The auction in Diluocheng was held as scheduled, but most of the cultivators that can participate in this auction are above the Divided Spirit Stage. As for the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator, if you want to participate, it can only be a kind of help. Under the leadership of Divided Spirit Stage senior, come to meet the world.

This time Yi Tian feels that it is still inappropriate to expose his identity. When entering the hall, he enters as a Divided Spirit Stage cultivator.

In this way, you don’t even need to reveal your name, just take a pseudonym and use your own cultivation base profound to change it into the auction room like this.

After I came to the main venue of this auction, I realized that many cultivators of the same level had already arrived. Only the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator could be seated in the entire venue. As for the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator that they brought, they could only stand. Serve on the side.

After entering, a waiter led to the side of the main venue to settle down, and Yi Tian roughly observed the environment all around. The venue was not only around thirty zhang, but a large group of people gathered near the auction platform, which was three feet in size, and it was not very crowded.

As for the organizer of this auction is not the City Lord guard of Di Luocheng, I learned from the waiter that the backstage Boss of this auction has gained fame in the Asura world for the past 100 years. The top Chamber of Commerce'Hongyanhui'.

Yi Tian is not interested in the background of this Chamber of Commerce. Anyway, there is no Integration Stage cultivator in the Chamber of Commerce. Sitting in the Asura realm, it is natural that he can't make any waves.

This time, my most important opponent is probably Na Hun King's Heir. Looking around all around, I really didn't see any suspicious silhouette. I sat down with my curiosity and waited.

The cultivator who came to participate in the auction in less than one hour arrived one after another. Roughly counting, there are more than twenty Divided Spirit Stage cultivators gathered here. The cultivation base of everyone is roughly distracted from Early-Stage and mid-stage, and there are few late-stage cultivators appearing.

I was thinking about it, suddenly I heard the waiter who had the news shout loudly: "City Lord Wei Qinya and Xun King's Heir Duan Xiaolou."

The words just fell off. Many cultivators on the scene stopped the wine glasses in their hands or talked at the terminal, and everyone lifted the head to look at the moved towards the entrance.

Yi Tian also turned his head and became interested in a large number. I saw a white-haired Pentecostal elder in the late stage of distraction with a youngster in his twenties who was distracted by Early-Stage. Along the way. From the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on his body, it is not difficult to see that Wei Qinya also escorted Xun King's Heir personally this time.

But judging from Wei Qinya's appearance, I am afraid that this person has been in the late stage of distraction for many years and will not be able to step into the Integration Stage. I am afraid that this will stop here in the end of his life. Moreover, the vitality of this person is not as strong as the ordinary Divided Spirit Stage cultivator. It is estimated that the life essence is less than 500 years.

As for Duan Xiaolou, although his cultivation base is not strong, he is full of vitality. It should be smooth sailing from the cultivation to the present. Such people have more potential and are more difficult to deal with than City Lord.

It's just that these have nothing to do with me, as long as it doesn't block my way.

After the two came in, all around, many familiar cultivators stepped forward to pay respect to them, and were led by the waiter to directly sit on the reserved seats in front of the auction table.

Just as the master’s eyes were drawn to the past, suddenly the voice of the reporter at the door sounded again: "Congratulations to the special envoy of Prince Wei, Master Ke Zhennan, the grandmaster of Xiaoqiying Camp."

The all around cultivator even whispered a sound transmission, it seems that Ke Zhennan's background is no smaller than Xun King's Heir.

On the other hand, Wei Qinya's face was calm and did not show the slightest difference, while Duan Xiaolou on one side browsed slightly wrinkle and turned and stared at the door to look at the people who came to look at it, which seemed quite unexpected.

Taking the performance of these people in the entire scene Yi Tian is sitting there completely motionless. Since the City Lord Wei Qinya came in, he hasn’t been flattered at all. As for the labor-management riding camp. Lang Jiang Ke Zhennan didn't take it seriously either.

These people have grown up in high positions. I really don’t know how many catties and how many taels do. Look at Ke Zhennan's cultivation base as in the late stage of distraction, but the level of spiritual power condensed in him is still a little worse than that of City Lord Wei Qinya.

I saw him stride to near the reserved seat in the center and moved towards Wei Qinya next to him and the others greeted him and did so.

After listening to the sound of the gong later, two teams of female cultivators walked out of the backstage of the auction house. These women have the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base. There are as many as fourteen people in a team of seven with a tray in their hands. What is placed on the tray must be today's auction item, covered with red silk cloth to isolate everyone's divine sense.

As a result, the many cultivators present cannot rely on divine sense to find out where their favorite things are, but there are still many people with surprised looks. Compared to these people who should have known the auction list for a long time, now there are four more items for no reason.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he sat and looked at the fourteen trays in front of him without changing his expression, but in his heart he secretly wondered where the two Heavenly Grade Spiritual Artifacts he took out would be placed. .

Originally, I had already taken out a blood demon blade through the way of Qufa, but after thinking about it, I also took out the rune pen and the Spirit Beast leather from the storage ring and rushed to work for a while. Pieces of animal skin talisman. It's just that this animal skin talisman was blessed with Buddhist Sect's Vajra Talisman spell, so that offensive Demonic Artifact and defensive Buddhist Sect talisman can appear at the same time in this auction.

Such a demon and a Buddha can indirectly introduce the forces of Demon Race and Buddhist Sect into confusion.

When the middleman is seated again, a female cultivator in the middle stage of distraction walks from behind the stage. There is some extravagance between this person's eyebrows, and he is expected to be the host of the auction.

After lightly coughed, the female cultivator opened the mouth and said: "I am the deacon Elder of the Hongyan Club, and the host of today’s auction. I’ve met you Sir City Lord first and honor King’s Heir. , Xiaoqiying Zhonglang and you will pass."

Yi Tian followed her words and glanced over the three people sitting up ahead and found that Wei Qinya and Duan Xiaolou had normal faces.

It's just that Ke Zhennan's complexion seems to be slightly moved, and he seems to be uncomfortable with such limited politeness. It is expected that this person should be a leader, so he will behave like this.

Crimson clothes is also a long-sleeved good song, and then the topic is changed to the main topic. After all, the cultivators here are all for the treasures of the auction this time. I am immune to her act coquettishly appearance for a long time.

Just listen to the red lips of the scarlet skirt lightly said: "So the auction starts, the bidders can proceed with the exchange of goods first, the Chamber of Commerce free Treasure Appraiser is there to listen to the task, if there is any uncertainty about the stock price of your treasure You can ask on the spot. The first auction item is a pruned emerald coral in the Asura Sea."

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