Located in the valley where the bones of the burning dragon are located, Yi Tian sacrificed the Leiyang Order and relied on the unopened fire that was less than Great Accomplishment to clean up all the flesh and blood worms that gushed out on the ground all around.

Later putting away the thunder sun in his hand, Yi Tian said with joy on his face: "It's done, but it's a pity that these bloodworms originally absorbed the essence of Torch Dragon's flesh and blood. Unfortunately, they can't for me to use. "

As I said, I suddenly glanced across the burnt bloodworm and found that there was a bunch of pure flesh left in the burnt bloodworm meat, and traces of Dragon's Might appeared on it. I flew forward to divine sense and after scanning it, I realized that my ignorant flame couldn't burn this piece of flesh and blood. After carefully feeling the remaining Dragon's Might complexion slightly changed above, he blurted out and made his debut: "Won't burn dragon's blood meat, didn't expect no open flame to refining these bloodworms and fade them back into this way."

Then his gaze turned to all around, and he found that there were two remaining Torch Dragon flesh and blood in the ground zero and zero after refining. Yi Tian took out three jade boxes and put these flesh and blood into them one by one and kept them separately. It is expected that they may be used when recasting the dragon body for Yishun in the near future.

Turning around and looking at the burning dragon bones in front of him again, now there is nothing to stop him from moving. After divine sense swept this skeletal bone back and forth, Yi Tian had a scrutiny in his heart, and this skeletal bone was really left over from the tenth-level demonic beast.

For thousands of years, the residual spiritual power on the skeleton can reach Level 9 and the strength of the demonic beast itself is an incredible thing. If you let the demon spirit of Yishun directly blend into it, you can of course turn to the mortuary road, but the next series of troubles need to be sheltered by yourself.

Besides, I also plan to let him take action against the Spirit Pet'Fire Chain' in the hands of the white clothed Wuye Sect Founder, so it is even more impossible to let Yishun go around at will.

After taking out a single storage ring, Yi Tian set about putting the burning dragon bone in front of it. But a single secondary skeleton is far from the Barbarian Race's condition to allow Yishun to be reincarnated in someone else's body, and he has to find the body of a firefly monster cultivator. This dragon bone can be used for strengthening, and the remaining flesh and blood contains a lot of spiritual power, which can make up for the Dragon Race Bloodline Strength lost in Yishun.

But in the end, the reincarnated in someone else's body still needs to borrow the Dragon Transformation Pond of the Buddha Spirit Realm to wash itself to get rid of the breath in the mortal world. Only in this way can his Divine Soul and body Re-integrate firmly.

Thinking about the next thing about Yishun, Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly, lightly sighed and got up and moved towards the depths of the Monster Race battlefield and flew away.

Think about the chase behind this meeting should also enter this Monster Race battlefield, the array outside the entrance gap is just a little block. Yi Tian thought that if he wanted to return from the entrance to meet the other party, the probability was very high, so he might as well find another way out here.

It seems that this Monster Race battlefield is banned by Monster God, as long as you can find the edge of the ban and try to break the ban.

Feeling that the miasma concentration of all around is getting stronger and stronger, Yi Tian also maintained the defensive cover on his body. Then his figure jumped to high altitude and chose a direction before flying straight away.

Flying continuously in the air, in my heart, I can't help but think of the creatures that should be alive in the battlefield even though it is a Monster Race, or those monsters that haven't broken apart.

Flying all the way to Yi Tian, ​​passing several hills, I can notice that there are a large number of demonic beasts in the middle. Needless to say, these places really seem to be the legendary demonic beasts. . Half a day later Yi Tian realized that besides a large amount of Monster Qi, there was also a hint of Buddhist Sect Spiritual Qi inside.

After hesitating in his heart, he stabilized his figure in the air. It doesn't matter if it is the remains of Monster Race. But there is something about Buddhist Sect involved. I have a connection with the Buddhist Spirit Realm Great Lightning Zen Temple. Now I see nature and I have to go down and find out.

I wanted to stop falling the cloud head slowly to a distance of more than ten feet above the barren mountain, and then stretched out his hand and Jieyin's eyes flashed purple light across the mountain and scanned the entire mountain. After three breaths, a small cave was found in the middle of the mountain, and there was a large amount of Monster Qi mixed with the power of Buddha.

After taking out the Brahma Golden Bell, Yi Tian moved towards the cave halfway up the mountain and flew away. When he flew to the front, he found that the cave was only two feet wide and eight feet high enough to accommodate himself. After using the heavenly demon, even the dark cave passage can be seen clearly. After walking in, I found that the oncoming waves of demon wind blew my protective shield violently.

Slowly read the eight sounds of the sky thunder through the Brahma golden bell in the hand, and then formed a faint golden light all around itself. The demon wind that assaults the senses blows down the protective cover and is all bounced off by the golden Buddha.

Moved towards the source of the demon wind in the cave, and soon came and walked to the end of the passage. When I came out, I saw a ten zhang-sized space in front of me, with a golden skeleton sitting cross-legged in the middle, wearing a Buddhist robe. Yi Tian glanced at it and saw that the style of this robes was from the Great Lightning Zen Temple, and it was definitely a Spirit Treasure, otherwise it would have been weathered for thousands of years.

Beside the skeleton, there is the remains of a Monster Race, which looks like a Spirit Pet who has been ordained and converted to Buddhism. It should be an ominous beast mount in front of him. There is a dark golden Myriad Buddha Seal Symbol on his forehead. It is either a lion or a tiger.

That large amount of Monster Qi radiated from this skeleton, and the mutter incantations of Yi Tian's mouth slowly injected the Buddha power of the eight-tones of the sky thunder onto the forehead of the demonic beast remains. In an instant, a large amount of Monster Qi on the dark golden Myriad Buddha Seal Symbol was purified, and then a sparkling golden glow appeared.

At the same time, the demon wind that was whistling was all contained in the skeleton. Yi Tian walked forward and worshipped the skeleton three times before chanting: "Junior accidentally broke into the senior Land of Buried Bones. There is offense. If the senior has any last wishes, please show up and give instructions, and Junior will do his best."

After speaking, he said the eight-tones of the sky thunder slowly covering the body of the skeleton, spiritual After the power was injected into that vestment robes, I saw a Taoist illusory shadow slowly rising from above and turning into a Taoist silhouette. Then I only heard the illusory shadow opened the mouth and said: "I don’t know it’s the junior of my lightning Zen Temple who is visiting, please come and announce your name."

"Junior Yi Tian is not a big Lightning is the dísciple of the Zen Temple, but it is also slightly involved in the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique under the guidance of Master Huisheng," Yi Tian replied with the respect of Buddhist Sect.

"Easy Martial Nephew is a great opportunity to get the guidance of Senior Brother. This poor monk, called Huiyuan, thirty thousand years ago, came to Monster Realm for no reason and got involved in Monster Race after the war. Here," said Divine Soul illusory shadow.

"I don't know if Martial Uncle has anything to do, do I need to send Martial Uncle back to the hometown of the Great Lightning Zen Temple," Yi Tian asked.

"Duckweed has no roots, and I don’t care about it anymore. Later, my Divine Soul will re-enter the Great Dao of Reincarnation. As for this golden body and robes, I will give it to you. .I hope you can send the bones of Hou Ling back to the ancestral land of the Lion clan for burial, or you can dispose of it yourself," Hui Yuan pointed out.

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