Houtian’s Yaoying rushed to find a shelter for Ambience after she escaped, and only his identity was slightly different among those present. Houtian was also betting that everyone wouldn't dare to kill to the last one against Hun Yun. After all, he offended the Huo Jiao Clan. I'm afraid it would be difficult to mix in Monster Realm.

Sure enough, the Mountain Tiger ran into the Mountain Tiger. Obviously, it was a little bit of water to fight the opponent without pain or itching, just to hold it back and not let Hun Yun help. Unexpectedly, Hun Yun would forcibly result in a move, then turned around to meet the demon infant who was roaring to the sky, angrily rushing to Mountain Tiger and cursing, "Stop him," he also slowed down for a while to catch up.

Hou Yuan, who chased up behind Yaoying, also showed a bad face. Seeing that Houtian was about to merge with Hun Yun, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Hun Yun Fellow Daoist, don’t make mistakes to take in traitors from this race again and again. Otherwise, it's no wonder that I didn't give the firefighter a friendly shot against you."

"Hold Fellow Daoist Yuan, you plot against so far is already set to win, do you have to kill to the last one?" At this time, Yun is also a poor word and had to brace oneself replied. He also only cares about the consequences of this matter, but if he can save the Demon Infant who is roaring sky, the rewards are not so big. Human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, this kind of risk is only to be tried once.

Seeing that it is only half a mile away from Hou Yuan’s Monster Realm and can be merged with one teleport, Hun Yun suddenly felt a strong sense of threat rise in the mind. not even think hurriedly turned around and flashed to the side, and then divine sense swept away, only to see the silk ripples flashing in the space where he was just now to the Celestial Demon baby.

Then appear out of thin air, thousands of azure sword wires completely isolate the two sides, and it is the Spirit and Yaohua Thousand Skill that Yi Tian displayed arrived in time. So howling Celestial Demon's face was pale and hurriedly turned to avoid the azure glow sword wire in front of him, but it was just this short moment that the Hou Yuan who caught up from behind extended the hand and grabbed it. Palm.

Under the trapped Demon Infant, Huo Tian also hurriedly cried and begged for mercy: "Brother forgive me, this time it’s my little brother's mistake. Please let me go again, I'm willing to set up Heart Demon. I am a slave and a servant in this life and serve you."

When I heard this, Hou Yuan did not show the slightest joy on his face, but a faint replied: "Your ending today is having only oneself to blame , And I’m not alone in making the final decision. I remembered that I said that your character is easy to provoke right and wrong, but now it’s your past fruit treasure when a catastrophe is imminent."

Rong Hootian discerned more, reaching out his palm and squeezing his Demon Infant directly with force.

Later, there was a trace of loneliness on Hou Yuan's face and he couldn't help but open his mouth and sighed, and at the same time moved towards Yi Tian, ​​he arched his hands and said: "This time, many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi offered to help, this matter is remembered in the heart of the old man."

"It’s okay, it’s my idea to deal with Houtian this time, and it’s a pleasure to solve his old grievances," Yi Tian turned his head and looked at the next one. Hun Yun said solemnly: "Everyone, I have some personal grievances with Hun Yun Daoist to resolve. If you want to avoid suspicion, you can leave as soon as possible. Afterwards, it will not drag the clan behind you."

It was meant to be heard by Hou Yuan and Chai Mountain Tiger, and at the same time it was a warning to Xiong Erbao. He can be regarded as a lonely family, even if it is caused by trouble, he is not afraid of the Fire Jiao Clan coming to make trouble. But behind them there is the whole clan who must think twice.

Sure enough, Hou Yuan and Chai Mountain Tiger looked at each other and saw the surprised look in each other's eyes, but their goal this time has been achieved and naturally they don't want to be on the sidelines. After thinking about it, he stepped aside, and Hou Yuan said: "Since it is Fellow Daoist Yi who wants to have a private chat with Hun Yun Fellow Daoist, then we won't bother."

When I heard them express Yi Tian, It was slightly nodded, and then the corner of his mouth moved a few sound transmissions to the Golden Retriever King who hosted Formation outside. After the three breaths, a gap of the size of three feet was exposed on the Formation array rays of light not far behind Yi Tian. After Hou Yuan and Mountain Tiger winked at each other, they jumped to the gap and got out of it.

As for Xiong Erbao, he still waited in the air and didn’t mean to leave. Yi Tian shook his head helplessly: "Why don’t you plan for the clan? If the next thing is spread out, It will offend the Fire Jiao Clan, and it’s not a good thing to have no peace in the next half of my life."

"You are here less, my clan affairs are all handled by my brother, I'm afraid who will do it," Xiong Erbao He said nonchalantly: "Actually, I've seen this Razer not pleasing to my eyes. Last time I let him, Boa Constrictor, and Yan Pei Gong get in a panic, I have to find the venue this time."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​the smile on his face can only be left to him, like Xiong Erbao's personality is understood by himself, so there is no need to talk about it anymore. Then turned around and looked at Fancai and said: "It seems that Fellow Daoist has absorbed all the blood essence of Yi Shun, I want to see how much your strength has improved."

As soon as this statement came out, the face of Yunyun in front of him immediately changed color, and he fixed his eyes on Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao on the side: "It seems that you all know a lot. Where is the demon soul of Yishun, don't tell me He escaped into reincarnation or fell into such naive words."

"Is that Huangyun Fellow Daoist sure that today one against two can deal with the two of us," Yi Tian asked with a smile .

"This is not necessarily true. Don’t you think you can eat me two-on-one, kid, you look down on my Thunder Python clan too much," Hun Yun Daoist stretched out his hand and ten fingers. The electric python moved towards Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao after taking out from the finger.

Expected that the other party would not sit and wait for death, Yi Tian's complexion hurriedly took out, Taiyuan Jiansi moved towards him and greeted him. As for Xiong Erbao, he also not to be outdone. After facing a powerful enemy, he set up two black white light halos to protect himself in the center.

The blue thunder and lightning struck Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao's defensive cover and made a'zi zi' sound. But the azure sword wire and the blue thunder and lightning crossed across the daoist body with a harmonious rhyme. I have seen the formidable power of this sword silk a long time ago, and I dare not neglect it. After the Monster Qi on his body rises rapidly, the whole body curls up and reveals the true appearance of a thunder snake.

It's just that Yi Tian's heart has a lingering fear is that the essence of the rhyme is very different from the last time. Two long horns grew on the Thunder Python's forehead, and the snake scales on the Thunder Python body had faded and replaced with a layer of dragon scales armor.

Needless to say, this is a mutation that only appears after absorbing the rich True-Dragon Blood from Yishun's body, so Yi Tian's complexion sank, sound transmission and Xiong Erbao said: "Be careful of the rhyme, not this time Good deal. He has absorbed a lot of True Dragon Bloodline and his strength has improved a lot, and there may be a new Innate Divine Ability."

Xiong Erbao also had to remind him with a solemn expression, knowing that they will be two of them. In trouble, but he is also a troublesome lord, instead of showing any timidity, he seems to inspire infinite fighting spirit. After the two black and white spiritual powers all over the body were raised up, the whole figure suddenly rose to reveal the true nature of the iron-eater.

Didn't expect this guy originally looked so naive, showing that this Venerable also is so violent.

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