After leaving Qiyu Mountain, Yi Tian returned to Diluo City. Originally, he wanted to find a temporary residence in the Cave Mansion to retreat and wait for Zhou Xiang's reply.

Fortunately, during this period of time, there was an auction in the second half of the Hongyan Club. After being harassed three days ago, he directly grabbed the talisman in front of the city Lord and walked to the high city. Lord lost face.

Therefore, the protection measures for the auction in the second half were more fully prepared. For this reason, City Lord Mansion also specially deployed a team of Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator as guards. In addition, all the Divided Spirit Stage cultivators entering the auction must Register under your real name.

Seeing that it doesn't matter if he comes in, Yi Tian decided to participate again. Although we have fully understood the remaining competitive sold objects, we are not sure that other loose cultivators will come up with new consignment items in these three days.

After I came to Asura, what I lacked most was my vision. The treasures produced here are quite different from the rest of the world. Taking this opportunity to make friends with the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator of various races, there may be unexpected discoveries.

When I came to the venue of the Hongyan Club again and handed over the greeting note, soon someone came out to lead me to the venue. After learning the lesson from the last robbery, the red dress will rearrange the scene, separating the original open auction seats. Divided into small boxes, and a Formation Formation was placed on the outside to seal the boxes. The people inside could not be forced through.

In addition, those persistent Formations also have the function of isolating the divine sense of others, making it impossible for each other to see the reality of each other.

Yi Tian somewhat admires the fact that Scarlet Sang can come up with such a method in just three days, so that everyone does not need to see each other's identity and strength and speak with their own background.

I have now found what I like, so I don't need to bid with others forcibly. In the mood of watching the excitement, Yi Tian sits in the box with closed eyes and sits calmly waiting for it.

After one hour, when the scarlet dress reappeared on the auction round stage in the center, it indicated that the busy auction meeting in the second half had officially started.

When the first auction item was brought up, Yi Tian divine sense slightly moved his mouth and said: "It's really interesting."

I saw that the auction item was placed in one In the glass box, all around is affixed with talisman prohibition. If there is no special method to lift the ban, I am afraid that the person who shoots will be attacked immediately by the talisman. And all around, outside the scarlet dress, there is also a mid-distraction cultivator sitting cross-legged to guard.

Didn't expect Crimson Chang would think of such a clever way, and now it is impossible to want to grab it.

The second half of the auction officially kicked off after Shaoqing opened her mouth.

Yi Tian took the list of contents on one side and held it in his hand. After divine sense scanned it quickly, he found that there was a slight discrepancy from what he had previously known. There is an additional'Heavenly Work Directory' in it, which is estimated to be added in the near future.

Looking at the description below, it is said that this'Heavenly Work Directory' is left over from an Ancient Sect Tiangong Mansion in Spirit Realm. I quickly recalled in my mind that when I was in Tianlan continent, I had accidentally learned about the legacy of the next sect of Tiangongfu.

Since the ascent of Spirit Realm, I have also tried to find news about its sect, but no useful clue has been found for hundreds of years.

Now that I saw the news by chance in the Asura world, I can't easily let it go.

I want to stop divine sense in the storage ring to find out what I can still get out of my body, and it is estimated that I will inevitably have to bargain with others by then.

After waiting for a while, I saw the celebrity celebrity take out a glass jade box, then opened the mouth and said: "Heavenly work list, no copy. The consignor wants to exchange it for Heaven Grade. For the first-level attack on Spiritual Artifact or two of the same other treasures of the same level, please bid."

As soon as the words are finished, there will be bidding sounds from the wing marked Room 1. Debut: "Heaven Grade first-level Spiritual Artifact: a set of Flying Sword."

Yi Tian's eyelids flicked secretly thought. This person really knows how to bid. A complete set of attacks on the Spiritual Artifact is bound to be more singular. A lot stronger. And its attribute is in line with the requirements, if there are not too many accidents, it is difficult to exceed his bid.

Sure enough, although there were people in the other boxes who expressed their willingness to bid, all the things they brought out were rejected on the spot by Crimson Clothing. From the point of view of efficacy, it was still far from him.

Yi Tian thought about it and didn't want to wait anymore, just quote a price to see the effect. Then he murmured: "Heaven Grade offensive Demonic Artifact blood refinement, Wu hook, Fei Boss estimate the price."

As soon as this statement came out, the crimson dress standing in the center showed his face. Come on with a smile. She naturally knew the voice of the speaker, and a second Demonic Artifact appeared on her auction. Recently, she has done detailed investigations on all the people coming, and it must be easy to find out who the blood Fiend Demon knife on consignment came from.

It just seems that the people in the box number one don’t want to give up on the spot and say: "This seat will add another million Spirit Stones on the basis of the Flying Sword."

Obviously He was going to die to the end, Yi Tian's expression moved slightly after hearing this, but after thinking about it, he didn't bid any more. After all, the person who can occupy Box No. 1 is naturally not a loose cultivator. Although I don’t know if the three City Lords of Diluo City have come secretly, I don’t want to get into trouble.

I was just thinking about it. Suddenly, a voice came from the second box: "Heaven Grade first-level Spiritual Artifact jasper hairpin, plus one million Spirit Stone."

This It was like interrupting with the people in Box One, so Yi Tian was even more inconvenient to speak again, but faintly smiled and waited for the result.

It seems that there are people with backgrounds in the two boxes. For a while, this problem was directly brought back to Scarlet Chang. After half a moment, she only heard that she got the call before she opened her mouth to explain: "Because the consignor took a fancy to the jasper hairpin, it was the noble guest in the second box who bid for it."

So Yi Tian understood this in his heart. In general consignment situations, the seller still has a lot of power to decide. Although the Flying Sword is good, it still ignores the seller's thoughts. I am afraid that the people in Box No. 1 will be panicked because of unprovoked eating.

I was thinking, suddenly there was a knock on the door of my box, and after a soft answer, I saw a Deity Transformation Middle Stage female cultivator in armor holding a glass jade box in both hands and left. Come in. Later, I saw her put the jade box on the table and said: "my lord has said that I want to exchange it for the Demonic Artifact Wu hook in the hands of the senior."

It is the Imperial Guard Zhonglang General Ke Zhennan , This is the first reaction flashed in Yi Tian's mind. All he is doing is that he cares so much about Demonic Artifact. Putting this thing in other places may not be what it deserves, but if he sends someone to send it over, he has absolute confidence in his own strength and is not afraid that he should not inherit it.

I want to stop saying, "If this is the case, I can't ask for it."

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