It is Yi Tian’s exclusive car that an assault boat rides briskly across the sky. Sitting in the cabin at this time, a little girl, Siling, is driving the moved towards the distant sky and flies directly. go with. Although this little girl has obviously never experienced flying boats, she can quickly grasp the key points under Yi Tian's guidance.

At this time, Yi Tian was chatting with Luo Jinzhong all the way, and from his mouth, he had a preliminary understanding of the current situation in the Asura world. Although the entire dynasty was ruled by the queen in name, in fact the queen basically did not care, and the power in his hands was directly under the jurisdiction of the two princes.

As for Luo Jinzhong, he is just a small leader in the imperial city Imperial Guard, but his surname gives him great convenience. Although it is only a distant relative of the Imperial Family, one can also get a glimpse of the Asura Dharma figure cultivated by the Imperial Family cultivation technique.

It’s just that he came into contact with this cultivation technique late. He was approved for cultivation after entering the Nascent Soul Stage, so when the cultivation progress reached the Divine Transformation Stage, he only refined the Small Success Realm with the cultivation technique. . The dharma idol illusory shadow that can be refined behind has not yet reached its realm.

But what was unexpected to Yi Tian was that dharma idol was able to display the supporting Divine Ability Art. Compared to the dharma idol who came out of cultivation at the beginning of the year, it’s better than a little bit. .

Yi Tian knew in his heart that when he got such a cultivation technique, he learned that the earlier the cultivation, the higher the probability of success in coagulating the dharma idol body. It is estimated that the Asura Imperial Family deliberately limited the cultivation technique to maintain the absolute advantage of the Imperial Family.

In my heart, I feel extremely disgusted with this kind of practice, but I can think of it as an arrangement for the Imperial Family.

In addition, Luo Jinzhong also mentioned that the Imperial Family will hold an audition for those young children every ten years. Anyone who is selected can have the honor to enter the Imperial Guard reserve cultivation of the Imperial Family clan. Xiang Rong, like the previous one, came along this road, but his credit failed to reach the predetermined amount, otherwise he could cultivation Asura Transformation.

But from Luo Jinzhong’s mouth, I learned that in order to exchange the credit for the cultivation technique, most of them need to accumulate to the Divine Transformation Stage and the cultivation base is barely enough. Yi Tian knew in his heart that even if he got the cultivation technique, it was nothing but that's all, but this was the only way for the civilian cultivator in the Asura world to be promoted.

The cultivation materials of the overwhelming majority are controlled by the Imperial Family. Only cultivators who have passed the Asura Transformation cultivation technique can have the opportunity to participate in the imperial assessment. After passing the assessment, you can take charge of this party and get more cultivation resources at the same time.

So in the current Asura dynasty, most of the people who control the government are still in the original Imperial Family. Even the two regent princes still have the Imperial Family bloodline cultivator, which is said to be two or three generations older than Luo Ziyan.

It is precisely because of their existence in this circle of royal forces that the entire Asura world will have one iron bucket. Even if the number of people is only one-tenth of Spirit Realm's, the overall strength is still ranked first in Nine Realms. .

However, in the past five thousand years, an emerging force has emerged in the Asura world. Asura teaches to be entrenched in the peripheral zone of this world. Although there is no Integration Stage cultivator in this force, there are more than a dozen Divided Spirit Stage cultivators. Most of them strayed into Asura's cultivator from the lower realms, but the founder was an authentic Asura Imperial Family.

I heard that it was because certain things did not agree with the political opinions of several princes, so I walked away from the other side to stand on top of the mountain in anger. But what was unexpected was that the Asura Dynasty would even acquiesce in the existence of this force and from start to finish did not send troops to encircle and suppress them.

What's more, the former Queen of the Asura tribe also specially admitted in public the legitimacy of the existence of the Asura religion.

As a result, the people below can no longer raise objections to this matter. Over time, the marginalized Asura Sect gradually grows stronger after thousands of years of development. It's just that in the eyes of the two princes, it's just clown that's all. Without the Integration Stage cultivator, it's always impossible to be a big climate.

Either one of them can lead soldiers to level the Asura teacher easily. If it weren't for the face of the former Queen Asura, I'm afraid they would have done it a long time ago.

But now the position of the Asura teacher has become the only paradise in this world. A cultivator of any race can find a place there, and over time it has become a paradise in the Asura world.

But the high-rank cultivator knows that the current peace is only maintained when the Sect Lord was built. Once he passes away, the two princes within the dynasty will definitely take the opportunity to attack. A big cleaning is inevitable.

Fortunately, the Asura teacher had foreseen the probability of this situation a long time ago, and the Asura Transformation cultivation technique was released thousands of years ago. Let a group of cultivators who have just entered the Nascent Soul Stage start cultivation as soon as possible. The idea goes without saying that they want to surpass the dynasty in the cultivation of newcomers.

In other words, the inherent model of the original Asura dynasty is no longer suitable for the current era. However, because the government is controlled by the two princes, the newcomers are unable to come forward. This Asura Sect Lord is trying to break the stereotype in a different way.

From this, it seems that the previous generation of Asura Empress’s indifference to this is also unique. When I saw this Great Ascension cultivator, I was also observing to see if this Asura taught Sect Lord Whether to inject new vitality into the stagnant pool of dynasty.

After I figured it out, Yi Tian began to plan for himself carefully, and to put it bluntly, he didn't want to come to the Asura world. This time, I came here because of a mistake. The best plan for my own action is to go to Monster Realm through the two-way gate of the Asura world.

But looking at Siling and Luo Jinzhong in front of them, it seems that these two people are also Interesting. Putting a good Imperial Guard commander and not doing it, but guarding a Nascent Soul Stage female cultivator and running all the way, there is a problem in itself that is unclear.

After looking at it, he directly sound transmission said: "Since you mean Ling like this, it means that she has extraordinary significance to you. I don't know what you plan to do next?"

Luo Jinzhong's eyes were also full of confusion, and later he straightened his expression and said: "I'm just a martial artist that's all, and the duty of the Imperial Guard is to be the queen Your Majesty. For the order of His Majesty, you can ignore life and death. Since I received the Queen’s Secret Order this time, I will definitely perform my duties faithfully. As for the specific matters, Siling will handle it. I don’t know about it. My task is to send Si Young Lady Ling to the magical realm unharmed. In the Asura teacher."

Yi Tian is the first time I have heard that the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator has to follow the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator. If it’s a little girl like Siling in Spirit Realm, dare I'm afraid that this kind of performance in front of the high-rank cultivator has been destroyed many times.

Luo Jinzhong finally avoided Siling’s eyes and carried her silent sound transmission, saying: "She is the maid where the queen sits down. Naturally, she is dissatisfied with you calling Your Majesty directly. ."

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