After listening to Yun Lin’s explanation, Yi Tian suddenly felt that his head was as big as a fight. Let’s not talk about how to face Luo Ziyan and Luo Yao alone is a cooperator.

In the reception banquet this time, I have already lost his face, I am afraid that after this incident, the other party will hold grudges even if it doesn't happen on the face.

If you cooperate with him to go to Asura Secret Realm, I am afraid that there is still a very unstable factor around him, and he will bite back anytime and anywhere.

Yun Lin seems to have thought about it a long time ago, and her face changed slightly: "In fact, it is helpless to find Luo Yao's helper. There are not many Divided Spirit Stage cultivators that I can use. Even if the cultivation base is the same as Luo Yao, the strength is far inferior."

"It’s not that Junior doesn’t want to help, but I have a lot of worries in my heart. If senior can give a reasonable explanation, then I’m still I can think about it," Yi Tian didn't rush to deny it. It's better to let her retreat from such a powerful cultivator as Yunlin, otherwise it would be hard for me to really provoke the other party.

"You can speak bluntly, if you have any concerns, just let it go if I can't give you a satisfactory answer," Yun Lin replied, but there is still a slight worry on her face Fleeting.

Yi Tian happily said in the center of his eyes: "The feeling of the other party is not too sure about this. This time it is to drive the duck to the shelves. As long as you pick out the problem and force him to make a choice, you need to be able to justify it. I left."

I wanted to stop pretending to be contemplative, lowered his head and said: "Junior has a few questions in his mind. First of all, I don’t know that the three combined cultivator recommenders are What kind of cultivation base is it?"

"The three of them are all distracted Early-Stage cultivation bases, and they all have completed the Asura Dharma body state with six eyes," Yun Lin replied.

Speaking of the complete Asura Dharma body state, Yi Tian has a lot of doubts in his heart. Luo Yao's strength is obviously above the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator. It is estimated that his cultivation is in a complete form, but why the people taught by Asura are to jointly sacrifice the Dharma body in a three-in-one form.

Thinking of this, I started a different topic and asked this question specifically. didn't expect Yun Lin didn't have any doubts on her face but she said with approval: "Little friend Yi is really meticulous. In fact, it is not surprising that your foreign cultivator has this question. The main reason is Dynasty in According to the rules of the last ages, as long as the cultivator out of the Asura real body can enter the inner court to study another divine sense three-point Divine Ability, so as to complete the whole spell of the Dharma body image."

"divine The sense is three points," Yi Tian said in his mouth, but he was surprised in his heart, thinking that this set of spells back then was before the cultivation technique cultivation of the Law Body. But when I got to the Asura world, I discovered that the order was reversed.

Looking at Yunlin's expression, she didn't seem to be lying to herself, but at this time she still needs to confirm it. After three breaths, he raised his head and asked: "I don't know how powerful this divine sense third-part technique is. It has to be cultivated in the Divided Spirit Stage. For example, if Luo Yao is cultivation, he can do three things at the same time to control the Dharma body. Three Heads Six Arms are completely used as three independent individuals?"

After talking about Yi Tian, ​​I realized that he seemed to be asking too much. Fortunately, Luo Yao was mentioned in the second half of the sentence. As a shield, if the opponent suspects that he is determined, he would say that he wants to know more about Asura's clan status so that he can make targeted moves in the future.

Yunlin nodded replied: "The three divisions of the divine sense are the basic cultivation technique of the Asura Dharmakaya. After the cultivation, the divine sense can be strengthened. When it is strong enough, the divine sense can be divided into three. It is logical to use Asura Dharmakaya. As for how to be powerful, you have already learned how to fight against Luo Yao, so I don’t need to say more about this."

"That's that, it's just Junior There is a little puzzle in my mind. Since the three points of the divine sense are the basis of the cultivation technique, why did the cultivation only be done after the Divided Spirit Stage? Does the Imperial Family hold this card to control the Asura clansman?" Yi Tian didn't mean it. Tao.

When Yun Lin heard this, she shook her head helplessly: "I guess you will doubt it. Just like other outside cultivators think, they have some prejudice against my Asura Imperial Family."

"Junior dare not, just listen to what the senior says will make you think about it, but the facts prove that the guess is not unreasonable. Like Asura teaches three people to work together to barely use part of the power of the Dharma body, but when it is changed to Luo Yao, it is not unreasonable. The strength can completely crush the previous three people," Yi Tian sighed for a while.

"It’s true, speaking of which divine sense third-part technique can be cultivation in cultivation Early-Stage. It’s just that there’s no one in ten of them, and most of them are caused by forcibly tearing the divine sense. Insanity or improper cultivation, it’s impossible to train the divine sense into three points and finally just split the divine sense in half and become a weird person with a dual personality," Yunlin explained, and there was also a trace of loneliness in her eyes. , It is obvious that the situation mentioned in the mouth must have happened around him.

Seeing this, Yi Tian knows that he should have touched the other side's past, so it is best to stop here. This is more appropriate, and at the same time, I secretly thanked myself that I did not make any mistakes when I practiced the exercises, otherwise I would probably not escape a delusional ending.

Yi Tian once again said: "I have some opinions about the senior's proposal. I don't know if I should talk about it?"

"But it doesn't matter," Yun Lin replied.

"If you need me to take action, Luo Yao will definitely not be able to follow. Although he and I can't tell you any deep hatred, we have already formed Liangzi on the scene today, I am afraid that there will be gaps in our cooperation in the future," Yi Tian Tao.

"You don't need to worry too much at this time, I will plant a restriction in Luo Yao's Divine Soul, so you don't need to be afraid that he will not work hard anymore," Yun Linzhi said with concern. .

"I'm afraid that the senior will plot against in the end and will make someone else's wedding dress. According to Luo Yao's attitude, he must be on the side of Prince Wei, even if you are under the Divine Soul ban, it may not be true. I am convinced, and as far as I know, there are no less than three ways to untie the restriction of the Integration Stage cultivator," Yi Tian said with a worried expression on his face, like this strong twisted melon is not sweet to give up or to give up.

Yun Lin sighed and said: "What Xiaoyou Yi said is extremely true, but I also suffer from no one to use. For example, Luo Yao is leaning toward Prince Wei, but he is also a crude in most matters. , but subtle in some people. And I have been willing to help out many times in private with me."

"Isn't the senior afraid of him turning back?" Yi Tian said in a puzzled way, a person like this In my opinion, stepping on two boats is the place that is most needed. Maybe in Asura Secret Realm, I have sold the candidates directly for personal gain.

Who knows, Yun Lin smiled and shook her head and said: "He won’t. Many clansman behind him are under my control. As for his purpose, I also know that I can reveal this. All you have is to let go and do it, Luo Yao will not become a stumbling block for you, on the contrary, he will never give up this excellent opportunity to bet bilaterally."

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