After returning to the barracks, I didn’t expect to meet the military meeting directly, but this is also expected. Since the Fengxiang army's reinforcements have arrived, it is natural to come to the old camp to wait for the coach to assign tasks.

As for his current identity, he is still a member of the logistics department, and he has to make a face-to-face effort after hearing the command of the coach. Then Yi Tian got up and slowly walked out of the camp and moved towards the position where the Great Tent of the Chinese Army was located.

Along the way, I saw a lot of cultivators coming in a hurry. Many of them wore a standard armor that was obviously different from the Imperial Guard. Needless to say, they must be members of the Fengxiang Army, but fortunately, the spiritual pressure fluctuations now seem to be nothing more than a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator. Naturally, they will not be noticed.

After walking in from the side of the big tent, I saw that Qiao Yongjun was already sitting on the center of the main seat. Next to him, there was a cultivator wearing fiery-red armor, and his strength reached the late stage of distraction. Look like.

I looked closely at Qiao Yongjun and saw that although he was not alarmed, he would definitely have a headache on how to deal with Feng Xiangjun. Although the guest army came to help the battle, I don't know if they can be commanded by this picture.

No wonder he would find himself personally when he came, and his intention was also self-evident that he wanted to unite himself to control Feng Xiang's army.

After everyone in the logistics department, I found a place to sit down. A figure like my own is not at all in front of a group of leaders. If I don’t care about the title of nobleman, I want to come to join such an army. Cannot participate in the meeting.

But some of these people know the inside story, and just after entering the Chinese army’s big tent, I noticed that there is a divine sense and scanned it deliberately. Needless to say, it must be the Qiao Yongjun sitting on the upright position, Yi Tian glanced over and saw that the other party was talking with the Fengxiangjun commander, but the eyes inadvertently swept the people below.

When he saw himself sitting down, Qiao Yongjun cleared his throat and said: "So the whole army is here, so let's start the military discussion."

Finish stood up, stretched out his hand and waved to lift the cover on the large table in front of him, and then revealed the marching sand table.

Yi Tian looked at this marching sand table and it seemed that it took a bit of effort. He had been around Mirror Lake before and roughly remembered the overall terrain position. In a blink of an eye, the area above the sand table has shown the area where the Imperial Guard and the Fengxiang Army are stationed.

Several flags are also planted in the north shore area of ​​Mirror Lake. The approximate location is almost the location of several Barbarian Race armies in my own impression.

The whole military discussion was mainly arranged by Qiao Yongjun. During the period, the Fengxiang Army coach also said a few words which were generally the work of joint defense assignment.

But I learned from others that the deputy commander of the Fengxiang Army is called Lou Zhenqiang. Although he is the second in command of the Fengxiang Army, the commanding position above is vacant. The Thousand-Year Dynasty Dynasty did not send anyone to replace him. Being a top leader for a thousand years, I just missed that's all.

But in Yi Tian's heart, he remembered that Luo Yilan had specifically checked the many names on Asura's destiny at the time, and among them was this Lou Zhenqiang. People who can get into the Mahayana Stage cultivator shouldn’t be simple characters.

Slowly looked at this person sideways, and saw that he was a man of thirty-year-old appearance, with a full beard face, and he looked like a man in the army. On the other hand, he also looked like the marching coach Qiao Yongjun. Dressed up like a Confucian general.

Ke Lou Zhenqiang's spiritual pressure fluctuations have completely converged, and he is definitely a powerful master, and he is only stronger than the coach. No wonder Qiao Yongjun is so big, he looks like the coach, but his strength is slightly inferior. In this way, it is absolutely impossible to command the Fengxiang army. Unless you can yield enough benefits, this savage battle will be a lone battle.

Soon on the scene, Qiao Yongjun assigned the task and let the people go away first, but Yi Tian just stood up and heard his sound transmission in his ear: "Please discuss the matter afterwards. "After finishing talking, he turned around and walked towards the back of the tent without looking back, and he didn't seem to mean to send Lou Zhenqiang to him.

The latter also stood up and hurriedly left with a group of entourages. Before leaving, he looked at Yi Tian in a blink of an eye, his lips lightly opened and sound transmission said: "Visit Hongshan is in front of you, tonight I'm waiting for a banquet in the Fengxiang Army. Please don't refuse."

Didn't expect this person to gaze as if a torch, expecting that he did not show any weak spot when he performed the Thousand Faces technique. But since he invited him, he naturally saw something.

Yi Tian just nodded to him slightly nodded when he wanted to stop, then turned around and walked out of the big tent from the side door of the camp. Since he had agreed to Qiao Yongjun's first meeting, he still had to listen to what he had to say. Presumably, during this period of time when he was not in the camp, Lou Zhenqiang from Fengxiang Army brought people there seemed to be something that had happened.

After a while, after Yi Tian sneaked into the head coach’s camp, Qiao Yongjun prepared a banquet and waited early in the morning. After entering the center again opened the soundproof Formation, Yi Tian slowly walked forward and sat in front of him. Down. After resting for a while, he asked, "I wonder why you are looking for me in such a hurry?"

"How does Fellow Daoist Yi think about this peaceful war?" Qiao Yongjun didn't talk nonsense and went straight into it. Asked.

"It is extremely difficult," Yi Tian shook his head and said: "I have surveyed the terrain of Mirror Lake and found that these Barbarian Race troops seem to have been here for a long time, but they were not eager to launch an offensive but were looking for it. What are you doing."

"Fellow Daoist Yi, what is your purpose here?" Qiao Yongjun asked jokingly: "I'm roughly the same as what Barbarian Race is searching for."


"Oh, how did Qiao Fellow Daoist know?" Yi Tian face doesn't change, in fact, he couldn't help but look at him a little bit in his heart.

"As you, there is no need to leave Imperial Capital easily, and this time the Queen's order is to send you directly to my subordinates. The implications are self-evident," Qiao Yongjun analyzed.

"That's Luo Ziyan who is afraid that you will be difficult to sing alone, so I came to help you. This is also the balance of power, that's all," Yi Tian deliberately deflected the topic.

"If it really helped me to send Fengxiang Army alone, I would have doubted it a long time ago," Qiao Yongjun said with disdain, "I think we still have the prerequisite for cooperation, at least from now on. The Barbarian Race army on the opposite side of the news has at least two distracting late cultivators, one distracting early-stage cultivator, and two distracting Early-Stage cultivators from the side. The strength alone is an overwhelming advantage for our army."

"It seems that the other party is also doing their best. This time, they are not small in Mirror Lake," Yi Tian sighed, and he did not expect that the Barbarian Race army would dispatch so many high-rank cultivators. Secondly, it's really hard to convince people that there is nothing tricky in it.

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