After arriving at the entrance of the'Baicao Corridor', Yi Tian glanced over the restraining heart in front of the door and guessed it. The prohibition Formation here is obviously placed by the Asura cultivator. There are only two ways to break the prohibition. One is that the three people join forces to display the divine ability to force the entrance Formation to open.

However, this kind of operation is time-consuming and laborious, and if you can't say it, you will only be afraid of touching the organs involved in the internal prohibition, or you will activate the guards inside.

For oneself, forcibly breaking into is a way out of nowhere, so you don't have to try to use it. Since Jiuxiang invited Hoon King's Heir this time, he naturally had his plans.

The idea is to use him to use the Asura dharmakaya to open the Formation here in a standard way.

Shaoqing only heard Zhouxiang say: "Here is the spirit plant Secret Realm that I mentioned with His Royal Highness. The ban on the front door wants the future son to be a member of the Imperial Family. It shouldn't be Unfamiliar. So please take action first, we can go in and investigate after the ban is broken."

Duan Xiaolou slightly nodded replied: "Master, don’t worry, I checked the ban here. It should be the ban method used by my Asura people thousands of years ago. After I have checked the ban, I can try to break the ban."

After that, Duan Xiaolou slowly walked forward and stretched out his hands. Coming quickly knotted the printing on his chest, the spiritual power of all around was mobilized and gathered around his body into a wind. Then he said in his mouth: "Xian", just listen to the sound of'sou sou' with four arms stretched out under the ribs, and two heads sticking out from the back of the head and neck.

Yi Tian divine sense standing not far behind swept across and found that Duan Xiaolou’s Dharma body statue had opened six eyes, and it was also the Great Accomplishment stage of body cultivation.

The six arms up to him slowly unfolded in accordance with the appearance of the Asura image on the stone gate, and the three heads opened their mouths at the same time to read different incantions. Shaoqing's six hands gathered aura and aimed at the prohibition node where the six arms on the door were located.

Six Paths concentrated the six nodes and slowly dispersed along the lines of the carved stone portrait, activating the portrait on the entire door in a short time.

After three breaths, I saw that the portrait actually started to turn, and the eyes of the same three were also opened.

Yi Tian only felt that the ground under his feet was slightly uninterrupted shaking, and after the restriction in front of him slowly faded, the sound of'ka ka' in the center of the stone gate seemed to be opening.

But after such a scene lasted for three breaths, it stopped dumbly. It was the aura above the door that began to tremble violently. Yi Tian glanced at Xiaolou in the opening section of the spellcasting section. Densely packed sweat was leaking out of his forehead at this time, and the spiritual power of the Dharma body seemed to be consumed too quickly, showing a weak successor.

See you in Zhou Xiang, with a shocked expression on his face: "How can this be good?"

"I underestimated the Formation here, the access control didn't of Integration Stage cultivator Cave Mansion. 't expect to be so powerful, it seems that my spiritual power alone cannot be turned on," Duan Xiaolou said with a sullen face.

"Why can you give up so lightly if the outcome is undivided, and maintain the output of spiritual power products with a calm mind, and I wish you a hand," Yi Tian cried in a deep voice, the same silhouette extends after a flash the hand refers to lifting a spiritual power and gently tapping it on Duan Xiaolou's back.

In an instant, King's Heir felt a majestic spiritual power swarming from behind. After the meridian was transferred, it was divided into six strands to six hands and stabilized the intermittent spiritual power.

When I see you, Zhou Xiang happily said: "Please take care of me, I almost turned on the prohibition."

Just listened to the sound of'boom boom'. There was a gap of about two feet in the middle of the door on the stone wall, just enough for one person to enter and exit.

"You are advanced, I will finish," Duan Xiaolou said.

Yi Tian hearing this is also not long-winded, the silhouette flicked in first after a flash, and Zhou Xiang's body technique did not follow closely. After the ten breaths, the Xiaolou building followed along. The door lost the spiritual power and closed slowly under the restraint.

When I came to the inner middle Yi Tian, ​​I found that there was a stone path leading to the distance, but all around were crimson vine rhizomes. Divine sense scanned it and noticed that the environment here is like a huge garden in the middle of a mountain, and the three of them now seem to be standing at the entrance of the garden.

The green mist in the air is thicker than the outside world, but the gu gu Daxian on his shoulders grows up and exhales fiercely with a look of intoxication.

After seeing this, Yi Tian knows that there is a problem and hurriedly said: "Here all around, there is a strong poison mist scattered in the air, everyone should be careful."

Day After hearing this, Xiang and Duan Xiaolou also showed knowing expressions on their faces, each took out the Detoxification Pill and licked them, then lifted the protective shields on their bodies to force the poison mist all around to ten feet away.

After taking a break near the door, after Duan Xiaolou took the medicine pill to replenish the consumed spiritual power, the three people continued to set off along the stone path to the depths of the garden.

As a Pill Master, Zhou Xiang, who is familiar with spirit plant, took the lead in exploring the path. King's Heir consumed a lot of spiritual power after opening the prohibition, so it was arranged in it, and Yi Tian was walking. After the last paragraph.

The three people walked forward for 2-3 li, and suddenly saw a three zhang high old tree lying on the ground in the middle of the road. So when the road in front of him was cut off, he could only go over the old trees or detour.

His brows frowned slightly at the sight of Hiruto: "For safety, let’s go along the main road and over the old trees."

"His master said that, I No problem," Duan Xiaolou replied intermittently.

Yi Tian's complexion turned around and looked around all around and said: "Did the two of you find anything wrong?"

This remark made the two of them look like one. They cast doubtful glances.

Yi Tian said resolutely: "Since we entered the cave here, I have discovered that many people are spying on us in the dark."

"Yes, but I didn't find it Is it unusual? Fellow Daoist Yi, you are too sensitive," Duan Xiaolou did not believe.

"Fellow Daoist Yi's words are reasonable, and the elders should not be careless. After Fellow Daoist Yi said that, I also feel that there is something wrong. Even the old tree in front of me is full of thick. With so much vitality, logically speaking, trees like this shouldn't be ah," Zhou Xiang reached out his hand and pointed.

"If you have any questions, you will know if you have a try," Xun King's Heir Duan Xiaolou said, took out the Spirit Sword to sacrifice in his hands, and then moved towards the old tree and fiercely cut it off.

After passing the tree trunk with a crisp sword light, only a three-inch deep trace was left on the surface, but the red and green sap slowly flowed out.

Before the three of them could react, the ground all around began to tremble slightly. The amplitude of the vibration became stronger and stronger, and at the same time an ancient vigorous voice rang out of thin air: "Who dares to trespass into the Medicine Garden?"

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