The sudden sound of words surprised the three of them, but after scanning through the divine sense, they did not find any breath of living people.

Yi Tian’s eyes flashed with fascinating purple awns, his gaze swept across the ancient tree in front of that, and found that there were still rich living things aura on the trunk of the tree. Needless to say, it should be a tree. Into a refined spirit wood.

On the face of surprise, he blurted out and said: "This ancient tree is alive, everyone is careful."

Zhou Xiang and Duan Xiaolou are also people who have lived for thousands of years. After hearing the sound of the words, Jing pulled away and quickly retreated, and then swept the ancient tree body in front of him with divine sense. After three breaths, Duan Xiaolou's face was bitter, but he just shot and injured the wooden spirit, and then brace oneself called: "Who monster are you, do you dare to show your true body?"

The voice came again: "It was you three invaders who trespassed into the Spirit Garden. As a guard here, I have not been accountable but I have seized you first. If it weren’t for you to be a descendant of my lord’s clan, I would have You kill."

As soon as the words were all around, there was a constant rustling noise in the jungle, and a lot of dim-blue light spots suddenly lit up in the bushes under the dark curtain. . And the increasing number immediately surrounded the three of them.

"Day Fellow Daoist, you experienced and knowledgeable do you know what kind of spirit demon this is?" Yi Tian asked coldly.

After sweeping through the complexion ashen divine sense, the enemy said: "It should be the guardian of the ten thousand year old tree spirit in the Baicao Corridor here. As for those all around, it should be accompanied. Plants and trees are spirits."

"I don't know how strong they are?" Duan Xiaolou hurriedly asked.

"It's not easy to say that the companion grass Wood Spirit essence is almost the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Stage. It's not enough, but the old tree in front of us should be above the three of us, right?" There is no way.

"That's for sure," Yi Tian said with a distressed expression on his face: "This ancient tree has a lifespan of at least 20,000 to 30,000 years, and it lives here for a long time to absorb the essence of Heaven and Earth. Comparable to the early-Stage cultivator. If there is no restrained cultivation technique, we'd better try to retreat first."

The other two are also slightly nodded and signaled, but they have not yet waited for the three. To do something, only listen to the sound of'puff puff puff' on the ground behind hundreds zhang.

After the Yi Tian divine sense swept through, his face was shocked and saw hundreds of small three-inch holes burst on the ground. Emerald green branches stretched out from those holes and intertwined to form a green vine net.

Seeing that Xiaolou's face was filled with anxiety on the back road, he stretched out his hand to take out the Spirit Sword and manipulated it in his hand and turned it into a golden light moved towards the fiercely on the vine net.

The sound of'crack crack' is endless, and the newly grown branches are not as hard as the body of the ancient tree. Under the attack of the sword light, it was directly twisted into pieces to expose the gaps, but the branches on the ground emerged one after another and then blocked the gaps again.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian also hurriedly took out Taiyuan Sword to prepare to help, but at this moment, the all around environment suddenly screamed and the blue gloom of all around became active. They got up and moved towards the location where the three people were.

"Be careful of those plants and trees. It is estimated that their attacks will be very toxic," Hisho shouted loudly. After speaking, he took out a lot of Poison Pill and stuffed it in his mouth and chewed it with big mouthfuls. . At the same time, he kept sending the Lingding directly to protect himself.

Hoon King's Heir didn't know that the three had already stabbed the hornet's nest, reached out to recall Spirit Sword and built a sword net defense around him. Then he took out a piece of Yuhuan Spiritual Artifact in his hand and put on a protective film on the whole body.

As for the golden light flashed on Yi Tian's body, a slight golden light appeared on the skin afterwards, and the Taiyuan Sword was turned into thousands of filaments wrapped around the body.

Those plant spirits rushed up and poked their heads out of the bushes. They turned out to be the little monsters of the wood spirit spirits. I saw they opened their mouths and spit out dark green juice moved towards the place where the three of them were hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Those green sap invading the road defense Spiritual Artifact will make a'zi zi' sound, constantly beginning to consume the spiritual power on the protective cover.

Faced with such tricks, Yi Tian felt that there was no way to shake him, but the most worried thing was that the old tree not far in front of him shot again, but after looking at it, his face showed a puzzled look.

But in the future, I can think about it a little bit. I only feel a sense of vibration under the soles of my feet. He cried in a deep voice: "Not good, there is an ambush in the ground." Before he finished his figure, he jumped into the air, and at the same time, two large holes were highlighted under the original standing position. Two arm-thick branches came out from it, moved towards and curled around his waist.

Yi Tian adjusted his lower body shape in the air and then pulled out from the entanglement with a fierce force, and looked back to see how lucky the other two were in Emei himself. Zhou Xiang's feet were already wrapped in the branches, but fortunately, Spiritual Qi's defense didn't hurt his body.

As for Duan Xiaolou, he pulled away in time, but he was not fast enough to get entangled with a left foot. Controlling the Taiyuan Sword Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed his sword body to scatter into thousands of filaments, avoiding the two people's bodies and piercing the root branches below.

The sound of'Ping Pong Pong' is endless, Yi Tian found that those roots and branches are really hard, and his sword wire often takes dozens of strokes to cut one of them. Fortunately, Ling Yaohua Qianben used a many-to-many attack method, and it took a little time to get the two out of trouble.

Flying in the air, Zhou Xiang's face is not good and frowned, and said: "This time I really didn't steal a chicken. Didn't expect will be in such a predicament. It seems that Fellow Daoist Yi came to help."

Duan Xiaolou is not as arrogant as before. Facts speak louder than words. His strength may not be able to retreat in front of this ancient tree.

After thinking about it, I asked: "Fellow Daoist Yi, what do you think is good now? Should we join hands to deal with him or look back immediately," as if there was no arrogance in Duan Xiaolou's tone at this time. Now it is completely taking Yi Tian as the backbone.

"First try to find out if there is any other way out. If there is no other way, then I have to retreat," Yi Tian twitched his lips, but his eyes were staring at the old tree in front of him in a trance.

After three breaths, Zhou Xiang asked: "Is there really no way?"

"I don't think it is necessary. I guessed the vine net behind me just now. The position should be the limit distance that the ancient tree can attack," Yi Tian explained: "And now it looks like the opponent cannot move his body, so effective attacks are only within the range of his torso all around hundred zhang."

After such an explanation, the two of them once again looked at the old tree in front of them and found that there was no sign of movement as Yi Tian said.

"Fellow Daoist Yi is there a way to cross the ancient trees?" Duan Xiaolou asked.

"I can only give it a try. I will create a chance for you. It is up to God's will to succeed. After passing it, you can move forward quickly and I have a way of getting out," Yi Tian replied.

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