After the three of them took over the imperial decree, they were officially ordered by the emperor, and all around the voice of congratulations suddenly rang out. Luo Jinzhong opened the mouth and said at this time: "Please read the contents of the imperial decree carefully. Your Majesty has already written down a list of several people who must be transferred."

Xun King's Heir After receiving the imperial decree, divine sense scanned it and saw a lot of names written on it, most of which were marked with origin. Nearly half are members of the Imperial Guard, and the rest are the children of Asura nobles.

Seeing that the name of the Viscount Chu'an of Red Mountain was also impressively listed at the end, Duan Xiaolou immediately complexion changed said with a smile: "In that case, please reply to the Queen Your Majesty, Xiao Wang, I must not The construction of the Imperial Capital Public Security Office will not allow me to repeat the assassination of the Asura nobleman."

The Lord Fenglin and Shui Cangyue also met a few sentences indicating that their position will not disappoint the Queen."


After Luo Jinzhong left, the atmosphere in the great hall became active again, but the people who were doing it at this time were more or less careful. I just feel that the Qiongyao wine in front of me has lost its taste. What happened today indicates that there will be a change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down in the Asura dynasty.

One of the direct beneficiaries is King Xun's side. As for Yunlin's line of people, naturally they can share more or less. The most troublesome thing is the Prince Wei's line, the rights that were allocated were originally dug out from his hands. So that in the next banquet, Qiao Yongjun looked cold-faced, and everyone who watched it did not dare to spare his tiger's beard easily.

Soon the banquet ended after a few hours, and Yi Tian was about to leave. Suddenly there was Steward stepped up and said: "The elder has a request, Viscount Hongshan will come with me."

The steward cultivation base is the Divine Transformation Stage, and Yi Tian glanced down. Without a lot of words, he slowly followed him all the way through the nave to the back porch. After passing several other courtyards, I finally came to the deepest courtyard of the palace.

"The son is waiting for the Lord Viscount," said the steward, then turned around and left.

Yi Tian looked at the front courtyard below and laid a Formation, and a gap of two feet wide and seven feet high was cracked on it. Duan Xiaolou’s words came out from it: "Viscount Hongshan is here, please come in for a comment."

Walking into the courtyard, Yi Tian glanced at Fengling County Lord and Shui. Cang Yue is also there. The three of them sat at the stone table in the courtyard and reserved a seat for themselves.

Seeing this, Yi Tian slowly walked forward, bowed his hands to the three of them, and then slowly sat down. Princess Fengling frowned slightly and wanted to say something but he wanted to say something. On one side, Shui Cangyue opened the mouth and said, "Viscount Hongshan is so courageous, facing two great realm cultivators. Can be so calm Shui Mou admire." After speaking, he reached out and took the teapot and gently poured a cup of tea for Yi Tian.

Duan Xiaolou also looked carefully, and shook the head after three breaths. It seemed that he couldn't see through the reality. A little later opened the mouth and said: "I checked the location where the Viscount Hongshan was attacked that day. Two Deity Transformation Middle Stage cultivators versus the previous Deity Transformation Early Stage and three Nascent Soul Stage cultivators are a sure thing, Hongshan. Viscount, there are many loopholes in your previous words. Could it be that we are all fools."

Until I couldn't hide it easily, Yi Tian gently took the tea cup in front of him and put it on his lips. Replied later: "The truth is that the truth is that the Viscount Hongshan survived the assassination. Then Luo Ziyan wanted to take this matter to split the power of the Imperial Guard, and at the same time win over the nobles and the kings faction is as simple as that. "

As soon as this statement was made, Duan Xiaolou and Shui Cangyue looked at each other with a solemn expression and fell silent. There was a clear look in their eyes, but the divine sense swept the way of Chu An, Viscount Red Mountain, but couldn't see through it.

On the contrary, Princess Fenglin shouted: "Bold slave, you dare to call my emperor sister's name directly, knowing that I can make your head fall at any time."

' pu chi' Yi Tian is lazy and replied: "If you take the time to ask Luo Ziyan and see what her attitude is, you will know who I am."

"You are not Chuan, really Chu An died a long time ago. You are the emperor’s person, but don’t be too proud even if you have the emperor’s life here and now there is nothing in front of me, even more how there are two Divided Spirit Stage cultivators Here, I don't believe you can play any tricks," Princess Fenglin said with a smile.

"Really," Yi Tian looked at the first three people below and then said: "Speaking of the edict of the emperor, I still have one in my hand, but there is no need to take it out. At least the other two are compared You have a lot of sinister vision. You can see if they are moving now. It’s not that it has already explained something."

Luo Qingcheng suddenly realized this time, and looked at both Duan Xiaolou and Shui Cangyue at this time. It's a squeaky look as if to see something. It’s just that Princess Fenglin is usually used to arrogant and despotic, so naturally he can’t look at Yi Tian’s actions, coldly snorted in his mouth and said: "Don’t be too proud, I am not easy to provoke. You will still be under my hand in the future. Be careful when doing everything."

"Enough Qingcheng, don’t talk about it," Duan Xiaolou interrupted at the right time, then turned around and stared at it before trying to sound transmission: "We have seen, you saved me."

"You still have eyesight," Yi Tian said, stretched out his hand and moved towards Luo Qingcheng, and a beam of spiritual light fell and she immediately fell asleep. The shot was so fast that even Shui Cangyue, who was sitting on the side, had no time to stop.

"Why is Fellow Daoist like this? Qingcheng is still a child," Shui Cangyue said.

"Princess Fenglin's temper is too bad, if it weren't for Luo Ziyan's face, I would have taken action to teach her a long time ago," Yi Tian took out the jade slip and put it on the table: " This is the real queen's secret order. You must check it quickly and don’t let the emperor fail."

Hoon King's Heir is now right, he went to jade slip, checked the seal, and opened the stall. Checked it carefully in his hand. After half a moment, he handed the jade slip to Shui Cangyue's hand, the latter also passed it quickly, and then gradually a cautious look appeared on his face.

sighed Shui Cangyue put the jade slip away and handed it back: "So I already know the importance of this matter, please reply to the queen Your Majesty, this small official will definitely make an all-out effort Okay. As for Princess Fenglin, please see her on my thin face."

"It's easy to say, I don't mean to embarrass her," Yi Tian hooked her with a finger. The halo from his body was wiped away. After ten breaths, Luo Qingcheng's eyelids twitched slightly and regained consciousness. After waking up, she looked at the Viscount Hongshan below with a vigilant look. There was a little look of dreading in her eyes, and she didn't dare to say any more.

I saw that she knew a little bit, Yi Tian said: "Imperial Guard selection is coming soon, Luo Ziyan means to insert her power in, replace the power of Prince Xiawei, no matter how bad it is. The independent army does not need to follow the orders of Qiao Yongjun or Luo Yao."

"The queen is trying to take back the power. I don't know what Venerable Lord Yun means?" Shui Cangyue asked.

"Yun Lin has no opinion on this, and Luo Yao is really hard to control. Rather than let him grow up and become the second Prince Wei, it is better to settle on the spot," Yi Tian explained.

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