didn't expect to act so cautiously when facing the noble clans of the imperial dynasty as Qiao Yongjun’s Imperial Guard leader. It is conceivable that the strength of the aristocratic forces left over from the beginning is so strong that they cannot easily be shaken by the depth of their roots in the dynasty.

Moreover, most of them still under the banner of loyalty, as long as they do nothing special and are not caught in the pigtails, Qiao Yongjun can't deal with them.

Apart from this These noble soldiers are all thieves and thieves who fought and saw the wind and the majority of the rudder. If they run against the wind, they will run faster than anyone. In contrast, Hu Benjun is much better. Cai Chaoqiong is a new imperial aristocrat and there is nowhere to show him. This time it happened to be a god-given opportunity, and the partial teacher he led would definitely fight hard for success.

So it's not surprising that Qiao Yongjun has this doubt. He just wanted to see if there was any way to deter Feng Xiangjun. As long as they didn't make trouble, it would be considered thankful.

As for Yi Tian's main purpose this time is to get his own reward, since Luo Yilan said to give himself the treasure house of Mirror Lake, don't do it for nothing. But I also knew in my heart that the treasure house under this Mirror Lake was not that simple. Although I was boldness of execution stems from superb skill, I might not be able to get it out. At this time, it was very necessary to make good Qiao Yong's army. Among the entire army, only his strength reached the middle stage of distraction can help.

Imperial Guard’s transport ship galloped through the air for a few days before arriving at its destination. After the warship landed, Qiao Yongjun was busy commanding military affairs, and the Imperial Guard rushed to build camps. Construct fortifications. Naturally, the logistics department where Yi Tian is located will not be assigned to anything. During this period, he stayed on the battleship according to the order of Qiao Yongjun.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he dismissed such orders, but simply reported the secluded cultivation and then placed the prohibition formation inside the hatch. Afterwards, he cast a concealed body technique and quietly flowed out of it. With his own cultivation base, in this Imperial Guard, no one might be able to detect his whereabouts.

After leaving the camp of the Asura clan, Yi Tian flew to a high altitude and looked down. Later, he found that the place where the warship was staying was just in a depression on the south side of Mirror Lake. The Mirror Lake in front is about several thousands li in depth, among which there are hundreds of large and small islands. In such a situation, if you let yourself go down one by one, heaven knows when can you find the entrance of that treasure house.

Flying slowly over the Mirror Lake to divine sense, after opening it, I scanned the bottom of the lake and found that the divine sense could only go deep into the lake, several ten zhang, and then it was difficult to find out what happened underneath.

Continuing to fly forward in the mountains on the north shore of Mirror Lake, I found that two Barbarian Race troops under different banners were already stationed there.

It seems that Qiao Yongjun also did a careful reconnaissance of the Barbarian Race forces before the war and knew that this place might become the battlefield of the Ping Barbarian Battle.

The divine sense extends further to the north, which is the endless Congshan Junling. Yi Tian’s divine sense quietly covers a range of more than 5,000 miles. After investigation, it is found that there are dozens of fragments in the mountains. Barbarian Race meeting point. Needless to say, there is the location of the scattered Barbarian Race tribes. If the army wants to quell the Barbarian Race in northern Xinjiang, these Barbarian Race gathering points must be removed one after another, and the 1st Step will be set in Mirror. The Barbarian Race camp on the north shore of Lake took it out in one pot.

Without knowing the situation of the other party, Yi Tian did not dare to directly penetrate the divine sense into the Barbarian Race barracks to investigate the reality. According to Qiao Yongjun's statement, the Barbarian Race coalition operation was also very strange, and one team was separated and stationed on the shore of Mirror Lake. At the same time, the other army went deep into the Huilong Mountain boundary, and it seemed that it was trying to pinch down Beicheng from both sides of the land and water.

It’s just that these news seem to be speculations to Yi Tian. Obviously, the construction of the Barbarian Race camp below is not a day or two. And they only garrisoned at the North Bank to show that the carriages did not want to cross the boundary. As for what kind of news they received within the dynasty, they don't know.

But after divine sense swept the bottom lightly, it turned out that there were many low-level Barbarian Race cultivators hovering at low altitude on the many islands near the north shore of Mirror Lake, which seemed to be searching for something.

Vaguely unfavorable thoughts came to mind, Yi Tian's heart startled secretly thought,'Could it be that these Barbarian Race cultivators have discovered some clues, otherwise they would not launch a carpet search like this. '

After slowly falling down the cloud head, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to pinch the fingerprints of a hidden body method, and then quietly followed them behind a pair of Barbarian Race cultivator not far behind them and went deep into the small island in the lake.

After following one hour, they heard from the conversation in their mouths that the Barbarian Race army seemed to be here to search for the Asura Ancient Ruins.

After thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian felt that a major change has occurred, tentatively not to mention how these Barbarian Race cultivator leaders found clues. Just relying on their carpet-like search like this, even if they find the location of Luo Yilan's treasure house, it may not be able to break the ban. But what I am most worried about is beat the grass to scare the snake. If these Barbarian Races announce the situation of this place to the public, then it will be a big trouble to attract more foreign cultivators to come.

But at the moment, I can't directly solve this team of Barbarian Race. If there is a lack of people, it will not necessarily cause the opponent's high-rank cultivator to look at him. However, once the system is formed, one less team will inevitably arouse the other's alert.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian slowly put away the divine sense and retired. Now, searching with his own disorderly method is naturally half the results for twice the effort. For the present plan, only to bear with it temporarily, return to the Asura clan camp to discuss countermeasures with Qiao Yongjun.

Sometimes it is good to want to eat alone, but you have to estimate whether you have such a big appetite. It's a good way to say that you can't cooperate with others, and then directly turn around and fly towards the south bank of Mirror Lake.

The distance of thousands of miles is only a short time away, and when Yi Tian returns to the barracks, he finds that the Imperial Guard's station has already been scaled up. The all around big camp guardrail is erected, and the Defensive Array base of each node has been set up, and it can be activated later to cover the col area where the Wuli big camp is located.

On one side of my eyes, I noticed that a simple airport was built hundreds of miles behind the Imperial Guard camp. At this time, two warships were moored in the airport. It seems that the Feng Xiangjun who came to help the battle has also arrived. Although Qiao Yongjun doesn't have much hope for them, these people can be regarded as controlled by him. On the other hand, the forces behind them should not be underestimated.

Slowly falling into the old camp, Yi Tian didn't disturb anyone. After quietly finding the location of the logistics department, he appeared as Viscount Hongshan and swaggered into it.

The other people in the logistics department are not familiar with them, but they all know that the identity of the Viscount Hongshan will certainly not be offended at will. Soon Yi Tian asked for a separate barracks at the supervisor's office to prepare to return to camp for a while.

Suddenly, a messenger hurried in and shouted: "All members of the logistics department were ordered by the coach to participate in the military discussion. If the three-way drums fall, there are still those who cannot be dealt with by military law."

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