In the great hall, he was named by the honorable King's Heir on the spot. All around everyone turned their eyes to follow the direction of Duan Xiaolou's fingers and focus on Viscount Hongshan.

At the same time, there were several divine senses, unscrupulously and quietly, they swept up at the last seat in the second row on the right.

If Chu An is really the second generation ancestor, I am afraid that these great characters will be scared by these great characters on this occasion, impossible to move even a little bit. It is a pity that Yi Tian is not at all comfortable facing the crowd in the entire great hall.

Since Duan Xiaolou has pushed himself out as a shield, Yi Tian doesn't mind mixing the water a little bit more muddy. Slowly stood up and made offerings with both hands moved towards Duan Xiaolou on the main seat and Luo Qingcheng gave a salute: "reporting to Shizi princess, two killers were lurking in the road not long after coming out of the black market in Dongcheng that day. Assassinate. Fortunately, my family will desperately protect and perish together with my name."

"Those thieves are so bold, don't worry, Viscount Hongshan, this matter has already been heard. The emperor will definitely support my Asura noble children. In the future, we must take strict precautions and will never allow such incidents to happen again," Luo Qingcheng rushed to open the mouth and said. Her remarks naturally won the approval of many noble cultivators present, even those cultivators of the King Xun or Prince Wei family could not reverse everyone's wishes.

As for the noble cultivators who originally set up Sect, they will be more inclined to the royalists.

Duan Xiaolou also hurriedly expressed his position and said: "Please take a seat, Viscount Hongshan. I will definitely assist the Queen in this matter. I must not let this incident shake my Asura family’s long-term foundation. "

It was Xun King's Heir who made Yi Tian didn't expect to figure it out so quickly, and then made it clear to stand on the side of the queen. So it seems that the other two teams on the scene have to say a few words to show their loyalty, at least in the face of this trend, a mantis trying to stop a chariot is definitely not a wise move.

Sure enough, Hao Ren was the first to stand up and move towards King's Heir and Princess Fenglin, saying: "My man agrees very much with what the county lord said. I think that the Asura dynasty depends on the children of the nobles for thousands of years. Support for the assassinations like this must be thoroughly investigated. My house has a guard team of 100 people for the princess to demolish. If necessary, please feel free to speak."

Luo Qingcheng's eyes seemed to have a certain look. Hao Ren's reaction was as expected, and she turned to replied: "I understand the doctor's affection. This matter belongs to the jurisdiction of the Imperial Guard. The guard of your house can be temporarily incorporated into the Imperial Guard to compensate for its manpower. Shortage."

Didn't expect Luo Qingcheng would say this, and the faces of many nobles present showed surprise. Although it was temporarily incorporated under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Guard, it was not a word from the Queen to become a regular employee. In this way, the power of Prince Wei is indirectly divided, but at this critical juncture, I can't help myself.

If you don’t take advantage of the situation to intervene in the affairs of the Imperial Guard, I’m afraid there will be no shop in this village. Although there are many people who are afraid of Prince Wei’s influence, more people rely on it. The political sense found that the impact behind this incident was far-reaching.

Don't care whether it works or not, but as long as you express your opinion, you can show your face to the queen while enhancing your own image. At this time, many noble cultivators have also expressed their desire to send their private guards to the Imperial Guard to make up for the shortage of personnel.

At this moment, the most uncomfortable thing on the whole scene is the Imperial Guard Deputy Commander Qiao Yongjun. Such a scene is tantamount to digging his corner to divide his real power. But the city government that has been down for many years left him unmoved. Instead, he changed hands and moved towards the chief of Fenglin County: "This time it is indeed the imperial guard's dereliction that shocked the leaders of the empire. After this happened, I quickly rushed back to Imperial Capital to deal with it. For the follow-up reasons, a team was also sent to guard outside the Viscount Hongshan Mansion for strict protection."

The Imperial Guard team originally from the door of the house was sent by him. It seems that Qiao Yong’s army is still up for it. The heart knows how to respond. Then I heard him say: "This small official also thinks that the Imperial Guard is not sufficiently manpowered to monitor all the imposing Imperial Capital, so it is recommended to set up another Branch Lord management department in the army. Newly recruited cultivators can form an Imperial Capital inspection team. He specializes in various cases in imperial city."

As soon as this remark was heard, many people also heard the taste. Qiao Yongjun deserves to be regarded as the person whom Prince Wei valued, and it was only a few breaths away. Think of countermeasures. Since the general situation is difficult to reverse, he is also pushing the boat along the river to temporarily accept the guardian cultivator of the noble children, and then find another way to form a new army independently.

In this way, its original authority will not be weakened, and the probability of being mixed with sand by others is prevented.

Princess Fenglin looked at Qiao Yongjun who was sitting on the left chief with a solemn expression, and a trace of disappointment flashed across his face. On the cultivation base, the two are far apart, and the qualifications of the Imperial court are the difference between Heaven and Earth. He didn't expect a word to dissolve his original intention into the invisible.

Xun King's Heir, who was sitting on the side, also had a glint in his eyes and looked at the two people around him with a dark complexion. It seemed that he was considering the pros and cons in his heart.

The three hosts in the great hall were silent for a while, and even Hao Ren looked a little dull without talking for a while. Suddenly the waiter at the door sang again: "Welcome to the special envoy of the dynasty."

Everyone on the scene lit up, but they thought about it secretly. Didn't expect this time the Queen Your Majesty would send a special envoy to join him. In theory, it doesn't need to be so. Since the arrival of the Lord Fenglin is meant to represent the Queen, could there be any uncertainties in this matter?

After a rush of footsteps came, the queen's envoy strode into the hall, and Yi Tian looked up and saw that it was completely old acquaintance Luo Jinzhong.

Didn't expect to escort the dísciple taught by Asura and he returned to the Imperial Court and became a cron of the Queen. I saw that he moved towards King's Heir and the others in the main hall where he walked, and said: "The queen will be sent to announce the decree, and he will also invite His Royal Highness, Shui Cangyue senior and Fenglin County Lord to accept the decree."

The three people were hearing this with a little suspicious color on their faces and then stood up and walked forward to kneel in front of Luo Jinzhong.

Yi Tian is quietly listening to the sound from the side, and this purpose is specially given to the three of them. Luo Ziyan means to let King's Heir take the lead in selecting talents in the Imperial Guard, and at the same time set up the Imperial Capital security team to specialize in various security issues in Imperial Capital.

Shui Cangyue is an adjutant, and the lord Fenglin also participates in politics and is responsible for supervising his work. In this way, the power of King Xun and the power of the nobility will be mixed together, and in the future, it will be easier to deal with Prince Wei's troubles.

The noble cultivators who are all around after the three take their orders are all looking like be eager to have a try. Many of them are people from King Xun's side and can naturally get involved. , As for the middle set up Sect, you can walk the way of Princess Fenglin.

But Yi Tian smelled something else. What is the choice of Imperial Guard? The elite is nothing more than finding out the loyalty of Prince Wei to take Qiao Yongjun and his ilk. Didn't expect Luo Ziyan would also draw a salary from the bottom, which is really just right.

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