Under the design of Siege of Houtian Old Ancestor, Yi Tian, ​​Xiong Erbao, and Hou Yuan didn't mean to keep their hands at all. They were all firepower and used their own tricks.

What made Yi Tian didn't expect was that Xiong Erbao, a foolish guy, was not low in perception. He was cultivating Taiqing Pavilion's divine ability'so close, yet worlds apart' and didn't deliberately avoid it. At that time, Xiong Erbao stayed aside and learned most of the essence of his own cultivation technique. Although it was not used on himself, it was very sharp to use it to integrate the tricks.

After the shot, the first hit directly hits the Old Ancestor of Houtian, which made him completely unprepared.

At the same time, Hou Yuan played Lion's Roar Art on the side to harass the other party, and the space where the lion roar sound wave went was distorted, as if the inner space was a beat slower than the outside world.

With such tricks, the flow of the true essence on the body of Houtian is naturally slowed by 30%, and it is quite difficult to maintain a normal defense. Moreover, it takes half the amount of demon power to maintain the defensive tortoise shield in front of him.

Above high above the sky, Yi Tian single-handed formed hand seals moved towards the sword silk lasing below, and said in his mouth: "He". Those spirit yaohua thousand sword silks gathered together and once again turned into a three feet azure edge moved towards the front of the tortoise shell.

'ka-cha' with a crisp sound, the tortoiseshell shield cracked a gap, and then the gap got bigger and bigger, splitting from the left and right sides along the tortoise shell. After the azure sword glow flashed, the Taiyuan sword took advantage of the momentum and went straight through the tortoise shell and pierced out behind the roaring sky, leaving a fist sized hole.

Blood spurted out of the mouth and roared, "You forced me to do this. You have to pay the price if you want me to die." After he endured the pain, he stretched out his hand and sacrificed the original. The'tie demon rope' that was raised was pushed out.

The'Bound Demon Rope' showed up in the air and turned into a black demon dragon moved towards the body of Hou Yuan. The latter was shocked when he saw it, he knew the formidable power of this thing in his heart, and he jumped up in the air and stretched out his two front paws to fight with that Black Dragon.

Holding one temporarily, Houtian bent down and rolled in the air before revealing his true body. What Yi Tian really sees in the air is actually a five-foot-tall male lion about one zhang long like Hou Yuan, but the color of the lion’s mane on the neck is slightly different that’s all.

There is a huge blood hole behind his abdomen, and the hole shrinks and shrinks under the supplement of the true essence of the demon power, but the aura in Houtian's body is not as strong as before. If you are hit by yourself, you will have to peel off the skin without dying. Yi Tian stood in the air and said: "Houtian Fellow Daoist is not strong enough to show up so quickly. It's a pity that this is a good skin. I thought you could take my two more tricks. It seems that you are too overestimated."

"Don't be happy too early, kid, you just rely on sneak attack just now," Hou Tian angrily roared.

"When the wind is strong, I am not afraid of flashing my tongue. It is obviously a frontal defeat, and the little lion, your cheek is thickened," Xiong Erbao in the distance said with disdain, and did not stop in his hand. The move fisted out again, this time it was divided into the left and right sides, one black and one white, two auras that circled the arc and focused on Huotian's forehead and buttocks.

It’s been a long time since Xiong Erbao and Yi Tian have been together, and I know what it means to take advantage of someone’s illness to kill them. It’s really great to beat a dog in the water like this. Moreover, the Lion clan was also a strong enemy in the battle for Jade Dew in the Ceremony of Chengtian Sacrificial Ceremony. The weakening of many strengths here naturally contributed to the arrogance of the clan in the future, so Xiong Erbao was also full of energy.

The two auras once again accurately hit the deity of Hou Tian, ​​and slammed him down three feet in the air before Kankan stabilized his figure. At the same time, the fist sized blood hole on Huotian's body shrank to an inch in diameter, and it was difficult to heal. At the same time, there was a faint golden light gleaming on the wound, which seemed to purify the demon power in his body.

Just listen to Hou Yuan screaming again: "What kind of cultivation technique is this, why is it constantly eating away the spiritual power in my body?"

"didn't expect Hou Fellow In order to return to Monster Realm, Daoist Yuan did not hesitate to absorb Demon Realm source power cultivation. It seems that you are also the guy who achieves the goal by fair means or foul," Yi Tian said with a big smile: "Originally I was in the sword. Incorporating the power of Buddhist Sect is to reduce the hostility of the sword technique divine ability. Didn't expect really restrains your cultivation technique."

Is talking about how black is in the wound behind Houtian. The true essence is drawn out by the golden light and purified directly in the air. It's just that the pain of the power of purifying the demon source made Houtian unable to help but scream, and at the same time the body was constantly twitching, and it seemed that he could no longer maintain the spiritual power true essence in his body.

Not long after, I saw a spirit light on the forehead of Houtian. The demon infant who was supposed to be golden had now become half black and half yellow. Needless to say, Houtian must have absorbed a lot of it. The power of the magic source will have this result.

Yi Tian didn't chase after seeing the situation, and went straight to come not far in front of Hou Yuan's body, with the sword light in his hand and smashed that Black Dragon on his body. After the sword light flashed, it banged the Black Dragon on the back of the neck, allowing Hou Yuan to take the opportunity to escape.

Then he said: "Leave it to me here, don't let the demon infant of Houtian run away, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble."

Houyuan knows this. Yi Tian did it deliberately. If Houtian escapes, I'm afraid that the most restless lion clan in the future will definitely be madly retaliated against.

At this time, there was also a trace of decisiveness flashing in Hou Yuan's eyes. Now he turned and moved towards Hou Celestial Demon and chased in the direction where the infant escaped, but in his mouth there was a roar of one after another. The sound wave passed by the Demon Ying of Hou Tian immediately let him escape quickly, and Hou Yuan then narrowed the distance by half.

Yi Tian turned around and raised his hand to sacrifice the sword wire to firmly encircle the Black Dragon that was transformed by the'bundling demon rope', stretched out his hand to sacrifice the secret art and manipulated it to besiege it in the air . In the end, the bondage demon cable broke the spiritual power under the pressure of many parties and had to return to the prototype, while Yi Tian flew forward to extend the hand to take this Spirit Treasure into the bag.

Didn't expect that Hou Yuan, who is also a Level 9 Demon Venerable, would be so jealous of this thing. Soon after he was about to pick up and walk, he just lacked such a treasure to restrain Monster Race.

In the recent days, I am the only one who is not Monster Race, so this Spiritual Artifact is worthy of its name in my own hands.

In contrast, Xiong Erbao rushed forward to slap the roaring demon with a slap, and then cast a spell to ban it and put it away. The Monster Race on the side also watched the Fleshy body get captured at this time, but he still wanted to escape. Visually, only the mellow rhyme on one side can protect it, but under the shroud of the sound waves of the lion roar, the flow of the true essence on the Yaoying body has become extremely slow.

Without the blessing of Fleshy body, this effect is more than doubled. Houtian was so scared that he hurriedly shouted: "Hunyun Fellow Daoist, save me, there will be a big reward afterwards."

But the humongous rhyme in the distance was also entangled by the Mountain Tiger at this time. Watching the three of them join forces for nothing but twenty breaths, they put Hou Tian into the sky and forced him to escape from Nascent Soul. Hearing what Celestial Demon Ying said, Hun Yun still clenched the teeth to flee the Mountain Tiger's offensive, turning around and moving towards the demon infant's location and flew away.

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