Demon spirit In the battlefield, the three of Yan Pei Gong was still a step too late. When they arrived with the clues of the demon spirit in Yishun, they found that the tracker had already left.

For this, the daoist searched around and said: "The strength of that person is not simple. I also sensed that the demon spirit of Yishun once appeared here through the Bloodline Strength of the Flood Dragon Race. Yes."

"Then Fellow Daoist can use the secret technique to search for their specific location again?" Yan Pei Gong asked.

The Taoist Hun Yun shook his head and replied: "Actually, in Ancient Battlefield, I couldn't use Divine Consciousness to lock this person's whereabouts, only the breath of the demon spirit from Yishun. Now it seems that he is also aware of this. Click, directly seal the demon spirit in some container to cut off my sense. So now I can't lock its position anymore."

"It's really a big trouble," Earth Dragon daoist replied: "We are now trapped in the miasma mist of Ancient Battlefield, all around the miasma gradually affects us."

"Fellow Daoist Long said that," so did Yan Pei With a solemn expression: "Stay here for a long time will inevitably be confused by the mist of the miasma, and it will be very detrimental to us."

"Or we will go back temporarily and be on guard outside the Miasma Ridge. It is forbidden to wait for him to come out," Hun Yun Daoist wanted to stop and suggested.

"This statement is reasonable, it seems that there is only one way out here, we can just wait for him to come out by the exit," Earth Dragon daoist also echoed.

Gong Yan Pei is hearing this. His face is a little hesitant, but he thinks that there is no other way in front of him, and then only solemnly replied: "Well, going out and waiting is also a way. The clan will push the disappearance of Yishun to this person. If it can provoke strong accountability of the Huojiao clan, it would be best. We can't bet on this, we can do all the things."

Earth Dragon and Hun Yun both heard this nodded and said yes, although this matter seems to be unnecessary, you can take a closer look at Yan Pei Gong to provoke the Monster Race civil turmoil. And these two people are not the peaceful masters who have carefully weighed the gains and losses in their hearts, and naturally there will be no objections to this. After half a moment, the three big monsters turned and moved towards the direction they came in and flew back, and began to implement their countermeasures.

At this time, Yi Tian opened the protective cover and moved towards the direction that Yishun said and flew away all the way, after passing several giant skeletons, he was far away. When these demonic beasts are alive, their strength is absolutely level 9 or even tenth. Even after death, the skeleton left by the corroding and melting of the flesh and blood on the body still contains a lot of demon spirit lingering power.

Yi Tian can feel the Monster Qi spiritual pressure fluctuation of the overbearing above whenever he approaches these skeletons, and the all around fog of the accounting period makes him feel very uncomfortable.

After flying for two days, I saw about three thousand miles away that there was a valley above the valley with a strong death spirit, and a strong Dragon's Might was faintly revealed in it.

I think that the fallen scorching dragon bones should be there, and then Yi Tian’s aura shone again a few times after enhancing the protective cover, then slowly fell to the height and found a path from the outside of the valley. Went in.

Along the way, Yi Tian found that all around was full of lifelessness, and his heart was also secretly guarded. Taking out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand, his feet dare not touch the ground and only flew slowly in mid-air.

After entering the valley, I noticed a powerful Dragon's Might assaults the senses in front of him. That power is almost as powerful as a late-fit cultivator. The violent wind blows so that Yi Tian has no choice but to maintain his figure and stay in the air, unable to take a step forward.

When the demon wind retreats, what is greeted is a burning dragon bone more than ten long, which exudes a little red Yang Fire power. Yi Tian secretly shouted inwardly in his heart, didn't expect to find this skeleton so smoothly this time. But before I was happy, I noticed that there were red bloodworms moving towards the bones all around.

Not only that behind the underground and all around the valley, there are these bloodworms emerging from the cracks. Suddenly I felt bad in my heart. Yi Tian stretched out the raised hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan sword silk in his hand and moved towards these surrounding bloodworms and hit them.

After the word light streak across, the bloodworms were divided into two, but before Yi Tian had time to rejoice, only the severed bloodworms were regenerated into two.

Although the spiritual pressure fluctuations on these bloodworms have weakened a lot, they can't stand up to hundreds of thousands of them, making Yi Tian's scalp numb.

Unclear about the details of these bloodworms, Yi Tian didn't dare to make any more moves. He turned around and returned from the original way to temporarily withdraw to the valley outside the valley before thinking of a solution.

After ten breaths, I went to the outside of the valley and looked back and found that the bloodworms had all retracted into the cracks in the rock. It seemed that the active area could not be too far away from the bones of the burning dragon.

Seeing here, Yi Tian took out the jade box pretending to be Raising Soul Wood, and penetrated the divine sense into it to find the demon spirit of Yishun, and then explained what happened just now in detail.

After listening to the description of Raising Soul Wood, Yishun’s reply came: "That is the bloodworm formed by the blood essence in the body after the burning dragon fell. It is definitely best to feed the fire dragon clan. Good food."

"Then you are not afraid of stomach pains after eating, these blood Insect Blades can't be hacked and cannot be eradicated, and they can't be eaten and die," Yi Tian said.

"Normal methods are naturally no longer possible, but the burning dragon itself naturally has burning dragon burning fire in its own fire belly to refining these bloodworms into flesh and blood and absorb them into their own spiritual power," Yishun explained.

"In that case, I have the idea to deal with these bloodworms," ​​Yi Tian closed the jade box cover and collected it in the storage ring.

Then took out the thunder sun decree that had just been refined in his hand, and a purple flame on the tip of the index finger was attached to the Spiritual Artifact. In an instant, arc sparks surrounded the token and slowly floated in the air.

Reach out and hold the Spiritual Artifact in his hand. Yi Tian silhouette flashed past and rushed into the valley again, this time after gaining experience, he flew straight to the head position where the burning dragon bones were. Suddenly a large number of bloodworms swarmed out of the gaps in the mountainside valley, gathered into a torrent on the ground and swept towards the direction where Yi Tian was located.

After three breaths, the bloodworm all around surrounded the Yi Tian who stood on top of the bones of the burning dragon, and then climbed up continuously along the bones.

Slightly smiled appeared on his face, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to activate a white flame again on the Lei Yang Ling to light up on it, and took out a non-open flame. Although this trick has no cultivation to Great Success Realm, obviously the formidable power is also amazingly strong.

After the sound of'zi zi' was issued on the Thunder Sun Order, the white flame flew out instantly and directly ignited the head of the bloodworm torrent. What made Yi Tian didn't expect was that the ignorant flames swiftly followed that bloodworm torrent upstream and ignited them all in a blink of an eye.

The scent of barbecue soon wafted out of the valley, and afterwards, only the smell of burnt was left in the air for a long time.

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