi Wuji. This person's identity has been able to guess one or two by himself, but he lacked the opportunity to verify it with his own eyes. Visually, it is not a good opportunity to let him go for a while, and then turn his gaze to Chi Wuji's side again, didn't expect Ji Xingzhu to come this time.

Every time I see her, I think of Ji Xuanyuan behind him, and I feel helpless.

Just squinted and suddenly felt startled. There was a middle aged scholar sitting beside Ji Xingzhu. It seemed that the fluctuation of spiritual pressure had been restrained. In fact, the cultivation base should be about the same as myself. Thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind, but the movements on his body did not stop at all, and brought a crowd of people down to the'Juxianlou' like running clouds and flowing water.

After the people of the Great Lightning Zen Temple left, the scribes would sound transmission to Chi Wuji Dao: "I don’t know who is the leader of Buddhist Sect. The strength is very big. Why would the Great Lightning Zen Temple send such a person? Come to Monster Realm?"

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