After Yun Lin left, the banquet taught by Asura was officially over. Before Yi Tian returned to Cave Mansion, he received a message from Mu Lang early.

Actually, I know the other party's intentions in my heart, but this time I can't let myself go. Now that Yun Lin had spoken, it was estimated that Mu Lang was determined not to go against her will and open a back door for herself in private.

Think about my own strength. If the cultivation base can break through the bottleneck of the Divided Spirit Stage to the Integration Stage, I am afraid that Yunlin would not dare to speak to herself like this.

The trouble is that the cultivation technique of Lihuo Palace is subject to many restrictions. At this time, Yi Tian couldn't help but think of the words of Wuye Sect Founder back then. The Secret Realm in the Nine Realms of the Shangling Nine Realms is the first one in the Asura world, but the advancement in the Asura Secret Realm in the Asura Queen’s palace is estimated to cause a lot of commotion.

But now I have been targeted by a powerful cultivator in the Asura world. If I can't have a breakthrough, I will always be a knife. I can't tolerate any resistance to the fish.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian still feels that it is better to stabilize the position first and see the tricks, at least to see Mu Lang to see what he has to say this time, or what benefits he can get from him.

The status of Yi Tian in the Asura Church today has rapidly improved with the battle of that banquet. Those Divided Spirit Stage cultivators in the teaching now see the silhouette of Yi Tian bowed their heads and praised them, and those low-level cultivators are even more admired.

Yi Tian didn't want to be too entangled in the affairs of Asura's teaching. After walking all the way, he just transformed into an azure glow and flashed quickly.

After a short while, I came to the private Cave Mansion in Mu Lang, the deepest part of the church. I saw the cave door opened wide and just got my feet on the ground, I heard the voice from the inside of Cave Mansion: "Fellow Daoist Yi is here. Now, please get in quickly."

Hearing this, the azure glow flew directly into the hole after the flashing, and then the restriction outside the hole slowly closed.

Wait when Yi Tian entered the depths of Cave Mansion, his eyes swept to see Mu Lang sitting in the middle, he slowly walked forward and sat down on the stone futon in front of him. Later, he was unhappy and opened the mouth and said: "Is the pasture of Fellow Daoist a bit too much this time? I was caught up by the Integration Stage cultivator because I was caught by the integration stage cultivator. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the future."

Mu Lang's face showed some shame and said: "This time it's the old man, it's not that Fellow Daoist Yi is affected, but I must have Senior Yun looking for you and the opportunity?"

I guessed that Yun Lin would probably reveal some wind to Mu Lang, and Yi Tian directly explained Yun Lin's demands briefly without concealing it at the moment.

Although the latter's face seemed calm after hearing this, the surprised expression in his eyes was undoubtedly revealed. After listening, he replied with a wry smile: "Frankly, Senior Yun had already warned me not to let you go when he left, otherwise the entire Asura will not be able to get her asylum. At this time, Fellow Daoist Yi, please bear with me. "

It was expected that Yunlin would monitor her whereabouts, but she didn't expect that she would directly use the safety of the entire Asura teacher as a bargaining chip. It seems that Mu Lang is refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. He is determined not to violate Yunlin’s meaning. Now that he is in the Asura world, if you want to cross the boundary to other interfaces, you have to get the Integration Stage cultivator. The consent of the person will do.

Or you can bring the cultivation progress to the Integration Stage and you don’t have to look at the face of the Integration Stage cultivator anymore.

After thinking about it, my face remained unchanged and said: "At this time, I know about Fellow Daoist’s difficulties, and that’s the previous agreement. Now I have agreed to Yunlin’s offer to assist the people she chooses to go to the Asura world. The trial of Secret Realm in Fire is about to start soon."

After listening to Mu Lang, he knew that he was playing by the question, and it was naturally unhappy that he was forced to be a strong man. Nowadays, after a few sentences, it is natural to have the meaning of refusal.

It’s just that others have never seen anything like an old man, and a faint smile appeared on his face after his gaze swept away: “Fellow Daoist Yi doesn’t need to be angry. It’s really an old man that embarrass Fellow Daoist at this time. I prepared a small gift to express my apologies and I hope to smile."

After speaking, I took a palm-size Spiritual Artifact out of my arms and pushed it gently in the air, and said, "This I have been collecting things in my place for two thousand years and have not been able to find out the mystery inside, and I have no chance to come to me. Since you appeared, this thing has always shined with strange rays of light. I think maybe you will be the fated person."

Yi Tian's eyes flashed brightly and saw that in the aura in front of him was a palm-size primitive round wheel, with different rune characters on both sides.

Needless to say, this should be the'horoscope wheel' that Luo Yao keep on saying had to redeem before, but such a heavy treasure Mu Lang would actually hand it over directly, which made Yi Tian's face a little hesitant. Should I take it?

After a tentative question: "This is the Sect Protecting Treasure of your sect, so it’s easy to give it to you. If Prince Wei sends someone to ask for it, I’m afraid that the pastoral Fellow Daoist will not be able to take care of it alone. "

Mu Lang did say with a big smile: "This thing has been stored in this sect for more than two thousand years. It was originally a treasure given by the former Queen Asura. I am just a caretaker that's all. "

"Since it is given by the modern queen, it must be only Asura clansman can use it. If it is given to the next, wouldn't it be meaningless for the Pearl to cast it secretly," Yi Tian distinguished.

Mu Lang's sighed face also showed some look of hesitation, and then a trace and soberness and calm flashed in his eyes and said: "The words are correct. To use the astrology wheel, the Asura family must be cultivated. The Great Accomplishment of technique cultivation can only be achieved. That is to achieve Luo Yao's six-purpose dharmakaya state, but I found that since you came to this sect, this thing often reflects the illusory shadow, which I have never seen before. Past situation."

"Oh, what is the illusory shadow?" Yi Tian asked with a frown.

"Well, this matter is nothing to do with you, I just hope that you will have the opportunity to crack the inner mystery in the future," Mu Lang thought for a while and replied.

Then the origin of this astrological wheel was revealed. It turned out that this object was originally a token kept in the hands of Asura empresses of the past dynasties. It only needs to be used with the'Asura Destiny Book' to use it to fortune Asura clansman's luck.

Nowadays, although it can be used without getting it together, it is only inferior to the two Spiritual Artifacts, and it also needs to be used with the Asura family cultivation technique. Therefore, Mu Lang has deep doubts about this, but this "horoscope" has been used for several decades, and from time to time there will be projections from it. This is something that has never happened before.

Recall that during this period of time, the whole Asura taught up and down and nothing significant happened, except for his own arrival.

Yi Tian knows this very well. Although he has not displayed the Asura Dharma body since he entered the Asura world, he can restore the imprint left by Luo Ziyan on his forehead behind him. Gradually there are signs of activity. Needless to say, if there is no connection, it is absolutely impossible.

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