As Crimson Clothing called out the first auction item, it was heralded that the auction officially kicked off, and many cultivators present began to bid.

Because this is the way of exchanging objects first, there is a digital Divided Spirit Stage cultivator behind me to take out the medicine pill or Spiritual Artifact I brought.

But after hearing the quotations from several people, Scarlet Chang didn't show any joy on her face, but she was a little disappointed. It's just that she has been silent on the face of City Lord and the others because she is scrupulous about the face of the city Lord and the others.

Wei Qinya, who was sitting below, seemed to feel something, and immediately stretched out his hand and shouted: "I use the property rights of shops 100 to 103 in Diluocheng South Street as the exchange conditions with a hundred years. Duty-free, I don’t know what Fei Boss thinks?"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone showed a surprised look. Didn’t expect Wei Qinya to take out such real estate as an exchange for auction items. .

Yi Tian didn't know the value of those shops in Diluo City, so the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, watching how the situation develops.

There was a little smile on Crimson Chang’s face and said: "Many thanks City Lord, the four shops that are connected are definitely a good market. In addition, the 100-year tax exemption is for me in the Chamber of Commerce in Diluocheng. Taking root in development is indeed a great advantage. Just by comparing all other exchanges, this jade coral from the Asura Sea will be exchanged for Sir City Lord."

Quite a few cultivators expressed objections, as if they were a little dissatisfied with the conditions of this edition. On the contrary, Crimson Clothing strives to convert Heaven Grade ammunition and Spiritual Artifact into Spirit Stone and compares it with Wei Qinya's bargaining chips. In an instant, these values ​​are presented to everyone.

Needless to say, it is not difficult for Hongyan Club to take root in Diluo City, but it is difficult to get the support of City Lord Mansion. Thinking that Sir City Lord spoke first today, it is equivalent to making a clear statement. The scarlet suit will never brush Wei Qinya's kindness at this time.

I saw that the maid sent the auction item forward and was directly transferred to Xun King's Heir by Wei Qinya. This gift was not light. Unexpectedly, Duan Xiaolou didn't even look at it, but turned around to say thanks to Wei Qinya and accepted the thing.

The next auction process gradually went smoothly, and the City Lord was just throwing stones and asking for directions, and the rest did not participate in the auction, as if his mission today has been achieved.

As for Xun King's Heir and Imperial Guard Zhonglang, they both held their breath and did not make a move. The two seemed to cooperate very tacitly. Although there is no intersection, the divine sense will be on those trays. Scanning is like looking for something.

After the fifth auction item is presented, the flourishing jade hand in the depths of the scarlet dress gently lifts the red silk. There was a glass jade bottle inside, which contained a five-inch emerald green scorpion, but a little scarlet was hooked out of its tail. He only heard him shouting: "One Jade Blood Scorpion, one Heaven Grade intermediate offensive Spirit Treasure or five medicine pills of the same grade."

Yi Tian hearing this first turned his head and looked at it. Looking at the three people in front of you, I expected that this should be the purpose of their visit. If one of the parties speaks, he will never take action. Offending either party at this point will not be worth the loss.

Unexpectedly, none of the three of them spoke directly, and they still maintained their original uninterested appearance. Now all around, other cultivators have begun to begin to stir. Many people have quoted their own prices, but most of them are mainly Pill Master, and the exchange items are all medicine pill.

Yi Tian thoughts move, thinking that Mu Lang, the Old Guy, let himself buy True Blood of Jasper Blood Scorpion. It was not sent in vain. When he took it away, he gave himself a storage bag and said it was an exchange bid. .

Very deep into the divine sense, I found that there were two bottles of medicine pill inside, and there were labels on the bottles. After reading Yi Tian, ​​he opened the mouth and said: "A bottle of three-star solid Divine Pill, I would like to exchange it for a jasper blood scorpion."

Just after exiting, I found that there are not too many people present. Suspicious, it's just that Duan Xiaolou and Ke Zhennan, who were sitting in the upright position, turned their heads and looked at themselves at the same time.

There was a flurry of embarrassment on his face. Yi Tian noticed something was wrong in an instant, and the attitude of these two people made him fall into an awkward place. There are also many cultivators all around that have also noticed the abnormality, but they all have a smile of harboring malicious intentions on their faces, so Yi Tian only feels that the thorns are on his back.

The people who came together to bid after their bids stopped anyway. The crimson dress standing on the auction stage was shouted: "Samsung solid Divine Pill is a special product of Magic Domain. In this case, this jasper blood scorpion should be exchanged for Fellow Daoist."

Yi Tian started secretly in his heart. Thought is not good, it really is the problem of medicine pill. I still didn't know enough about it. If I knew this way, I wouldn't use the medicine pill given by Mu Lang to redeem it.

Fortunately, before I came to auction, I also made some preparations. I used the Thousand Faces technique to hide my true face. It's just that now that I have suddenly exposed my identity, I'm afraid that it will take some means to get out after the auction is over.

Fortunately, the credibility of the Hongyanhui is still good. After verifying the grade of the medicine pill in his hand, Crimson Chang directly handed over the glass jade bottle containing the jade blood scorpion.

Only when Yi Tian heard a sound transmission in his ears: "Fellow Daoist is so courageous, I can swagger to exchange things in front of the City Lord."

"I don't know what the deep meaning is in Fei Fellow Daoist's words?" Yi Tian frowned slightly, his lips moved a few times and asked.

"There are a lot of people here who are City Lord or Prince Wei. Some hot things are inconvenient for the owner to take care of others. You suddenly broke other people’s abacus. I’m afraid it’s already Alarmed them," Scarlet Chang explained again through sound transmission.

So even though Yi Tian's face doesn't change, his gaze is swiftly passing by the people present. Needless to say, there are at least five or six cultivators of the same level who are looking at themselves at the same time.

But I have never seen any battle. The three masters sitting up ahead on such occasions today would not take the action personally. At most, they were dispatched to make trouble for themselves after the auction.

Thinking of this, in Yi Tian's heart, Dading slowly walked back to the original position and sat down, but he was not afraid of the gaze cast by all around.

This time, the Crimson Dress of the Hongyan Club made herself look at her with admiration. She didn't expect to mention herself. Yi Tian's eyes flashed with brilliance, and it seemed that she could not be asked for help this time, maybe.

As soon as I was sitting down, I took the sixth auction item. After the scarlet skirt opened the red silk, the dark magic knife was exposed, and the evil spirit on it was mixed with a strong smell of blood. spread.

But Ke Zhennan, who was sitting in front of him, opened his eyes suddenly and stared at the bloody Fiend Demon knife.

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