After some exchanges with Luo Jinzhong in the assault boat, Yi Tian finally has a preliminary understanding of the current situation in the Asura world. What made me more interested was the mission that Siling carried on this time. Since Luo Ziyan was willing to let her sneak out and send someone to escort her to teach in Asura, there must be an ulterior secret in this.

Looking at Luo Ziyan herself in the Asura dynasty, I’m afraid she was unsatisfactory.

Don't look at her as a queen, she can't make the final decision until her strength reaches the Integration Stage. What's more, even if her strength reaches the Integration Stage, her cultivation base one against two is not enough to deal with the two princes.

People must be the veteran Integration Stage cultivator, although they may have exhausted their advanced potential, they can almost be regarded as a senior cultivator in their realm. Now the power of the Asura world is almost controlled by them. If you want to seizing food from the tiger's mouth, you need not only the determination to fight the tiger, but also the strength to fight the tiger.

Along the way, the little girl Siling was driving the flying boat intently and did not talk to the two of them. From her eyes, Yi Tian could find that she had a deep guard against herself. It seems that the previous experience also made her more vigilant, unless she used Soul-Searching Art herself, she would never get any useful news in her mouth.

Yi Tian doesn't care about this, anyway, after arriving in the magical domain, I will talk about the situation after inquiring about the situation in Asura. I don't know how to take things to my body for no reason. It's better to take things easy.

A few days later, the assault boat dashed into an area covered by a gray sky, and continued to fly along this road for a long time. Before ten thousand li, it was finally found that there was a cultivation town. building.

In the cabin, Yi Tian walked to the window and door, and the purple light flashed in his eyes, and found that the ten thousand li was a huge cultivation town, and its scale was not much larger than that of Old Feng City.

I suddenly felt that the resources of the Asura world didn't expect to be so rich. Even in such a borderland where resources are extremely scarce, it is possible to build a cultivation town of this size. In other words, what size the main city of the Asura Imperial Family will be, I can't think about it in my heart. It is really a lack of resources that limits my resemblance.

When the flying boat approached the cultivation town thousands of miles away, a dozens cultivator stopped in the air and intercepted the flying boat. As a person in charge, Siling appeared to be high-spirited and vigorous at this time, and took Luo Jinzhong out of the cabin to negotiate with the opposite person.

Yi Tian is also funny in his heart. Such a little girl also has no eyesight, but to avoid suspicion, it is better to speak as little as possible. Divine sense scanned the outside world and found that most of the cultivators that intercepted were Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base, and the leader was a Deity Transformation Middle Stage cultivator who was equal to Luo Jinzhong’s cultivation base. These people are wearing clothes similar to Luo Jinzhong, but with an Asura statue mark embroidered on the back.

Luo Jinzhong mentioned that these marks are the orthodox emblems of the Asura dynasty. Obviously, this is also the recognition of the status of the Asura Empress. Only the attitude of disdain for the two princes will become a third-party power. .

After the other party's inquiry, Siling revealed the token in his hand, and the battallion crew in the sky quietly withdrew, thinking that they passed the interrogation.

After Siling and the two returned to the cabin, they continued to drive the assault boat towards the giant town in front of them, and soon they came outside the city gate.

Retract the flying vehicle Yi Tian, ​​converge on the body's breath and suppress the cultivation base in the Deity Transformation Middle Stage and Luo Jinzhong's appearance, and then follow the two to enter through the special passage of the city gate.

Along the way, Yi Tian found that although this town occupies a favorable terrain, there are two large-scale spirit veins converging underground. But the number of cultivators in the city is less than Wind City 1/4/2021, so it seems that some places are still very depressed. Most of the flow of people still hit the main areas, needless to say, most of them are close to the central authority of Asura.

A moment later, when the three of them came to the tallest building in the city, they were stopped. This time Siling could not enter even if he showed the token in his hand. But later the three of them invited directly into the post on the side to have a rest. The person who sent the message only left the sentence "Sect Lord retreat, please don't be impatient, wait a few days, and wait for Sect Lord to leave." I will be summoned."

There is no way for the Siling little girl, even if she is unwilling in her heart. She has the mission of the new empress to be loyal to her duty and make things half done. If the people who hated the Asura Sect can’t see the Sect Lord, everything is for nothing, so I have to patiently reply, and at the same time take out a lot of money to bribe the cultivator on duty and ask them to immediately inform the movement of Sect Lord.

Since the arrival of Zhi Anzhi, after the three people entered the post, Yi Tian didn't need to be wordy and simply asked the room to claim that he was going to retreat before the meeting, so he went into the room and didn't come out.

In fact, this is not the case. After entering the guest room, you directly took out and blocked Formation to seal all around, and your silhouette was transformed into a transparent and disappeared in place.

After stealth came to the outside world, Yi Tian walked slowly in the street, faintly discernable wearing a cloak of astringent breath to suppress the breath, but the silhouette was shadowed into the void. With his current strength, I am afraid that only the old monster of the Integration Stage can detect his existence.

Before, every time I entered the city, I had already used divine sense to scan this area quietly, and found that there were no fewer than ten cultivators in this Asura cult with the Divided Spirit Stage cultivation base. Among them, the strongest is in the hall of Sect Lord, with about six people gathered in the area of ​​thousand zhang.

As for the other four, they were stationed near the front of East, South, West, and North. The cultivation base of these people ranges from distracting Early-Stage to late stage, but there is only one who really hit the late stage, the remaining three mid-stage cultivators, and the rest are Early-Stage. Mind trembling Yi Tian showed a sneer on his face, so it can be said that with his own strength in the Asura teaching, it can be said to be in the realm of no one.

However, this Asura teaching arouses my own interest. It is very interesting that dísciple cultivation Imperial Family cultivation technique can be cultivated in preaching. Stepping into the main entrance of the Holy See, Yi Tian looked at the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator who was on duty below with disdain, and with his own cultivation base, he would not be noticed even if he stood beside them.

After crossing the long corridor to the main hall, there is a huge mural of Asura dharma idol's body in front of me. The painter on it has seven points of imagination with Luo Ziyan, but it is definitely not her.

As for the appearance of its Three Heads Six Arms, it is almost the same as what I knew before, and it is all the "bloody, killing and violent" side of the Asura cultivator.

The two main hands on the mural are holding the Sun and Moon's Splendor wheel, one green and one red are performing the two tricks of covering the sun and the moon.

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