There will be such a scene on the auction didn't expect, Yi Tian got the required'Heaven Work List' without any hassle. Speaking of which is also a lot of luck this time, but looking back, it must be inevitable for Ke Zhennan to collect Demonic Artifacts so eagerly.

I have to guard against this. You must know that the Demonic Artifact that appeared in this world before I came to the Asura world was not more than one slap in the face.

It is said that the gates in the Asura world have already closed the passage to the Demon Realm. As a result, two Demonic Artifacts suddenly appeared when the two worlds have not communicated for many years, which will definitely be missed by those interested. Up.

Yi Tian immediately condensed his pupil in his eyes, secretly said in one's heart. It's not good, maybe he has been spotted by Ke Zhennan. When he came to participate in the auction today, he also used the Thousand Faces technique to change his appearance. It seems that he has not yet confirmed his identity, but he may not find it out in the future.

Besides, I have met him in the Cave Mansion in Hiuxiang before, so this matter has already been met. At that time, although everyone was just a nodded friend, the frequency of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body could not be faked. Sooner or later, Ke Zhennan would find out that the two Demonic Artifacts were from whom.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian put away the colored glaze jade box in front of him, and then took out the broken Formation cone and held it in his hand. After the three breaths, the whole body should become lighter and lighter until it becomes nothingness. After the same azure light flashed, the restraint in the entire box was slightly shaken and then returned to normal.

Yi Tian's deity sprang out of it while breaking the prohibition Formation, and came to the outside corridor.

My gaze flicked all around and I realized that the female cultivator who had just come to trade with me was standing at the end of the corridor, looking at her as if she was stalking.

Seeing that there was disdain on his face, Yi Tian relied on his own cultivation base to cast a concealed body method and walked directly past her. Even when she missed her, she didn't cause any doubts.

Yi Tian consciously needed to evade after being out of the Hongyanhui's auction, so he directly condensed his breath and disguised himself as a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, and restored the true appearance of the deity directly into the outside world. In the flow of people.

Now I have to wait for Zhou Xiang's message, so I can't leave Diluo City for a while. But here, if you find a free time, Cave Mansion must report your own information, so it is very likely to reveal your whereabouts.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian decided to hide in the training room in the historical materials museum during this period of time. The place only needs to pay ten yuan for the first-class Spirit Stone and it can be rented for about ten days, and the flow of people will not make people look out of the weak spot.

Half a day later, Yi Tian got his wish and rented a remote study room in the Historical Archives, and took a lot of jade slips near Luocheng and began to study behind closed doors.

In these engraved jade slips, the situation near Diluocheng is described in great detail. This place originally belonged to the frontier fortress, and was a large-scale troops stationed by the Asuras against foreigners tens of thousands of years ago.

In that Middle Ancient era this world, the Asura clan is not the only one, and other alien cultivators are in charge.

After the unremitting struggle of the previous Asura empress, these alien races were driven out of the Asura world. After reading this, Yi Tian's complexion condensed in his mind, but he did not agree with these documents in his heart.

According to time, it is estimated that the Middle Ancient era should be the world of the predecessor Asura Emperor Luoqin. When did Luo Yilan take charge of the overall situation.

I would like to change a few volumes of other documents related to the history of the Asura tribe in the Middle Ages and go deep into the search. They are all the same descriptions, and there is no word of Asura Emperor Luoqin.

I realized that Yi Tian here, Luo Yilan seemed to have erased all the clues of her husband. Needless to say, these things in front of you can be processed and used to bluff people. I'm afraid that if I want to check the truth of the matter, I can only find information about Emperor Asura in the Imperial Family library in the imperial city.

At the same time, the silhouette of Mi Baiji slowly emerged in his mind. As the imperial historian, he naturally had his family's information channel. In this way, there are many Aristocratic families in the entire Asura dynasty. If you have the opportunity to go to the imperial city, you might really try to walk the way of these people.

Since Mi Boji can draw the Asura Imperial Family mark with his hand, other Aristocratic families must also have a copy of the imprint map.

I was thinking that suddenly I heard a sound transmission outside the prohibition: "The Fellow Daoist inside, please come out for the time being. There are guests from the City Lord Mansion who need to requisition all the studies in the historical museum. Room."

Yi Tian's brows are slightly wrinkled, and his heart is not good, how come he always feels a bit unsatisfactory recently. Recall that what I was dressed up now was a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, so I couldn't bear it.

He replied helplessly: "This is here," Yi Tian walked out slowly after reaching out and opening the prohibition Formation. When I came to the outside world, I found that there were indeed Battallion City Guard men and horses not far in front of me, and the two leading cultivators did recognize them.

Among them was Yu Shi Mi Baiji, who was dressed in civil costumes, and the general standing next to him was the female cultivator who had come to the auction to exchange Demonic Artifact with him. Fortunately, I didn't show up at that time and completely concealed the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on my body, so she would not be able to recognize it.

As for Mi Boji, he is also an old man, and he immediately noticed it after he appeared. After swiping his gaze, he turned around and put his gaze to the other side without stopping at all.

Yi Tian secretly was a bit funny, I'm afraid he didn't expect to meet himself here again in his heart now.

Shaoqing only heard Mi Baiji said solemnly: "I leave at a constant speed, the official now needs to requisition this place as a zero-hour office.

I heard many people. Everyone was taken aback, but no one dared to disobey the order when they saw the city guards in front of them.

Then the direction of the battallion's bustling moved towards the exit faded in an orderly manner.

Yi Tian also mixed in the crowd and slowly moved towards the location of the gate. After reaching the distance of ten zhang from Yu Mi Baiji, a sound transmission suddenly sounded in his ear and said: "My emperor is leaving quickly, The frequent appearance of many Monster Race cultivators in the vicinity of Diluo City has aroused the suspicion of Shangfeng. In the near future, battallion troops will come to investigate this matter. "

"Then what did you do when you came to the Historical Archives?" "Yi Tian asked in a puzzled way.

"There were some records in the travel notes near Diluo City. I brought people here to search for the information and find the past records and countermeasures. "Mi Boji once again sound transmission replied.

Yi Tian shook his head and followed a lot of people and fans filed out, so the historical archives can’t stay any longer, only to wait near Qiyu Mountain, hope Mr. Zhouxiang will not let himself wait too long.

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